A late forwarding of the Field Order again caused the unit some early morning briefing problems. Aircrews were finally briefed between 0700-0800 hours and twenty-seven (27) B-24s took off starting at 1100 hours with the 578th assigned lead and Lt. Joachim, lead Bombardier. Assembly was made on a PFF ship along with other 14th Combat Wing Groups all of whom were committed to this one target. A total of (100) 2000# junior block busters were impacted on the target, bombing on PFF flares, and though visual sighting could not be made results were believed to be good. One Liberator from the 579th was lost, aircraft #570 with 2nd Lieutenant J. M. Stewart’s crew, with all members MIA due to reasons unknown. Mission ships were landing back at base around 1525 hours.
P 2/LT Stewart, James M. KIA CP 2/LT Randall, Stafford R. KIA N 2/LT Wheeler, Bernard J. KIA B 2/LT Wilcox, Delmar R. KIA R/O S/S Stricker, Donald A. KIA EnG S/S Chapman, Lorn E. KIA WG S/S Cobb, Calvin J. Jr KIA WG S/S Sands, Ralph D. KIA TG SGT La Bonte, Felix J. KIA
MISSION LOSS CIRCUMSTANCES: The only report of returning 392nd aircrews on the missing status of this aircraft and crew was that the plane was last seen at the target in France. It is speculated that the aircraft was lost in a ditching emergency on the return leg home inasmuch as all crewmen, except (2), are accounted for as "missing" on the WALL OF THE MISSING at the U.S. National Cemetery overseas at CAMBRIDGE. There are no German reports concerning any facts about any of these crewmembers in the MACR.
INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNTS OF CREWMEN FATES: There are no such reports in this crew’s MACR.
BURIAL RECORDS: One crewman is interred in the U.S. National Cemetery at CAMBRIDGE, England: Sands is listed in Grave E-4-24, having been awarded an Air Medal and the Purple Heart. Delmar R Wilcox body is interred Lincoln, NE cemetery.
NEXT OF KIN DATA IN WWII: Information in this MACR reflects: Stewart (Wife, Mary M., Oakland, California); Wheeler (Mother, Margaret C. of Fort Scott, Kansas); Wilcox (Mother, Grace Wilcox, Lincoln, Nebraska); Randall (Wife, Erma B. of Warrensburg, New York); Chapman (Mother, Bertha M. of Muncie, Indiana); La Bonte (Wife, Mary Ellen, Salmon Falls, New Hampshire); Cobb (Mother, Mary S. of Prattville, Alabama); Sands (Mother, Erma Sands, Kearney, Nebraska); and Stricker (Sister, Ruth Green, San Francisco, California).
2 Feb 1944 576th Sqdn. A/C 598 |
P Jones, G.E. 2nd Lt. CP Mann, J.J. 2nd Lt. N Morris, J.C. 2nd Lt. B Thomas, H.E. 2nd Lt. E Bodoh, A.E. S/Sgt. R McAdams, R.E. S/Sgt. AE -- AR Rossi, V.H. S/Sgt. AG Surber, W.C. S/Sgt. G Marvin, H.E. S/Sgt. |
2 Feb 1944 576th Sqdn. A/C 511 |
P Johns, M.T. 1st Lt. CP Henderson, M.A. 2nd Lt. N Silvasy, F.A. 2nd Lt. B Sriver, E.R. 2nd Lt. E Indahl, J.M. T/Sgt. R Gressler, E.J. T/Sgt. AE -- AR Przeniczny, W. S/Sgt. AG Zerangue, F.A. S/Sgt. G Sanchez, I.V. S/Sgt. |
2 Feb 1944 576th Sqdn. A/C 129 |
P Neff, C.L. 2nd Lt. CP Simpson, H.L. 2nd Lt. N Smith, C.W. 2nd Lt. B Hadeka, A.A. 2nd Lt. E Benham, C.E. S/Sgt. R Diaz, C.A. S/Sgt. AE Pennington, E.B. Sgt. AR -- AG Walter, C.D. Sgt. G Ware, J.W. Sgt. |
2 Feb 1944 576th Sqdn. A/C 560 |
P Hebron, W.T. 2nd Lt. CP McGowan, R.L. 2nd Lt. N McDonald, L.F. 1st Lt. B Luetzow, W.H. 2nd Lt. E Decker, C.D. T/Sgt. R Martin, E.M. T/Sgt. AE Halsne, M.O. S/Sgt. AR Longchamps, A.L. S/Sgt. AG-- G DeVoe, C.N. S/Sgt. |
2 Feb 1944 576th Sqdn. A/C 976 |
P Feran, J.E. 2nd Lt. CP Hayes, F.N. 2nd Lt. N Cummings, F.J. 2nd Lt. B Bjork, H.E. F/O E -- R Democh, T.S. S/Sgt. AE Wolfer, A.J. Sgt. AR Hampton, W.D. Sgt. AG Prazak, S.J. Sgt. G Boord, W.M. Sgt. |
2 Feb 1944 576th Sqdn. A/C 102 |
P Cox, T.J. 2nd Lt. CP Halsworth, R.J. 2nd Lt. N Bicher, R.F. Jr. 2nd Lt. B Haglund, G.L. 2nd Lt. E Martin, M. S/Sgt. R Mitchell, R.J. S/Sgt. AE -- AR Pryce, R.J. Sgt. AG Sicard, N. S/Sgt. G Helbing, R.N. Sgt. |
2 Feb 1944 576th Sqdn. A/C 435 |
P Ford, J.H. 1st Lt. CP Bunting, D.W. 2nd Lt. N Duncan, R.H. 2nd Lt. B Thompson, M.A. 2nd Lt. E Lewis, G.F. T/Sgt. R Kramer, A.W. T/Sgt. AE Roberson, L.P. S/Sgt. AR Saucedo, J.A. S/Sgt. AG -- G Harvison, W.P. S/Sgt. |
2 Feb 1944 577th Sqdn. A/C 495 |
P Copp, R.D. 1st Lt. CP Meyers, J.W. 1st Lt. N Gries, R.F. 1st Lt. B Rapenport, R. 1st Lt. E Hodge, G.L. T/Sgt. R Bisnett, B.R. T/Sgt. AE Dinda, B.F. S/Sgt. AR Nowicki, M.M. T/Sgt. AG Hohman, H. S/Sgt. G Noone, T.E. Jr. S/Sgt. |
2 Feb 1944 577th Sqdn. A/C 658 |
P McNichol, T.F. 1st Lt. CP Lamer, M. 1st Lt. N Donaldson, C.D. 1st Lt. B Wargo, M.A. 1st Lt. E Trumpy, E. T/Sgt. R O'Kon, M.A. T/Sgt. AE Green, L.A. S/Sgt. AR Rosenfeld, C.B. T/Sgt. AG Rathburn, E.K. S/Sgt. G Osterheldt, J.J. S/Sgt. |
2 Feb 1944 577th Sqdn. A/C 497 |
P Peterson, L.C. 1st Lt. CP Lidgard, W.V. 2nd Lt. N Long, A.L. 2nd Lt. B Salsberg, M. 2nd Lt. E Lawrence, H.F. T/Sgt. R Bellerive, R.O. T/Sgt. AE Opsahl, R.C. S/Sgt. AR Smith, A.C. S/Sgt. AG Stevens, R.K. S/Sgt. G -- |
2 Feb 1944 577th Sqdn. A/C 489 (aborted, no mission credit) |
P Tiefenthal, D.E. 1st Lt. CP Clifford, R.R. 2nd Lt. N Chichetto, A.F. 2nd Lt. B Gordon, A.M. 2nd Lt. E Wright, A. T/Sgt. R DiCroce, J.A. T/Sgt. AE Hull, W.W. S/Sgt. AR -- AG Schulz, W.G. S/Sgt. G Potasiewicz, J.F. S/Sgt. |
2 Feb 1944 577th Sqdn. A/C 505 |
P Brauer, G.M. 1st Lt. CP Clifford, J.F. 2nd Lt. N McGough, J.G. 2nd Lt. B -- E LaRue, E.W. T/Sgt. R Abraham, H.F. T/Sgt. AE Branciforte, N. S/Sgt. AR Whited, J.A. S/Sgt. AG Keller, L.D. S/Sgt. G Rachell, W.W. S/Sgt. |
2 Feb 1944 577th Sqdn. A/C 546 |
P Ambrose, D.N. 2nd Lt. CP Dorrell, W. 2nd Lt. N Lindberg, V.A. 2nd Lt. B Tierney, J.F. 2nd Lt. E Cummings, D.L. T/Sgt. R Sawyer, G.H. T/Sgt. AE Davis, J.A. S/Sgt. AR -- AG Oasheim, G.W. S/Sgt. G Dunham, H.D. S/Sgt. |
2 Feb 1944 577th Sqdn. A/C 989 |
P Haffermehl, G.T. 2nd Lt. CP MacMullen, D.H. 2nd Lt. N Parks, K.C. 2nd Lt. B Poppel, S.B. 2nd Lt. E Parker, E.S. S/Sgt. R Beausoleil, L.J. S/Sgt. AE Mitchell, J.W. Sgt. AR -- AG Harwick, M. Sgt. G Landry, L. Sgt. |
2 Feb 1944 578th Sqdn. A/C 624 |
P Carnine, G.D. 1st Lt. CP Spears, K.E. 2nd Lt. N Mastron, V. 2nd Lt. B Kuttner, F.F. 2nd Lt. E Hopson, N.A. T/Sgt. R Barbee, B.B. T/Sgt. AE Ostroski, L.B. S/Sgt. AR Norby, M.W. S/Sgt. AG Knies, G.R. S/Sgt. G Kwasnycia, N. S/Sgt. |
2 Feb 1944 578th Sqdn. A/C 979 |
P Cohen, S. 1st Lt. CP Shoenhair, R.D. 2nd Lt. N Mardirosian, A. 2nd Lt. B Valker, G.E. 2nd Lt. E Hayes, F.W. T/Sgt. R Buckley, G.J. T/Sgt. AE Carr, H.L. S/Sgt. AR Dellinger, T.C. S/Sgt. AG Thrower, W.E. Sgt. G McGee, R.C. Cpl. |
2 Feb 1944 578th Sqdn. A/C 945 |
P Peterson, C.L. 1st Lt. CP Vrieling, R.I. F/O N Wettig, C.O. 2nd Lt. B Brown, E.J. 2nd Lt. E Hinshaw, H.M. S/Sgt. R Rosko, E.M. S/Sgt. AE Harrell, O.L. S/Sgt. AR -- AG Masters, E.E. S/Sgt. G Byrd, J.C. S/Sgt. |
2 Feb 1944 578th Sqdn. A/C 478 |
P Smith, R.E. 1st Lt. CP Schilling, J.E. 2nd Lt. N Metz, L. 2nd Lt. B Hopple, H.G. 2nd Lt. E Wooton, W.J. S/Sgt. R Sokol, A.R. S/Sgt. AE Godfrey, L.S. Sgt. AR Heaslet, W.W. S/Sgt. AG Bertsch, P.J. Sgt. G -- |
2 Feb 1944 578th Sqdn. A/C 466 |
P Edwards, C.E. Capt. CP Taylor, G.H. 2nd Lt. N Untiedt, L.F. Capt. B Joachim, W.F. 1st Lt. E Mellow, N.J. T/Sgt. R Braddock, W.A. T/Sgt. AE LeBleu, L.W. S/Sgt. AR Medel, M.N. Sgt. AG Hill, R.E. S/Sgt. G - Dunphy, R.J. 2nd Lt. |
2 Feb 1944 578th Sqdn. A/C 480 |
P Sooy, B.L. 2nd Lt. CP Mardis, K.A. 2nd Lt. N Jones, O.R. 2nd Lt. B Schwartz, E.S. 2nd Lt. E -- R Terrell, P.J. S/Sgt. AE Serafine, J.M. S/Sgt. AR McBrayer, H.G. Sgt. AG Dorgan, W.J. Sgt. G McArn, H.W. Sgt. |
2 Feb 1944 578th Sqdn. A/C 100 |
P Schildknecht, H.E. 1st Lt. CP Long, J.D. Jr. 2nd Lt. N Hersh, A. 2nd Lt. B Wasowicz, M.V. 2nd Lt. E Sadler, R.S. T/Sgt. R Begley, J.F. T/Sgt. AE Reid, H.A. S/Sgt. AR Gegere, G.P. Sgt. AG -- G Blekkenk, J.H. Jr. S/Sgt. |
2 Feb 1944 578th Sqdn. A/C 518 |
P Young, M.N. 2nd Lt. CP Goodwin, J.J. 2nd Lt. N Kaufman, K.S. 2nd Lt. B Cunningham, R.B. 2nd Lt. E Triplett, W.F. T/Sgt. R Garcia, P.J. T/Sgt. AE -- AR Teater, R.S. S/Sgt. AG Rickey, J.J. S/Sgt. G Ross, J.D. S/Sgt. |
2 Feb 1944 579th Sqdn. A/C 510 |
P Baumgart, V.A. 1st Lt. CP Cordes, W.C. 1st Lt. N Sullivan, J.J. 2nd Lt. B Stupski, S.J. 1st Lt. E Smith, D.L. T/Sgt. R Kiss, J. T/Sgt. AE -- AR Yost, J.W. S/Sgt. AG Money, J.A. S/Sgt. G Fons, J.P. S/Sgt. |
2 Feb 1944 579th Sqdn. A/C 127 |
P Detrick, J.W. 1st Lt. CP Schneider, J.E. 2nd Lt. N Lowder, L.L. 2nd Lt. B Hall, H.P. 1st Lt. E -- R Sibert, V.L. T/Sgt. AE Ross, J.R. S/Sgt. AR Andrews, W.E. T/Sgt. AG Dill, W.F. S/Sgt. G Bacon, G.W. S/Sgt. |
2 Feb 1944 579th Sqdn. A/C 990 |
P Spartage, G. 2nd Lt. CP Kern, R.B. 2nd Lt. N Tauskey, W.A. 2nd Lt. B Campbell, R.A. 2nd Lt. E Burns, R.N. T/Sgt. R Worthington, P.A. T/Sgt. AE Warren, O.J. S/Sgt. AR Helmke, E.F. S/Sgt. AG -- G Ridgeway, J.W. Jr. S/Sgt. |
2 Feb 1944 579th Sqdn. A/C 570 |
P Stewart, J.M. 2nd Lt. CP Randall, S.B. 2nd Lt. N Wheeler, B.J. 2nd Lt. B Wilcox, D.R. 2nd Lt. E Chapman, L.E. S/Sgt. R Stricker, D.A. S/Sgt. AE -- AR Sands, R.D. S/Sgt. AG LaBonte, F.J. Sgt. G Cobb, C.S. S/Sgt. |
2 Feb 1944 579th Sqdn. A/C 469 |
P Sharpe, W.G. 2nd Lt. CP Bandura, N.A. 2nd Lt. N McGuire, W.C. 2nd Lt. B Richardson, F.E. 2nd Lt. E Huffman, R.R. T/Sgt. R Wallace, F.C. T/Sgt. AE Anderson, C.A. Sgt. AR Cugini, M.W. S/Sgt. AG McGowan, W.J. S/Sgt. G -- |
2 Feb 1944 579th Sqdn. A/C 117 |
P Lotterhos, R.H. Jr. 2nd Lt. CP Zolomy, E.M. 2nd Lt. N Healing, K.A. 2nd Lt. B Sands, J.E. 2nd Lt. E Thompson, R.L. T/Sgt. R Garay, M.W. T/Sgt. AE -- AR Bunyea, E.W. S/Sgt. AG Ward, W.D. S/Sgt. G Moody, C.B. S/Sgt. |