392nd Bomb Group

Target: Erkner - 8 March 1944 - Mission #48

On this date, the Eighth Air Force put up one of the heaviest raids of the war against Berlin and surrounding targets. Air Force losses would be great but the 392nd was to fare well in this respect on their assigned target. The target assignment was a double option arrangement. If weather obscured the Berlin complex, PFF bombing tactics would be employed against the railroad station in Berlin, however, if visual conditions existed, the Group was to hit the ball bearings works at Erkner, some 16 miles southeast of Berlin. The latter was the case as the lead Bombardier, Lt Colburn, of the 577th directed the Group in to impact (1,184) 100# bombs in the target with excellent results. Some (25) single and twin-engine aircraft were seen with gunners claiming (1) kill. Fourteen (14) aircraft sustained some damage, but all aircraft returned safely with no losses or aircrew member casualties. The record reflects that a "highly jubilant group returned from this mission, our first real one to Berlin!"

T/Sgt Cletus Jeffcoat was the radio operator in 1/Lt Wittel crew aboard #41-29131, Flying Patch. He wrote in his diary, went to Berlin today. What a raid. Every plane we had was up there that day. It was very clear and we could see our bombs hit the target. (I mean the Group.) We got a 20mm in the leading edge of our left wing. Thought that the end of our wing was coming off so we had to drop our bombs and as luck would have it, we hit a little town and blowed it all to hell. Berlin looked like it was a pretty nice city. We saw a few bombers and fighters go down, but we made it back ok. We were the second to land. Everyone was looking at our wing. We nearly always get hit, but thank God we have always returned. I had better knock on wood right now.

This photo shows why everyone wanted to look at the wing on 41-29131, Flying Patch
Click on image to enlarge.


8 Mar 1944 576th Sqdn.
A/C 131
P Wittel, E.F. 1st Lt.
CP Marsters, W.R. 2nd Lt.
N Karl, J.F. 2nd Lt.
B Czyzewicz, C.H. 2nd Lt.
E Bennett, L.G. T/Sgt.
R Jeffcoat, C.M. T/Sgt.
AE Malloy, P.D. S/Sgt.
AR Jenkins, W.B. T/Sgt.
AG Riley, A.J. S/Sgt.
G Roti, D.A. Sgt.
8 Mar 1944 576th Sqdn.
A/C 835
P Filkel, O.H. 2nd Lt.
CP Hurd, J.S. 2nd Lt.
N Tyson, E.E. 2nd Lt.
B Tudor, J.R. 2nd Lt.
E Blevins, R.E. S/Sgt.
R Smith, R.C. S/Sgt.
AE Jarrett, C.W. Sgt.
AR Hoover, A.L. Sgt.
AG Kirkpatrick, H.K. S/Sgt.
G Farnwalt, W.H. Sgt.
8 Mar 1944 576th Sqdn.
A/C 371
P Jones, G.E. 2nd Lt.
CP Mason, J.J. 2nd Lt.
N Plunkett, F.A. 2nd Lt.
B Thomas, H.E. 2nd Lt.
E Bodoh, A.E. T/Sgt.
R McAdams, R.E. T/Sgt.
AE Lane, T. S/Sgt.
AR Rossi, V.H. S/Sgt.
AG Surber, W.C. S/Sgt.
G Marvin, H.E. S/Sgt.
8 Mar 1944 576th Sqdn.
A/C 692
P Mathias, W.E. 2nd Lt.
CP Jones, L.C. 2nd Lt.
N Mateyka, M.R. 2nd Lt.
B Wishbow, G.E. 2nd Lt.
E Chambless, S.L. T/Sgt.
R Slyhoff, K.G. T/Sgt.
AE Blackwell, R.B. S/Sgt.
AR Smock, J.M. S/Sgt.
AG Weverka, J.E. S/Sgt.
G Burke, W.N. Sgt.
8 Mar 1944 576th Sqdn.
A/C 976
P Feran, J.E. 2nd Lt.
CP Hayes, F.N. 2nd Lt.
N Cummings, F.J. 2nd Lt.
B Henderson, A.D. 2nd Lt.
E Houser, B.M. T/Sgt.
R Dmoch, T.S. T/Sgt.
AE Wolfer, A.J. S/Sgt.
AR Hampton, W.R. S/Sgt.
AG Prazak, S.J. S/Sgt.
G Boord, W.M. Sgt.
8 Mar 1944 576th Sqdn.
A/C 560
P Ellison, B.M. 2nd Lt.
CP Tyler, A.W. 2nd Lt.
N Williamson, C.R. Jr. 2nd Lt.
B Hurdle, Q.C. 2nd Lt.
E Samples, H.F. T/Sgt.
R Jean, R.P. T/Sgt.
AE Tupper, J.A. S/Sgt.
AR Patenaude, E.J. S/Sgt.
AG Anderson, C.S. S/Sgt.
G Picking, H.E. S/Sgt.
8 Mar 1944 577th Sqdn.
A/C 495
CA Polking, W.A. Maj.
P Graper, M.H. Capt.
CP Jensen, A.H. 1st Lt.
N Delach, J.J. 1st Lt.
N Beatson, R.J. 1st Lt.
B Colburn, R.F. 1st Lt.
E McKinley, W.C. T/Sgt.
R Lorenzen, W.H. T/Sgt.
AE White, F.A. S/Sgt.
AR Kolczynski, W.J. S/Sgt.
AG Cordick, D.H. Sgt.
G Buzick, J.M. S/Sgt.
8 Mar 1944 577th Sqdn.
A/C 546
P Peterson, L.G. 1st Lt.
CP Lidgard, W.V. 2nd Lt.
N Long, A.L. 1st Lt.
B Gordon, A.M. 2nd Lt.
E Lawrence, H.F. T/Sgt.
R Bellerive, R.O. T/Sgt.
AE Opsahl, R.C. Sgt.
AR Smith, A.C. S/Sgt.
AG Apgar, D.R. S/Sgt.
G Stevens, R.K. S/Sgt.
8 Mar 1944 577th Sqdn.
A/C 826
P Haffermehl, G.T. 2nd Lt.
CP MacMullen, D.H. 2nd Lt.
N Parks, K.C. 2nd Lt.
B Poppel, S.B. 1st Lt.
E Parker, E.S. T/Sgt.
R Beausoleil, L.J. T/Sgt.
AE Mitchell, J.W. S/Sgt.
AR Wagner, F.J. S/Sgt.
AG Harwick, M. S/Sgt.
G Landry, L. Sgt.
8 Mar 1944 577th Sqdn.
A/C 432
(no mission credit)
P Anderson, E.F. 2nd Lt.
CP Maben, J.F. 2nd Lt.
N Sherman, P. 2nd Lt.
B Linzey, J.D. 2nd Lt.
E Farren, E.L. S/Sgt.
R Masteka, G.F. S/Sgt.
AE Cagle, W.C. S/Sgt.
AR Nelson, V.A. S/Sgt.
AG Hardic, A.M. Sgt.
G Bixby, G.C. Sgt.
8 Mar 1944 577th Sqdn.
A/C 497
P Egan, R.L. 1st Lt.
CP Basham, F.G. 1st Lt.
N Harris, W.B. 1st Lt.
N Cashen, E.J. 2nd Lt.
B Gray, W.L. 2nd Lt.
E Hurley, W.F. T/Sgt.
R Pope, F.B. T/Sgt.
AE Hurley, A. S/Sgt.
AR Stogner, O.T. S/Sgt.
AG Salisbury, J.F. S/Sgt.
G Kennedy, B.S. S/Sgt.
8 Mar 1944 577th Sqdn.
A/C 505
P Scheltens, G.A. 2nd Lt.
CP Vaughan, H.C. 2nd Lt.
N Coward, D.M. 2nd Lt.
NG Warren, J.D. S/Sgt.
E Sackeli, A. S/Sgt.
R Borden, K.L. S/Sgt.
AE Mandelkow, E. S/ Sgt.
AR Crotty, W.L. Sgt.
AG Thompson, I.F. S/Sgt.
G Lindsay, E.L. Sgt.
8 Mar 1944 577th Sqdn.
A/C 989
P Tiefenthal, D.E. 1st Lt.
CP Clifford, R.R. 2nd Lt.
N Chichetto, A.F. 2nd Lt.
NG Fain, J.M. 2nd Lt.
E Wright, A. T/Sgt.
R DiCroce, J.A. T/Sgt.
AE Hull, W.W. S/Sgt.
AR Sopchak, J. S/Sgt.
AG Schulz, W.G. S/Sgt.
G Elston, R.C. Sgt.
8 Mar 1944 577th Sqdn.
A/C 465
P Johnson, R.L. 1st Lt.
CP Buchanan, R.P. 2nd Lt.
N Johnson, D.C. 1st Lt.
B Hunter, R.M. 1st Lt.
E Stancik, M. T/Sgt.
R Wohlstrom, T.C. T/Sgt.
AE Reynolds, H.D. S/Sgt.
AR Milliken, E.W. S/Sgt.
AG Jones, N.J.E. S/Sgt.
G Nixon, A.D. S/Sgt.
8 Mar 1944 578th Sqdn.
A/C 981
P Raschke, W.C. 1st Lt.
CP Holm, H.J. 2nd Lt.
N Petrozzella, B.C. 2nd Lt.
B Kuttner, F.F. 2nd Lt.
E Wagonseller, R. T/Sgt.
R Krek, B.R. T/Sgt.
AE Davis, R.W. S/Sgt.
AR Gyure, F. S/Sgt.
AG Rankin, J.H. S/Sgt.
G Doub, H.G. S/Sgt.
8 Mar 1944 578th Sqdn.
A/C 466
P Reade, J.J. Capt.
CP Smith, R.L. 1st Lt.
N Planche, M.M. 1st Lt.
B Ziccarelli, J.A. 1st Lt.
E Edwards, C.E. T/Sgt.
R Schwabel, C.A. T/Sgt.
AE Sikoff, H. S/Sgt.
AR Bauer, W.E. S/Sgt.
AG Wagner, D.R. S/Sgt.
G Turner, L.F. S/Sgt.
NG Byers, W.F. 2nd Lt.
8 Mar 1944 578th Sqdn.
A/C 651
P Muldoon, J.E. 2nd Lt.
CP Otis, J.J. 2nd Lt.
N Walsh, F.T. 2nd Lt.
B Savage, C.C. 2nd Lt.
E Byrd, J.M. S/Sgt.
R Dehoff, L.V. S/Sgt.
AE Carpenter, J.A. S/Sgt.
AR Bluejacket, J.W. S/Sgt.
AG Bednarcik, S.A. Sgt.
G Svoboda, J.J. S/Sgt.
8 Mar 1944 578th Sqdn.
A/C 187
P Cohen, S. 1st Lt.
CP Shoenhair, R.D. 2nd Lt.
N Mardirosian, A. 2nd Lt.
B Ward, M.E. 2nd Lt.
E Hayes, F.W. T/Sgt.
R Buckley, G.J. S/Sgt.
AE Carr, H.L. Sgt.
AR Dellinger, T.C. Sgt.
AG Thrower, W.E. Sgt.
G McGee, R.C. Sgt.
8 Mar 1944 578th Sqdn.
A/C 624
P George, F.A. 1st Lt.
CP Stephens, L.M. 2nd Lt.
N Sweeney, P.J. 2nd Lt.
B Kelly, F.B. 2nd Lt.
E Parker, J.D. T/Sgt.
R Sweeney, L.F. T/Sgt.
AE Ellingson, H.E. S/Sgt.
AR Harris, J.N. S/Sgt.
AG Goodall, W.J. S/Sgt.
G Theodore, R.N. S/Sgt.
8 Mar 1944 578th Sqdn.
A/C 100
P Schildknecht, H.E. 1st Lt.
CP Long, J.D. 2nd Lt.
N Hersh, A. 2nd Lt.
B Wasowicz, M.V. 2nd Lt.
E Sadler, R.S. T/Sgt.
R Begley, J.F. T/Sgt.
AE Reid, H.A. S/Sgt.
AR Reed, B.P. S/Sgt.
AG Reade, G.J. S/Sgt.
G Gegere, G.P. Sgt.
8 Mar 1944 579th Sqdn.
A/C 117
P Sharpe, W.G. 1st Lt.
CP Bandura, N.A. 2nd Lt.
N McGuire, W.C. 2nd Lt.
B Richardson, F.E. 2nd Lt.
E Huffman, R.R. T/Sgt.
R Wallace, F.C. S/Sgt.
AE Anderson, C.A. S/Sgt.
AR Cugini, M.W. S/Sgt.
AG McGowan, W.J. S/Sgt.
G Maylander, N. S/Sgt.
8 Mar 1944 579th Sqdn.
A/C ?
P Hammond, G.L. 1st Lt.
CP Schumacher, R.L. 2nd Lt.
N Sullivan, J.J. 2nd Lt.
NG Porter, C.T. S/Sgt.
E Pearson, W.M. T/Sgt.
R Sullivan, W. Jr. T/Sgt.
AE Hargrave, R.O. S/Sgt.
AR Willig, N.K. S/Sgt.
AG Goldberg, M.R. S/Sgt.
G Gaudreau, H.P. S/Sgt.
8 Mar 1944 579th Sqdn.
A/C 261
P Nugent, W.A. 1st Lt.
CP Burciaga, L.R. 2nd Lt.
N Healing, K.A. 2nd Lt.
B Krause, W.N. 2nd Lt.
E O'Brien, J.J. T/Sgt.
R Demming, F.H. T/Sgt.
AE McGahey, G.L. S/Sgt.
AR Jones, D.C. S/Sgt.
AG Pawlyshyn, M.J. S/Sgt.
G Sowers, D.R. S/Sgt.
8 Mar 1944 579th Sqdn.
A/C 599
P Darnell, J.F. Jr. 1st Lt.
CP Slagle, E.E. 2nd Lt.
N Stasney, A.J. 2nd Lt.
B Lory, R.C. 2nd Lt.
E Whitaker, J.W. S/Sgt.
R Mandel, R.F. T/Sgt.
AE Sundo, J.R. S/Sgt.
AR Rego, M.A. S/Sgt.
AG Courtney, E.J. Sgt.
G Ward, L.E. Sgt.
8 Mar 1944 579th Sqdn.
A/C 127
P Detrick, J.W. 1st Lt.
CP Schneider, J.E. 1st Lt.
N Connolly, J.D. 1st Lt.
NG Bacon, G.W. S/Sgt.
E Owen, E.D. T/Sgt.
R Sibert, V.L. T/Sgt.
AE Ross, J.R. S/Sgt.
AR Andrews, W.E. T/Sgt.
AG Dill, W.F. S/Sgt.
G Durant, W. S/Sgt.
8 Mar 1944 579th Sqdn.
A/C 469
P Dickson, J.W. 1st Lt.
CP Sassaman, F.J. 2nd Lt.
N McDade, J.J. 1st Lt.
B O'Neill, F.L. S/Sgt.
E York, R. S/Sgt.
R Zimpleman, J.G. S/Sgt.
AE Draper, J.W. S/Sgt.
AR Hampton, R.G. S/Sgt.
AG Reilly, B.A. S/Sgt.
G Moody, C.B. S/Sgt.