The primary target for this mission was the northernmost bridge across the Rhine River located at Wesel. A secondary was assigned on the fuel storage depot at Dulmen. General briefings for 30 crews were held at 0445 and 0600 and all takeoffs began at 0800. Once more the target was obscured because of low clouds which prompted the lead squadron to bomb a Target of Opportunity nearby. The other two squadrons released on the secondary target with estimated poor results. A total of (190) 1000# bombs were released by the Group but results were not accurately observed. Friendly fighter support was good and enemy fighter reaction was nil as it had been on many recent missions. Flak was meager and inaccurate; however, one returning B-24 had received battle damage.
2/Lt John B. Kelly, piloting 576th plane #42-95464, was a victim of poor weather as well. He later reported, "We were returning in formation from mission 11 February 1945. We passed over the field under poor visibility conditions. Our Squadron was requested by the tower not to peel off. We followed that request and continued on a heading of approximately 300 degrees. Judging the base to be unsatisfactory for landing we took up a heading of approximately 100 degrees to return to coast area where weather conditions had appeared more favorable. We arrived at Foulsham RAF base with more favorable visibility conditions. Being unable to contact field by 'Darky' frequency we buzzed the field twice in effort to determine runways and landing direction and then we took what appeared to be the longest runway, No. 26. We made the approach under increasing poorer visibility conditions and landed between 1/3 and ½ way down the 1400 yard runway. We were unable to stop the plane at the end of the runway. We rolled straight ahead for 100 feet beyond the runway where the nose wheel collapsed. The plane continued on for another 100 feet. Both main gear tires were blown in addition to the nosewheel.
"No personnel were injured. I contacted flying control at home base immediately. We removed G-box equipment, 50 calibre guns, and flak suits along with personal flying equipment of all personnel. Later the crew were returned to home base.
"After we landed, I found the main runway lights on runway 1-19 were lighted but we had not observed them from the air upon passing over the field prior to landing."
Squadron Leader W.J. Burton, Senior Flying Control Officer at RAF Foulsham, wrote the 392nd BG two days later. He said, "At about 1305 ... I saw a Liberator approaching the airfield very low. I switched on the Sodium funnels and flare path on 19 runway in case the aircraft wished to land.
"No call was received on R/T but on his second orbit the pilot put his wheels down and, the visibility being bad, we next saw him making an approach about 20 degrees off 26 runway. He turned on to the 26 runway and landed about 1000 yards along the 1400 yard runway, overshot the end, and his nose wheel collapsed in the overshoot.
"The weather was bad. It was snowing and visibility about 2000 yards, cloud 10/10ths 2000, wind South 8 mph. The pilot said he never saw that the landing Tee, the controller's caravan and the sodium lights were on 19 runway."
11 Feb 1945 576th Sqdn. A/C 194 |
P Novik, A.J. 1st Lt. CP Graves, J.H. 2nd Lt. N Hampton, W.A. F/O B Anastos, G. S/Sgt. R Hildebrand, R.O. T/Sgt. E DiMarco, F.J. T/Sgt. RW Watkins, M.F. S/Sgt. LW Graves, R.H. S/Sgt. TG Buckley, C.A. S/Sgt. |
11 Feb 1945 576th Sqdn. A/C 340 |
P Smith, K.A. 1st Lt. CP Perkins, G.A. 2nd Lt. N Vealey, S.L. F/O B Dodge, H.F. S/Sgt. R Carlstrand, R.E. T/Sgt. E Glover, B.E. T/Sgt. RW Flesey, R.J. S/Sgt. LW Hamment, R.E. S/Sgt. TG Rubenstein, S.J. S/Sgt. RCM Williams, O.L. S/Sgt. |
11 Feb 1945 576th Sqdn. A/C 387 |
P Ross, J.E. 2nd Lt. CP Crane, F.D. 2nd Lt. N Richner, G.C. 2nd Lt. B Hester, T.G. S/Sgt. R Agnew, T.G. T/Sgt. E Albright, H.B. T/Sgt. RW Brooks, V.B. S/Sgt. LW Blackburn, W.F. S/Sgt. TG Arnold, E.R. S/Sgt. |
11 Feb 1945 576th Sqdn. A/C 272 |
P Earl, P.R. 2nd Lt. CP Smiley, W.R. 2nd Lt. N Perkins, R.W. 2nd Lt. B Creme, A.R. 2nd Lt. R Irish, E.W. S/Sgt. E Woods, R.E. S/Sgt. RW Marchetta, A. S/Sgt. LW Keith, D.N. Pvt. TG Schafer, J.G. S/Sgt. RCM Simpson, V.H. S/Sgt. |
11 Feb 1945 576th Sqdn. A/C 409 |
P Markuson, C.O. 2nd Lt. CP Hutchcroft, H.W. 2nd Lt. N Maceyra, E. 2nd Lt. B Hunter, E.R. S/Sgt. R Burke, J.E. T/Sgt. E Cain, P.L. T/Sgt. RW Monaghan, T.D. S/Sgt. LW Howard, J.B. S/Sgt. TG Horn, J.E. S/Sgt. |
11 Feb 1945 576th Sqdn. A/C 659 |
P Peterson, T.W. 1st Lt. CP Rohe, J.M. 2nd Lt. N Damerst, W.A. 2nd Lt. B Lawson, R.F. 2nd Lt. R Green, C.M. T/Sgt. E Bruney, G.L. T/Sgt. RW Hankins, T.E. S/Sgt. LW Hoffman, G.A. S/Sgt. TG Mitchell, D.F. Pvt. PN Miller, S. 1st Lt. |
11 Feb 1945 576th Sqdn. A/C 716 |
P Blakeley, W.G. 2nd Lt. CP Schoelerman, H.A. 2nd Lt. N Walker, C.S. 2nd Lt. B Talley, E.R. Sgt. R Spades, R.J. Sgt. E Sevier, R.M. Sgt. RW Amodeo, F.A. Sgt. LW Lange, D.H. S/Sgt. TG Law J.L. Sgt. |
11 Feb 1945 576th Sqdn. A/C 464 |
P Kelly, J.B. 2nd Lt. CP Vaughan, D. F/O N Coleman, A.D. 2nd Lt. B D'Ambrosio, M.J. Cpl. R McElroy, V.E. Cpl. E Yost, D.A. Cpl. RW Poremba, S.J. Cpl. LW Zielke, W.P. Cpl. TG Reardon, D.J. Cpl. |
11 Feb 1945 576th Sqdn. A/C 730 |
P Hummel, J.R. Jr. 2nd Lt. |
11 Feb 1945 577th Sqdn. A/C 118 |
P Clower, W.J. 2nd Lt. CP Reel, H.D. 2nd Lt. N Williams, R.B. 2nd Lt. B Letourneau, D.R. S/Sgt. R Tomaszewski, E.A. T/Sgt. E Stroh, J.E. T/Sgt. RW Schumacher, A.H. S/Sgt. LW Galvin, G.M. S/Sgt. TG Hendrickson, R.H. S/Sgt. RCM Slater, R.E. S/Sgt. |
11 Feb 1945 577th Sqdn. A/C 875 |
P Dodson, G.H. 2nd Lt. CP LeFevre, L.P. 2nd Lt. N Fletcher, W.J. 2nd Lt. B Hochard, H.H. Sgt. R Green, J.M. Sgt. E Herrera, D.R. Sgt. RW Allendorf, V.G. Sgt. LW Peterson, F.H. Sgt. TG Jenkins, C.E. Sgt. |
11 Feb 1945 577th Sqdn. A/C 118 |
P Scott, D.A. 2nd Lt. CP Jordan, E.B. 2nd Lt. N Tucker, R.A. 2nd Lt. B Glasscock, J.B. S/Sgt. R Berger, S. T/Sgt. E Karas, J. T/Sgt. RW Hanley, E.H. S/Sgt. LW Harrow, K.J. S/Sgt. TG McKee, S.P. S/Sgt. S-27 Halpern, H.M. S/Sgt. |
11 Feb 1945 577th Sqdn. A/C 901 |
P Pope, L.S. 2nd Lt. |
11 Feb 1945 577th Sqdn. A/C 898 |
P Prater, W.K. 2nd Lt. CP Levin, R.J. 2nd Lt. N Pilcher, W.L. 2nd Lt. B Venuti, L.C. Sgt. R Killian, C.J. Sgt. E Lawrence, L.J. Sgt. RW Kegler, S.D. Sgt. LW Healey, J. Sgt. TG Deshantz, D. Sgt. |
11 Feb 1945 577th Sqdn. A/C 697 |
P Enyart, D.W. 1st Lt. CP Froehlich, S.S. 2nd Lt. N Mertens, J.A. 2nd Lt. B Snyderman, J. 2nd Lt. R Aycock, C.E. S/Sgt. E Gersten, G. T/Sgt. RW Arneson, J.A. S/Sgt. LW Mohan, V.L. S/Sgt. TG Barlow, S.N. Sgt. PN Santoro, M.P. F/O |
11 Feb 1945 577th Sqdn. A/C 390 |
P Grabarkiewicz, L. F/O CP Phillips, C.E. 2nd Lt. N Hickson, D. Jr. 2nd Lt. B Axvig, W.E. S/Sgt. R Quagliano, F.A. S/Sgt. E Duggan, J.J. T/Sgt. RW Cooper, J.T. Pvt. LW Baker, E.R. S/Sgt. TG Moskowicz, S. S/Sgt. |
11 Feb 1945 577th Sqdn. A/C 792 |
P Teipel, H.N. 2nd Lt. CP Karas, M. 2nd Lt. N Polansky, M.L. 2nd Lt. B Flory, D.L. 2nd Lt. R Goodson, E. T/Sgt. E Rabine, V.A. T/Sgt. RW Conrad, D.E. S/Sgt. LW Hodoian, J.C. S/Sgt. TG McConnell, H.M. S/Sgt. |
11 Feb 1945 577th Sqdn. A/C 748 |
P Popek, E. 2nd Lt. CP Henry, H.E. 2nd Lt. N Frederickson, L.T. 2nd Lt. B Irvine, E.C. S/Sgt. R Yuhas, G. T/Sgt. E Bombardier, W.J. T/Sgt. RW Trofnoff, F. S/Sgt. LW Thompson, J.R. S/Sgt. TG Swee, F.A. S/Sgt. |
11 Feb 1945 578th Sqdn. A/C 250 |
P Joyce, J.F. 2nd Lt. CP Bowman, J.A. 2nd Lt. N McQuade, R.N. F/O B Andrews, Q.Q. S/Sgt. R Brown, J.F. T/Sgt. E Albino, A. T/Sgt. RW Gorham, R.L. Cpl. LW Kurkomelis, G.C. S/Sgt. TG Richter, R.H. S/Sgt. |
11 Feb 1945 578th Sqdn. A/C 636 |
P Case, W.D. 2nd Lt. CP Griffin, R.E. 2nd Lt. N Gullick, C.H. 2nd Lt. B McCoy, F.W. S/Sgt. R Black, C.B. S/Sgt. E Kidd, J.L. S/Sgt. RW Chanson, M.C. S/Sgt. LW Johnson, R.L. S/Sgt. TG Lutes, M.A. S/Sgt. |
11 Feb 1945 578th Sqdn. A/C 809 |
P Downs, H.E. 2nd Lt. CP Bickham, T.E. 2nd Lt. N McKay, R.P. 1st Lt. B Oakes, H.W. 2nd Lt. R Spicketts, J.G. S/Sgt. E Lim, D.P. S/Sgt. RW Crane, T.P. S/Sgt. LW Cinquina, E.A. S/Sgt. TG Weatherman, H.W. S/Sgt. RCM Taylor, J.L. Cpl. |
11 Feb 1945 578th Sqdn. A/C 241 |
P Ansbro, M.J. 2nd Lt. CP Wernsman, J.B. 2nd Lt. N Lindahl, E.A. 2nd Lt. B Christman, H.E. F/O R O'Brien, B.M. Cpl. E Brierley, A.R. Cpl. RW O'Farrell, R.H. Cpl. LW Nichols, P.F. Cpl. TG McLaughlin, M.M. Cpl. |
11 Feb 1945 578th Sqdn. A/C 495 |
P Byrne, C.E. 1st Lt. |
11 Feb 1945 578th Sqdn. A/C 436 |
P Warner, C.W. 2nd Lt. CP Smith, J.E. 2nd Lt. N Peppard, J.M. F/O B Kight, D.A. Sgt. R Hathaway, E.O. Sgt. E McGee, O.W. Sgt. RW Brooks, E.J. Sgt. LW Neel, L.E. Sgt. TG Richmond, T.C. Sgt. |
11 Feb 1945 578th Sqdn. A/C 477 |
P Fox, J.E. 1st Lt. CP Sampley, T.A. 2nd Lt. N Johnson, M.S. 1st Lt. B Robinson, D.T. 1st Lt. R Tameling, H. T/Sgt. E Smith, B.F. T/Sgt. RW Seever, B.H. S/Sgt. LW Knephoff, J.J. S/Sgt. TG Davis, C.L. S/Sgt. RCM Lambert, E.C. S/Sgt. |
11 Feb 1945 578th Sqdn. A/C 205 |
P Ardinger, J. 2nd Lt. CP Grandmontagne, E.T. 2nd Lt. N Wagner, H.W. F/O B Edwards, R.L. 2nd Lt. R Huitt, G.E. S/Sgt. E Wiedekehr, R.W. Cpl. RW Gorback, B.S. Cpl. LW Jones, J.K. Sgt. TG White, A. Sgt. S-27 Berthards, H.F. Sgt. |
11 Feb 1945 579th Sqdn. A/C 801 |
P White, E.J. 2nd Lt. CP Whalen, J.M. 1st Lt. N Weissberger, M.L. 1st Lt. B Mace, J.E. 1st Lt. R Baker, M. T/Sgt. E Hayden, R. T/Sgt. RW Egler, M.G. S/Sgt. LW Sabolish, G. S/Sgt. TG White, R.A. S/Sgt. PN Zamor, R.J. 1st Lt. NV Barry, W.T. 1st Lt. |
11 Feb 1945 579th Sqdn. A/C 128 |
CA McGregor, J.A. Maj. P Grettum, R.B. Capt. CP Bate, H.C. 1st Lt. N Bauer, H.H. 1st Lt. B Waldo, L.C. 1st Lt. B Good, R.E. Capt. R Heuser, W.M. T/Sgt. E West, G.E. T/Sgt. RW Rothrock, C.T. S/Sgt. LW Dobrowolski, C.J. S/Sgt. TG Durant, W. T/Sgt. MV Adelstein, R.L. 1st Lt. |
11 Feb 1945 579th Sqdn. A/C 958 |
CA Pennypacker, J.E. Capt. P McClellan, H.B. Capt. CP Carleton, D. 1st Lt. N Havel, E.E. 1st Lt. B Snoden, C.A. 1st Lt. R Kingston, D.B. T/Sgt. E Berger, R.F. T/Sgt. RW Markle, J.M. S/Sgt. LW McGinnis, M.C. Pvt. TG Manville, F.E. S/Sgt. NV Morris, J.E. 1st Lt. NG Lipman, B.D. 2nd Lt. |
11 Feb 1945 579th Sqdn. A/C 519 |
P Miller, W.L. Capt. CP Cassity, J.J. 1st Lt. N Mohr, J. 1st Lt. B Mackelfresh, T.H. 1st Lt. R Hagopian, H.A. T/Sgt. E Prach, F.T. T/Sgt. RW Hedges, N.E. S/Sgt. LW Moles, W.F. S/Sgt. TG Walters, L. S/Sgt. PN Gillett, F.A. 1st Lt. NV Sprowls, R.W. 1st Lt. |