The same target as the previous day-the Kronprinz Bridge near Engers--was scheduled for attack. On this occasion, (19) crews were given briefings at 0500 and 0600 hours with 18 starting take-off at 0830. A total of 15 bombers went over the target which was again obscured by low clouds, all bombing by GH methods. It was later known that the target was struck with fair accuracy. A total of 43 1000- and 2000-pound GP bombs impacted the target area. Friendly fighter support improved considerably from the previous day's mission and no enemy aircraft were sighted. AA fire was light and inaccurate but one returning Liberator was battle damaged. All returned safely around 1440 hours.
On this date, Gen Kepner sent a teletype which directed that "The following message from General Spaatz will be disseminated to all personnel. Quote: Preparing for the stubbornly contested battle between us and final Allied victory, the end of the year finds the military might of the united nations poised on the borders of Germany. In order that we may face the future with faith and confidence, the vast strength of the air, sea, and ground forces are united in the final campaign to destroy the enemy's power. For their outstanding achievement during the past year, the men and women of the Eighth Air Force are commended and congratulated. In blasting a highway into the European continent your performance has been incomparable and your success in executing the strategic bombing program merits the highest praise. The attention of the world is focused on the battlefield at the beginning of this new year. All know that the men and women of the Eighth Air Force will perform their tasks with the highest degree of efficiency to assure final Allied victory and return to our homes. A happy new year from all of us. Signed: Spaatz"
2 Jan 1945 576th Sqdn. A/C 659 |
P Steck, R.O. 2nd Lt. CP Quinn, E.J. 2nd Lt. N Jost, E.G. F/O B Gross, E.B. 2nd Lt. E Lewis, M.M. Sgt. R Parker, R.M. Sgt. RW Jacobson, C.R. Sgt. LW Thompson, W.J. Sgt. BT - - TG Peters, R.P. Sgt. |
2 Jan 1945 576th Sqdn. A/C 557 |
P Ross, J.E. 2nd Lt. CP Crane, F.D. 2nd Lt. N Richner, G.C. F/O NG Hester, T.G. S/Sgt. E Albright, H.B. S/Sgt. R Agnew, T.G. S/Sgt. RW Brooks, V.B. S/Sgt. LW Blackburn, W.F. S/Sgt. BT Arnold, E.R. S/Sgt. TG - - |
2 Jan 1945 576th Sqdn. A/C 991 |
P Wolak, S. 2nd Lt. CP Willett, C.E. 2nd Lt. N Longenecker, J.R. 2nd Lt. B Kutner, J.M. 2nd Lt. E Bobish, A. S/Sgt. R Murphy, R.C. Sgt. RW Czop, J.A. Sgt. LW Ruigh, R.E. Sgt. BT Hightower, W.H. S/Sgt. TG Schick, F.W. Sgt. |
2 Jan 1945 576th Sqdn. A/C 409 |
P DePalma, F.T. 2nd Lt. CP Austin, G.E. 2nd Lt. N Herzig, H. 2nd Lt. B Margarones, J.J. 2nd Lt. E Betterini, A. S/Sgt. R Corbosiero, J.L. S/Sgt. RW Bryan, C.F. S/Sgt. LW Mowery, H.J. S/Sgt. BT - - TG Ferdinando, A.P. S/Sgt. |
2 Jan 1945 577th Sqdn. A/C 238 (no mission credit) |
P Shaw, B.R. 2nd Lt. CP Bachman, L.W. 2nd Lt. N Anstey, M.P. F/O B - - E Kedenburg, J.H. Sgt. R Sturm, W.A. Sgt. RW Perlingiero, C.P. Sgt. LW Rice, W.W. Sgt. BT Hoover, R.C. Sgt. TG Schunke, C.W. Sgt. |
2 Jan 1945 577th Sqdn. A/C 636 |
P Koza, F. 1st Lt. CP Wilcoxson, R.H. 1st Lt. N Stillwagon, V.H. 1st Lt. B Solomon, A.A. 1st Lt. E Roberts, M.J. T/Sgt. R Rubin, G. T/Sgt. RW Johnson, J.T. S/Sgt. LW Purcell, L.J. S/Sgt. BT - - TG Dunn, T.C. S/Sgt. |
2 Jan 1945 577th Sqdn. A/C 151 |
P Popek, E. 2nd Lt. CP Henry, H.E. 2nd Lt. N Frederickson, L.T. 2nd Lt. B Zeanah, T. S/Sgt. E Bombardier, W.J. T/Sgt. R Yuhas, G. T/Sgt. RW Thompson, J.R. S/Sgt. LW Trofnoff, F. S/Sgt. BT - - TG Swee, F.A. S/Sgt. |
2 Jan 1945 577th Sqdn. A/C 164 |
P Dodson, G.H. 2nd Lt. CP LeFevre, L.P. 2nd Lt. N Fletcher, W.J. 2nd Lt. B Hochard, H.H. Cpl. E Herrera, D.R. Cpl. R Green, J.M. Cpl. R Steins, D.C. T/Sgt. RW Allendorf, V.G. Cpl. LW Peterson, F.H. Cpl. BT - - TG Jenkins, C.E. Cpl. |
2 Jan 1945 578th Sqdn. A/C 315 |
P Sturm, W.A. 1st Lt. CP Jurczyn, B.J. 2nd Lt. N Rawlings, J.L. 2nd Lt. B Neetz, R.E. F/O E LaChance, D.E. T/Sgt. R Brown, J.C. T/Sgt. RW Lingle, J.A.H. S/Sgt. LW McCormick, J.E. S/Sgt. BT - - TG Huff, R.H. S/Sgt. RCM Harvie, W.M. S/Sgt. |
2 Jan 1945 578th Sqdn. A/C 772 |
P Cerrato, V.H. 2nd Lt. CP Addison, A.E. 2nd Lt. N Marcelli, A.F. 2nd Lt. B Ramos, R.W. Jr. F/O E Lee, R.M. S/Sgt. R Ewell, A.J. S/Sgt. RW Burrell, M.L. S/Sgt. LW Lamson, P.M. S/Sgt. BT - - TG Warwick, F.W. S/Sgt. |
2 Jan 1945 578th Sqdn. A/C 838 (no mission credit) |
P Joyce, J.F. F/O CP Bowman, J.A. 2nd Lt. N McQuade, R.N. F/O B - - E Albino, A. T/Sgt. R Brown, J.F. T/Sgt. RW Gorham, R.L. S/Sgt. LW Kurkomelis, G.C. S/Sgt. BT Andrews, Q.Q. S/Sgt. TG Richter, R.H. S/Sgt. |
2 Jan 1945 578th Sqdn. A/C 240 |
P Tokarsky, A. 2nd Lt. CP Moore, M.R. F/O N King, F.S. F/O B Ross, W. S/Sgt. E Dowling, R.L. S/Sgt. R Vivero, D.L. S/Sgt. RW Ridge, B.E. S/Sgt. LW Granzow, L.J. S/Sgt. BT Weissbeck, E.A. Sgt. TG - - |
2 Jan 1945 578th Sqdn. A/C 792 |
P Bilz, J.J. 2nd Lt. CP Slayter, D.W. 2nd Lt. N Barnes, J.M. 2nd Lt. B Overman, D.T. 2nd Lt. E Grout, A.G. T/Sgt. R Fahrenbruch, K.G. T/Sgt. RW Poepping, R.F. S/Sgt. LW Beals, B.M. S/Sgt. BT - - TG Ludwig, D.J. S/Sgt. NG Hartman, H.R. 1st Lt. |
2 Jan 1945 578th Sqdn. A/C 186 |
P Mayer, E.H. 2nd Lt. CP Fligge, S.G. 2nd Lt. N Burros, R.S. 2nd Lt. B Crosby, P.E. 2nd Lt. E Fickel, S.A. T/Sgt. R Hatfield, H.C. T/Sgt. RW Gibson, C.P. S/Sgt. LW Robinson, M.M. S/Sgt. BT - - TG Fulton, C.E. S/Sgt. |
2 Jan 1945 578th Sqdn. A/C 446 |
P Adsit, B.D. 2nd Lt. CP Weber, M. F/O N Wedgeworth, Q.R. 2nd Lt. B - - E McDonald, R.C. S/Sgt. R Close, H.R. S/Sgt. RW Ritty, P.M. Sgt. LW Anderson, W.G. Sgt. BT Timmons, K.L. Sgt. TG Taylor, H.T. Sgt. |
2 Jan 1945 578th Sqdn. A/C 235 |
P Kwash, R.H. 1st Lt. CP Gulacsik, A. 1st Lt. N Moos, J.C. 1st Lt. B Lassins, E.G. 1st Lt. E Yarber, H.W. T/Sgt. R Clough, R.W. T/Sgt. RW Denter, W.S. S/Sgt. LW Callahan, E.M. PFC BT - - TG Sandusky, D.L. S/Sgt. S-27 Roth, E.A. S/Sgt. |
2 Jan 1945 579th Sqdn. A/C 128 |
P Benson, A.L. 1st Lt. CP Singer, S. 1st Lt. N Reichl, J.G. 1st Lt. B Connery, M.J. 1st Lt. E Henning, W.C. T/Sgt. R Wickens, R.S. T/Sgt. RW Hackney, S.H. S/Sgt. LW Bowen, W.H. S/Sgt. BT - - TG Chatterton, G.A. S/Sgt. PN Guhin, M.E. 1st Lt. NV Bailey, D.C. 2nd Lt. |
2 Jan 1945 579th Sqdn. A/C 459 |
CA Keilman, M.H. Maj. P Daley, J.C. 1st Lt. CP Stebner, O.G. 1st Lt. N Thomas, C.P. 1st Lt. B Cunningham, V.J. 1st Lt. E Minster, G.E. T/Sgt. R Firquain, O.S. T/Sgt. RW Bevill, B.T. S/Sgt. LW Cole, R.A. S/Sgt. BT - - TG Berry, J.F. S/Sgt. NV Adelstein, R.L. 1st Lt. PN Barger, G.W. 1st Lt. |