392nd Bomb Group

Trolley Mission #5 - 11 May 1945

See Trolley Missions overview by clicking here.

2AD announced that weather permitting, 270 a/c would fly. A different route was announced for this trip: Base to Great Yarmouth, then Katwijk Ann Zee, Arnheim, Munster, Osnabruck, Bremen, Hamburg, Brunswick, Hannover, Bielefield, Hamm, Essen, The Hague, Great Yarmouth, and back to base.

Pilots were told to "exercise especial caution at Munster and enroute through the Ruhr as these are the areas where the greatest concentration of a/c will occur."

Passengers and crews were to be briefed on the entire route and "given a background on the important targets and attacks to be seen. Insofar as possible strike reports will be covered, indicating assessed damage to the targets."

2AD added a new instruction to their briefing teletype: "All personnel are to be briefed on the danger of throwing objects from a/c during flight. Nothing is to be jettisoned during the flight." The command pilots flying in monitor a/c now had to submit a "brief resume of conduct of the operation" to 2AD at the end of the mission.

The 392nd sent up 32 planes carrying 342 passengers. Ten of the planes were designated for passengers from the 355th Fighter Group at Steeple Morden. That base transported its men to Bassingborne Air Field. The 392nd's ten planes (with enough chutes, Mae Wests, and dinghies for the passengers) flew to Bassingborne, landed, and then taxied around to take off position on the perimeter. After pilots cut engines, they reported to Capt Kerr while crews remained with their ships. Pilots got their passenger assignments, prepared loading lists, and turned them in to Capt Kerr. At his direction, they took off from Bassingborne, departed to Orfordness, and rendezvoused with the formation.

The 14th Combat Wing was in the control and observer a/c.

Click on photo to increase size.
12 May45 Osnabruck
Osnabruck, Germany.
12 May 45 Dortmund
Dortmund, Germany.
12 May 45 Hamm
Hamm, Germany.
12 May 45 Brunswick
Brunswick, Germany.

Notice the shadows of three airplanes on the ground in the upper left photo, the wing of a 392nd BG Liberator in the upper left, and the B-26 Marauder at the top of the photo. According to its insignia, the B-26 was assigned to the 397th BG/596th Sqdn which was based on the Continent when the Trolley Missions were flown.

12 May 45 Hamburg
Hamburg, Germany.
12 May 45 H Goering Steel Works
Hamburg, Germany.
Cologne Cathedral 7 May 45
Cologne Cathedral.
Cooks Tour 11 May 45
Cooks Tour.

The last photo shows the ground crew passengers taken on the Cooks Tour on 11 May 1945. The only men whose identities are known are M/Sgt Everett Collin (standing 4th from left); S/Sgt Douglas MacRae (standing 5th from left); and M/Sgt Robert Moore (kneeling 2nd from right). The plane was #44-50753, Short Round II.


CREW LOADING LIST - Trolley Mission #5

11 May 1945 576th Sqdn.
A/C 194 W
MacFarlane, D.R. 1/Lt P
Sullivan, J.W. 2/Lt CP
Petree, W.B. 2/Lt N
Colasanti, B.R. S/Sgt E
Danielchik, E.R. S/Sgt RO
Boudry, L.R. S/Sgt
Miller, H. S/Sgt
Champlin, D. Sgt
Kadysewski, A. T/Sgt
Sedor, H. Cpl
Mears, R. Cpl
Parker, R. Cpl
Church, J.P. Cpl
Minahan, C.J. Pfc
Pispia,V.P. Pfc
Eberding, W.E. Sgt
11 May 1945 576th Sqdn.
A/C 545
Earl, P.R. 1/Lt P
Smiley, W.R. 1/Lt CP
Perkins, R.W. 1/Lt N
Woods, R.E. T/Sgt E
Irish, E.W. T/Sgt RO
Musselman, E.N. S/Sgt
Larsen, W.N. S/Sgt
Dawson, F.W. Capt
Moussally, G.T. Cpl
Neallums, L.N. Sgt
Euse, L. Pfc
Vendetti, F. S/Sgt
Pfaff, W.B. Pfc
Watson, H.E. Cpl
McCarl, J.R. Cpl
Sparks, B.K. S/Sgt
11 May 1945 576th Sqdn.
A/C 571
Crowell, R.K. 1/Lt P
Berkley, J.B. 1/Lt CP
Byrnes, W.D. 1/Lt N
Hough, J.F. M/Sgt E
Waggener, L.R. T/Sgt RO
Doutel, F.C. Sgt
Schneider, P.C. Cpl
Lux, H.E. S/Sgt
Hobert, E.S. Sgt
Glenn, A.W. Sgt
Yule, R. T/Sgt
Manley, R.L. S/Sgt
Clark, J.J. Pfc
Bush, M.L. S/Sgt
Fausnaugh, B. M/Sgt
Stockman, H.S. Pfc
11 May 1945 576th Sqdn.
A/C 299
Frazier, L.J. 2/Lt P
Linder, E.P. F/O CP
Robinson, R.L. 2/Lt N
McGrath, L.R. Pfc E
Latour, H.E. T/Sgt RO
Gibson, A.R. S/Sgt
Gyllenskog, G. S/Sgt
Kus, S. Cpl
Robinson, J.W. Pfc
Kuusela, L.E. Pvt
Welsh, G.R. Pvt
Spilski, J.F. Pfc
Riecks, W.H. Cpl
Allen, F.M. S/Sgt
Gaffey, J.L. 1/Sgt
11 May 1945 576th Sqdn.
A/C 647
Griffin, J.E. 2/Lt P
Cameron, A.S. 2/Lt CP
Byall, J.R. 2/Lt N
Madonna, A. M/Sgt E
Kirkpatrick, J. S/Sgt RO
Ratliff, O.N. T/5
Sleipness, L.M. Cpl
Mallog, F.H. Pfc
Mills, R.P. Pfc
Romo, M.Q. Cpl
Mogford, M.F. Pfc
Brooks, H. Pfc
Angrew, S.E. Pfc
Revetta, F. Pfc
Saville, R. Cpl
Nixon, G.W. Pfc
11 May 1945 576th Sqdn.
A/C 297
Lienemann, A.F. 2/Lt P
Knaver, J.G. F/O CP
Hanna, L.B. 2/Lt N
Wagner, C.R. Sgt E
Petrosky, J.M. Sgt RO
Markle, D.M. Sgt
MacLean, J.N. Cpl
Callender, R.B. Sgt
Cimmarusti, M. Cpl
Edelman, M. Pfc
Hall, K.E. Pfc
Mayer, A.E. Cpl
Croker, W. Cpl
Terzoglio, C. Sgt
Huffer, J.O. S/Sgt
Kagle, M. Sgt
11 May 1945 576th Sqdn.
A/C 505
Yasi, R.L. 2/Lt P
Blanton, C.L. 1/Lt CP
Judd, G.G. 1/Lt N
Taylor, B.D. T/Sgt E
Nalette, T.A. T/Sgt RO
Hanelt, E. Pfc
Ruddell, H.W. Pfc
Hopper, J.A. T/Sgt
Halterman, C.E. S/Sgt
Sapotino, L.M. Pfc
Eckert, H.A. Pfc
Wullschleger, R.D. Pfc
Hebert, A. Pvt
Turnier, V.J. Pfc
Groh, A. Cpl
Huff, C. Pfc
11 May 1945 576th Sqdn.
A/C 916
Proctor, H.E. 2/Lt P
Russell, C.E. 2/Lt CP
Plagenhoef, S.C. 2/Lt N
Lewis, A.J. T/Sgt E
Fried Sgt RO
Carlston, H.L. Sgt
Goldman, N. S/Sgt
Lutz, J.R. 1/Sgt
Fuller, D.E. S/Sgt
Ahrens, R.G. Cpl
Wolfe, I.F. Sgt
Ankoviak, W.E. Sgt
Hanrick, A.I. T/Sgt
Graham, C.R. Sgt
Biddle, P.H. S/Sgt
Comer, C.A. Cpl
11 May 1945 576th Sqdn.
A/C 770
Fenoglio, P.J. 1/Lt P
Phillips, L.W. 2/Lt CP
Matuszewski, T.J. 2/Lt N
Peralta, E.R. T/Sgt E
Perry, E. T/Sgt RO
Milligan, W.E.
Grant, L.W.
Wells, R.C.
Morris, A.H.
Swan, L.E.
Martin, M.C.
Vaeth, H.A. Pvt
11 May 1945 577th Sqdn.
A/C 639 K+
Dodson, G.H. 1/Lt P
Lefevre, L.P. 2/Lt CP
Fletcher, W.J. 2/Lt N
Peterson, F.H. S/Sgt E
Green, J.M. T/Sgt RO
Dauber, J.
Williams, J.T.
Mann, H.L.
Hageman, E.C.
Griffin, T.A.L.
Collier, R.A.
Carman, R.A.
Ranco, A.J.
Wilson, J.A.
Ormerod, R.N.
Eckerle, F.J. 1/Lt
11 May 1945 577th Sqdn.
A/C 901 W+
Inman, C.E. 1/Lt P
Ondrasek, J.G. 2/Lt CP
Lange, E.A. 2/Lt N
Kamholz, E.J. T/Sgt E
Flake, R.M. Jr. T/Sgt RO
Brown, H.G. Sgt
Rounsavall, G.E. Sgt
Anderson, E. S/Sgt
Hernandez, A.A. Sgt
Janiczek, J.P. S/Sgt
Preston, W.A. Sgt
Jackson, J.C. Sgt
Friedberg, C.L. Sgt
Black, R.C. Sgt
Timmermann, C.F. Cpl
Voelkel, F.D. Sgt
11 May 1945 577th Sqdn.
A/C 151 C+
Jackson, C.J. 1/Lt P
Parrish, C.E. 1/Lt CP
Pillsbury, A.A. 2/Lt N
Jenkins, J.H. T/Sgt E
Paren, J.H. T/Sgt RO
Ruth, C.G. Sgt
Tillyer, L.F. S/Sgt
Beeman, H.R. Cpl
Ward, R. S/Sgt
Macko, J.M. S/Sgt
Johnson, R.V. T/Sgt
Sieradski, E.R. Pvt
Haughney, J.J. Sgt
Pedeski, A. Cpl
Gonzalez, A.C. Cpl
Navert, H.J. S/Sgt
11 May 1945 577th Sqdn.
A/C 448
Gridley, J.N. 2/Lt P
Hunt, R.L. 2/Lt CP
Self, W.H. 2/Lt N
Segal, D. S/Sgt E
Braunhut, J.S. S/Sgt RO
Mayberry Cpl
Oksiniak Cpl
Diffendale Cpl
Mason Cpl
Crawford Sgt
Kearse Cpl
McCullough Sgt
Bengsch Pfc
Irby Cpl
Conrath Sgt
Ludemann Cpl
11 May 1945 577th Sqdn.
A/C 792
Harding, W.A. 1/Lt P
Morrow, E.T. 2/Lt CP
Parrish, J.D. 2/Lt N
Smith, R.L. S/Sgt E
Dollar, W.H. T/Sgt RO
Smith, N.L. Cpl
Debas, J.P. Cpl
Clark, P. Pfc
Salbodnick, J. Pfc
Porter, J.R. Cpl
Neff, D.W. Sgt
Berg, A.J. 1/Lt
Hammer, A.F. Cpl
Conner, J.B. Pvt
Hager, H.W. Cplv
Olsen, A.H. Sgt
11 May 1945 577th Sqdn.
A/C 522
Gates, H.W. 1/Lt P
Day, J.G. 2/Lt CP
Siwy, W.J. 2/Lt N
Baker, R.E. S/Sgt E
Frigo, H.M. S/Sgt RO
Leahy, D.W. M/Sgt
Makach, J.W. T/Sgt
Cunningham, G.R. Sgt
Bayha, C.E. S/Sgt
Watts, W.K. Sgt
Joyce, W.W. S/Sgt
Burslaff, W.C. S/Sgt
Wrigley, J.F. Sgt
Killough, B.G. S/Sgt
Neville, F.J. S/Sgt
Hylton, H.T. Sgt
11 May 1945 577th Sqdn.
A/C 169
Eyles, E.E. 2/Lt P
Froehlich, S.S. 2/Lt CP
Tucker, R. 1/Lt N
Mattera, A.P. S/Sgt E
Barrett, W.R. S/Sgt RO
Keefer, V.L. S/Sgt
Ranweiler, H. S/Sgt
Piekarz, B.F. S/Sgt
Maddox, F.L. S/Sgt
Iho, A.J. T/Sgt
Lingle, L.R. S/Sgt
Garlitz, E.O. T/Sgt
Burke, A.J. Cpl
Zimdars, O.W. Cpl
Peretti, A.T. S/Sgt
Hogaman, D.E. Pvt
11 May 1945 577th Sqdn.
A/C 906 U+
Majesky, A.E. 2/Lt P
Wanner, G.L. 2/Lt CP
Vought, E.I. 2/Lt N
Patton, F.M. T/Sgt E
Ivey, M.A. T/Sgt RO
Houser, R.S.
Childs, L.A.
Martin, T.C.
Evangelo, P.
Rumbold, C.E.
Bell, E.E.
Morales, J.S.
Smith, L.S.
Daigle, H.
Manning, L.E.
Niles, J.M. T/5
11 May 1945 577th Sqdn.
A/C 079
Myers, C.E. 1/Lt P
Anderson, K.W. 2/Lt CP
Zgurich, E.E. 2/Lt N
Payton, J.B. S/Sgt E
Jaklinski, S/Sgt RO
Butterbaugh, L.J. S/Sgt
Schrader, O. Cpl
Allen, T. Sgt
Welch, E. Cpl
Moore, J.D. Pfc
Kaylor, A.R. Cpl
Edge, N.R. Sgt
Mahan, F.J. S/Sgt
Kopeck, J. T/Sgt
Steinhaus, F.L. S/Sgt
Alwin, T.J. Sgt
11 May 1945 578th Sqdn.
A/C 240
McCarthy, J.T. 1/Lt P
Delone, T.H. F/O CP
Deverick, L.M. F/O N
Kniess, J.D. S/Sgt E
Purdy, J.M. S/Sgt RO
(also 10 passengers
from Steeple Morden)
11 May 1945 578th Sqdn.
A/C 249 A
Petersen, R.R. 2/Lt P
Schafer, G.R. 2/Lt CP
Knudson, C.B. 2/Lt N
Jensen, L.A. S/Sgt E
Dellow, E.L. S/Sgt RO
(also 10 passengers
from Steeple Morden)
11 May 1945 578th Sqdn.
A/C 205
Hinshaw, C.F. 2/Lt P
Brown, T.E. 2/Lt CP
Dworkin, B. 2/Lt N
Quintenz, L.J. Sgt E
Masnovi, R. Sgt RO
(also 10 passengers
from Steeple Morden)
11 May 1945 578th Sqdn.
A/C 313
Olsen, H. 2/Lt P
Muldoon, J.D. F/O CP
Papa, R. F/O N
Sacher, P. T/Sgt E
Reidy, H.S. T/Sgt RO
(also 10 passengers
from Steeple Morden)
11 May 1945 578th Sqdn.
A/C 495
Garcia, A.R. 1/Lt P
Pollack, M. 2/Lt CP
Oakes, H.W. 1/Lt N
Landes, I.B. T/Sgt E
Vedro RO
(also 10 passengers
from Steeple Morden)
11 May 1945 578th Sqdn.
A/C 250
Ansbro, M.J. 2/Lt P
Wernsman, J.B. 2/Lt P
Christman, H.E. F/O N
Brierley, A.R. S/Sgt E
O'Brien, B.M. S/Sgt RO
(also 10 passengers
from Steeple Morden)
11 May 1945 578th Sqdn.
A/C 568
Adsit, B.D. 1/Lt P
Weber, M. F/O CP
Wedgeworth, Q.R. 1/Lt N
McDonald, R.C. T/Sgt E
Close, H.R. T/Sgt RO
(also 10 passengers
from Steeple Morden)
11 May 1945 578th Sqdn.
A/C 493
Vickers, R.E. 1/Lt P
Schwarzer, D.E. 1/Lt CP
Lowe 1/Lt N
Krutys, E.V. T/Sgt E
Costanzo, N.T. T/Sgt RO
(also 10 passengers
from Steeple Morden)
11 May 1945 578th Sqdn.
A/C 511 Y
Snyder, J.W. 2/Lt P
Heiser, R.F. 2/Lt CP
Rockett, R.W. 2/Lt N
Ruh, H.J. Sgt E
Edgington, T.J. Sgt RO
(also 10 passengers
from Steeple Morden)
11 May 1945 579th Sqdn.
A/C 128
Prater, W.K. 2/Lt P
Schoellerman, M. 2/Lt CP
Pilcher, W.L. 2/Lt N
Lawrence, L.J. Sgt E
Killian, C.J. S/Sgt RO
11 May 1945 579th Sqdn.
A/C 670
Teipel, H.N. Capt P
Karas, M. 1/Lt CP
Polansky, M.L. 1/Lt N
Rabine, V.A. T/Sgt E
Goodson, E. T/Sgt RO
Towns, W.L. Sgt
Wing, S.O. Cpl
Alfred, P.C. Pfc
High, J.M. S/Sgt
Allegos, P. Cpl
Pike, H. S/Sgt
Merchant, R.G. Pfc
Poole, T.B. Sgt
Gonzalez, L.F. S/Sgt
Maule, L.E. Pvt
Holt, W.G. S/Sgt
11 May 1945 579th Sqdn.
A/C 249
Daley, J.C. Capt P
Enyart, D.W. 1/Lt CP
Barry, W.T. 1/Lt N
Conrad, D.E. S/Sgt E
Wilkerson, E.J. T/Sgt RO
McDonough Capt
Dowling Capt
Pendleton Capt
James S/Sgt
Loomis M/Sgt
Hanson S/Sgt
Ross S/Sgt
Kelly Pfc
Keegan Pfc
Okejmcziak Pfc
Robertson Pfc
11 May 1945 579th Sqdn.
A/C 899
Wood, D.R. Capt P
Peck, R.E. 1/Lt CP
Satterthwait, D.R. 2/Lt N
Morgan, K.W. T/Sgt E
Fleischmann, R. T/Sgt RO
Kelly, J.P. S/Sgt
Olsen, V.L. 1/Sgt
Quinn, J.H. Sgt
Brown, S.H. S/Sgt
Besselman, J.G. T/Sgt
Moravek, P.S. 1/Sgt
Simon, E. Pfc
Pulhan, W.F. Pfc
Brewer, R.G. Pfc
Cruz, J.J. Pvt
Stuck, W.F. S/Sgt
11 May 1945 579th Sqdn.
A/C 305
Kerr, D.R. Capt P
Fabiani, H.L. 1/Lt CP
Boettcher, R.E. 1/Lt N
Chelenyak, J.H. T/Sgt E
Abraham, L.J. T/Sgt RO
(also 10 passengers
from Steeple Morden)


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Click on image to enlarge.
Click on image to enlarge.
Click on image to enlarge.
Click on image to enlarge.
Click on image to enlarge.


Collin, Everett E. M/Sgt.
Horn, Thomas J. T/Sgt
Johnson, Lorin L. Col *
403rd HQ & Base Serv Sqdn
Vickers, Ben L. M/Sgt
576th Sqdn
Haluko, Joseph M/Sgt
Macrae, Donald J. S/Sgt
577th Sqdn
Crisafi, Vincent L. S/Sgt (Photog)
Derby, Carl C. T/Sgt
Hunsaker, Ben W. Capt*
Schaul, Sigmund M/Sgt.
Stout, Jack S/Sgt.*
Thompson, William Sgt.*
Williams, Russel B. 1/Lt*
578th Sqdn
Moore, Robert W. M/Sgt
579th Sqdn
Brooks, Henry W. Jr., Capt
Golub, Morris M/Sgt