392nd Bomb Group

Target: Laon/Athies Air Field - 23 June 1944 - Mission #121

Between 1400-1500 hours, (24) crews were briefed with the 579th, Lieutenant Cetin as Bombardier, and 577th Squadron, Lieutenant Issenberg as Bombardier, assigned lead positions. At 1630 hours, all (24) ships took off with all but (1) going over the target to release (1190) 100 and 120# bombs. Results were poor and intense, accurate AA fire on the bomb run contributed to the bombing inaccuracy. Over the target, the Group lost (2) aircraft. From the 578th in #337, Lieutenant C. G. McCarthy’s crew was last seen at 1952, position 4937N-0343E, hit by flak and going doing in a turning dive, bursting into flame before crashing with (3) chutes observed. In ship #027 from the 577th, the lead ship crew piloted by Lieutenant W. T. Whittemore with Captain M. H. Graper, Operations Officer of the Squadron and one of the original 392nd pilots, was last seen at 1954, position 4937N-0343, hit by flak in #3 engine with the bomb bay afire and going into a dive, rollfing over out of control with (5) chutes being seen. On the return course out, the formation got off-course and ran into very heavy AA fire near Dunkirk resulting in the loss of still another aircraft and crew. From the 577th, ship #287 with Lieutenant N. R. Larsen’s crew, first damaged by flak over the target was hit again over Dunkirk at 2035 hours, losing a propeller and going down in a spin out of control with (3) chutes seen. The surviving ships with (17) damaged by AA fire returned to base around 22 hours. Aircraft #448 from the 579th with Lieutenant A. F. Leghorn’s crew was severely damaged and was forced to land on the big emergency airstrip at Manston with all personnel safe.

A press release the next day in the 392nd Group History Folder in the National Archives provides additional details about this mission: "The gasoline-drenched Liberator Section VIII returned to its base in England last night its crew members certain that they owe their lives to the heroic action of their engineer, S/Sgt Franklin R. Munden of Ratton New Mexico. They told of meeting heavy flak on the bomb run which punctured one of the Lib's gas tanks and cut the hose on another. They also described how a rudder cable severed by a piece of flak whipped out and caught a live frag bomb white it was being dropped during "Bombs Away."

"The bomb was fused to go off on contact," explained the pilot, Second Lt. Robert R. Caldwell. "The frag was hanging in the slip stream with the bomb bay doors open. I was afraid that it would go off any minute by just hitting against the side of the aircraft. The bomb bay was filled with raw gas from the leaking tanks and the fumes were so strong that you couldn't see. I decided that we'd better get rid of that frag bomb if we ever expected to get back to England. So I sent the engineer, Sgt. Munden, into the bomb bay to see what he could do. "

"We were flying at 21,000 ft," Lt. Caldwell continues, "And it was 20 below Zero up there. Without thinking of his own safely, Sgt. Munden removed his electrically heated gloves, his parachute, and his Mae West Life Preserver. He entered the slippery cat walk with the bomb bay doors open beneath him. Blinded by the gas fumes, he returned to the flight deck and I gave him a pair of goggles to wear. He went back to his job and finally succeeded in getting the frag loose and dropping it. The Sgt. then stopped up the severed hose from which the gas was pouring using a 50 caliber shell to do so. Sgt. Munden was drenched with gasoline when he came back to the flight deck," continues the pilot. "His hands and arms were so badly frozen that he couldn't move them. I gave him a muff and he thawed them out as best he could."

The Section VIII arrived over its home base with one of its engines out and the hydraulic lines cut to pieces. When the copilot, 2nd Lt. Richard J. Harer couldn't get the nose-wheel down, Sgt. Munden went into action again. Though still suffering from red and blistered frostbitten arms, Sgt. Munden removed the muff and cranked the wheel down manually, in spite of his painful injuries.

Lt. Caldwell brought his crippled bomber in for a perfect landing, its crew members more convinced than ever in the invincibility of Liberators and heroic engineers named Munden."

See a personal account on this mission by CLICKING HERE


23 JUNE 1944 - TARGET: Laon-ATHIES AIR FIELD (France)
MISSING AIRCREW REPORT: #06215 AIRCRAFT: #42-95027 (NO NICKNAME) "B-PIus" 17th Mission
P (C) CAPT Graper, Melvin H.      KIA
P     1/LT Whittemore, Warren T.  POW
CP    2/LT Ackerman, James M.     POW
N     2/LT Rich, Clarence B.      EVD
B     2/LT Issenberg, Milton      POW
NG/N  2/LT Birnbaum, Standford I. KIA
R/O   S/S  Ammon, Robert H.       KIA
EnG   T/S  Peterson, Carl L.      KIA
WG    S/S  Altemus, Charles V.    POW
WG    S/S  Lampe, Maurice         POW
TG    S/S  Tremlett, Robert S.    KIA

MISSION LOSS CIRCUMSTANCES: An eye-witness (Lt. Johnson, crew Pilot, 577th) reported that this aircraft took a direct hit by flak in #3 engine and bomb bay at the target, went down immediately into a dive, then pulled up slightly, rolled over and went out of control, (5) chutes seen. A German Report #KU2367, Air Base Hqs E (v) 229/Xl at Couvron, cited the downing of this crew and plane at 1950 hours, 23 June, (9) kilometers north of Laon, France; damage to ship 85-90%, one member found dead, burned completely, and (7)men taken prisoner on the spot. Prisoners identified from this aircrew were: Graper, Whittemore, Issenberg, Ackerman, Altemus, and Lampe. The 7th person captured was not from this aircrew, a S/Sgt. John Morris, but was a 392nd crew member from the McCarthy ship which was also shot down this mission in the very same area (See MACR #6985). Some members of the Whittemore crew were badly burned during their bail outs, and required hospitalization at the German War Hospital in Reims: lssenberg, Ackerman, and Graper (Capt. Graper died sixteen days later of his wounds on 8 July at 2200 hours due to multiple shell fragment wounds; severe muscle lacerations of both upper legs which required amputation; and extreme weakness due to lack of blood circulation, all according to a German supplementary report, #1231 from the Reims Army Hospital 1/528-A). As determined later from a crewmember’s report (see below), four of this aircrew were found perished in the plane’s crash site: Lt. Birnbaum, Sgts. Ammon, Peterson and Tremlett thus bringing the total KIA to (5) members. One crew man, Lt. Rich, did manage to evade capture and was taken in by French underground elements.

INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNTS OF CREWMEN FATES: Lt. Rich, the one escape and evadee, gave this written account after his return to the States: "Since my return to the United States, I have received a letter from Madame L. Culot whose address is Barenton-Bugny, France, which said in part ‘four of your friends at the airplane died because it (fell) down in flames". He continued his statement by writing: "Possibly one may know more details of this incident, even to where the bodies are buried and this information might be of (help) to a search team" (and signed, Clarence B. Rich, Dean, Montana). Other general details of the Lt. Rich report noted that: Capt. Graper Lts. Whittemore, Ackerman, Issenberg and he bailed out of the burning bomb bays between 12,000-20,000 feet; Lt. Birnbaum also had jumped at about 15,000 feet but was burned about his neck and face; he (Rich) had no knowledge concerning the bail outs of Sgt. Lampe and Altemus, and that Sgt. Tremplett was found in his tail gun position in the crash, according to the French partisans (along with three other members who also perished, as later determined). In another member’s statement (most probably Sgt. Lampe, one of the waist gunner survivors), a notation was made regarding the tail gunner’s loss: "Charles Altemus and I got him out of his turret and he said he would follow (us)...he was in the waist just behind the escape hatch. He was not injured..but might have suffered from lack of oxygen."

In his Escape and Evasion Report (#1443), 2/Lt Ackerman reported that the plane was on fire and oil from the accumulators was spurting near the instrument panel. He was badly burned on his face before he was able to bail out at 4,000 feet. When he landed near Reims, the French people who found him debated about whether to turn him over to the Germans so he could receive proper medical attention. It was decided he needed more care than they could provide, so he was taken to a German patrol which treated him very well. He received medical attention and was then transported by ambulance with Capt. Graper and Sgt Morris (from the McCarthy crew, MACR 6985) to the American Memorial Hospital in Reims. When Capt Graper died, he was given a military funeral and buried in the cemetery within the hospital walls. On 29 August, the Germans evacuated the hospital, leaving behind the French doctors and nurses and four badly wounded Germans. The medical detachment of the 5th Division took over the hospital and the patients were taken to the 39th Evacuation Hospital. 2/Lt Ackerman returned to the United Kingdom on 1 September 1944.

BURIAL RECORDS: The Germans recorded that Capt. Graper was buried (Reims Hospital report above) at 1200 hours, Thursday 13 July 1944 at the Western Cemetery in Reims, Grave plot 56-2-16. The remains of three burned bodies still in the wreckage of the plane were buried by French civilians in an isolated grave adjacent to the scene of the wreck several days later. The location was given as Barenton-Cel (Aisne), a small town two km southeast of Chery-les-Pouilly. 2/Lt Birnbaum, S/Sgt Ammon, and S/Sgt Tremlett are interred in Woodlawn National Cemetery, Section G Site 4527.

NEXT OF KIN DATA IN WWII: Graper (Wife, Marguerite E., 514 Hayward Avenue, Ames, Iowa); Whittemore (Father, Van C., 46 E. Main Street, Canton, New York); Peterson (Father, Henry A., 3810 50th Street, San Diego, California);Ackerman (Wife, Madeleine, Lake Avenue, Hillburn, New York); Rich (Wife, Helen C., Box 532, Columbus, Montana); Issenberg (Father, Samuel, 1136 Essex Street, Lawrence, Massachusetts); Birnbaum (Father, Joseph, 28 Broad Street, Flemington, New Jersey); Ammon (Wife, Mary A., % McCaney, 3254 Rutledge Walk, Crescent Gardens, Fairview, New Jersy); Altemus (Mother, Ida M., 615 East 20th Street, Sioux Falls, South Dakota); Lampe (Mother, Josephine K., (1102 Avenue C, Fort Madison, Iowa); and Tremplett (Mother, Mable, 28 South Gordon, Gouverneur, New York).

MISSING AIRCREW REPORT: #06523 AIRCRAFT: #42-50287 (NO NICKNAME) "V-PIus" 17th Mission
P   l/LT  Larsen, Niel R.         KIA
CP  2/LT  Stratton, Charles R. Jr KIA
N   2/LT  O’Neill, Thomas J.      POW
B   2/LT  Hiller, Thomas B.       POW
NG  PVT   Davis, Edward T.        POW
R/O T/SGT Fox, Henry H.           POW
EnG T/SGT Robinson, William F.    KIA
WG  S/SGT Whitt, Clyde G.         KIA
WG  S/SGT Cristofaro, Gus J.      KIA
TG  S/SGT Prazak, Stanley J.      KIA

MISSION LOSS CIRCUMSTANCES: An eye-witness (Lt. Holliday, crew Pilot 577th) reported this aircraft as being first hit by flak over the target, hit again at Dunkirk (return route) and lost a propeller with plane going down in a spin out of control and believed to have crashed, (3) chutes seen. A German Report #KU2368, 23 June at 2130, Airdrome Command at Lille, stated that this aircrew of ten were recovered with (6) dead: Larsen, Stratton, Robinson, Prazak, Cristofaro and Whitt,-and (4) members captured. The men taken prisoner were identified positively and sent on to DulagLuft center for interrogation at Oberursel/Frankfort on 27 June.

INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNTS OF CREWMEN FATES: One crew survivor, O’Neill, later gave information in a ‘Casualty Questionnaire’ to U.S. authorities after his repatriation from POW status, as follows: that their ship had left the Group formation about five miles north of the target after bombing (and took a more direct route returning to England); and about (10) miles southeast of Dunkirk some of the crew began bail out starting at about 10,000 feet down to 3-4,000 feet due to the plane being in a spin (after being hit by flak again); that the Pilot, Co-Pilot, and Engineer were in their respective flight positions when the plane took a direct flak hit into the flight deck, and that was the last seen of these members; that the ship had crashed about (10) miles southeast of Dunkirk between a railroad, canal, and a road near a house there; and it had burned with no surviving crew members able to get back to it. He noted further that the Pilot and Co-Pilot were killed instantly, he believed, and the Engineer perished before he could bail out since the plane, immediately after the AA hit, went into a right hand spiral spin and no abandon ship signal was given. Another report from Lt. Hiller, Bombardier, stated that he and the Radio Operator bailed out through the bomb bays after the ship stopped spinning momentarily around 10,000 feet, followed by the Navigator and Nose Gunner who jumped through the nose escape way (Note: Escape had to be through the nose wheel well-doors as this exit was the only way from the nose section, and quite difficult to accomplish with a parachute on, back or chest pack). No other accounts were filed with this MACR.

BURIAL RECORDS: No German report exists on this aspect. U.S. National Overseas Cemetery records note that the following (2) crew members are interred in the NORMANDY (Omaha Beach) cemetery: Stratton (Grave A-l5-23); and Prazak (Grave B-16-24). Stratton is recorded to have the Air Medal with (2) Oak Leaf Clusters, and Prazak the same medal with (4) Oak Leaf Clusters. Neither are recorded to have received the Purple Heart awards, posthumously. Records on the initial, or reburial of the other deceased members were not available in these files.

NEXT OF KIN DATA IN WWII: Larsen (Wife, Arlene 1, 3145, Fort Worth, Texas); Stratton (Wife, Virginia I., 816 North 24th Street, St. Joseph, Missouri); O’Neill (Father, Walter L., 4119 A Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, Missouri); Hiller (Mother, Margaret V., 6727 Toresdale Avenue, Philadelphia); Davis (Father, Gilbert W., Route #1, McMinnville, Tennessee); Fox (Wife, Frances K., 3115 Lincoln Street, Columbia, South Carolina); Robinson (Mother, Emmie V., Eatonon, Georgia); Whitt (Mother, Mary Lee, Route #3, Roxboro, North Carolina); Cristofaro (Father, Joseph, 38 Oxford, Fernwood, Pennsylvania); and Prazak (Mother, Antoinette C., 163 West Allen, Winsocki, Vermont).

MISSING AIRCREW REPORT: #06985 AIRCRAFT: #42-50338 (NO NICKNAME) "Q-Bar" 19th Mission
P   l/LT McCarthy, Clarke G.    EVD/RTD
CP  2/LT Gerbing, Thomas M.     EVD/RTD
N   2/LT McSweeney, John D. Jr  EVD/RTD
NG  S/SGT Hardy, Elmer C.       KIA
R/O T/SGT Knight, Joseph S.     KIA
EnG T/SGT Houser, Byron M.      EVD/RTD
WG  SGT Elsleger, Joseph, Jr    POW
WG  S/SGT Morris, John A.       POW
TG  S/SGT Eckert, James A.      EVD/RTD

MISSION LOSS CIRCUMSTANCES: An eye-witness (Lt. Smith, crew Pilot, 578th, flying left wing off McCarthy) reported this aircraft was hit by flak and went down in a turning dive; bursting into flame just before hitting the ground, (3) chutes seen. A German Report #KU 2366 from Hqs Airbase 11NI at Laon stated that the ship had crashed at 1954 hours on the 23rd, (5) kilometers south-southeast of Laon (Germans wrote it ‘LAON’), burned and 98% damaged; (1) man recovered dead (Sgt. Hardy); (1) taken prisoner at this time (Sgt. Elsleger) and the remaining members were at-large as fugitives. Later, at 2000 hours (3) kilometers south of Bruyeres Sgt Morris was captured and taken prisoner with a bullet wound in the lung. Still later the same evening, the Germans found the body of an unidentified crew member (which was that of Sgt. Knight), just northwest of the same French village. Elsleger, and Morris were placed in the Hospital at Reims while their wounds were treated and later on 2 August, Elslegere transferred to Dulag Luft in Germany for interrogation. A supplementary report of 26 June to a higher headquarters from Laon stated that search had begun for the fugitive crew members and the police-weapon school of Laon had been alerted, that the plane crash site was being guarded, and navigation and radio documents as well as maps had been recovered.

INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNTS OF CREWMEN FATES: Pilot McCarthy and Engineer Houser gave rather detailed summaries of their emergency bail outs in statements given to U.S. (ETO) Military Intelligence Service authorities after both were repatriated later in September 1944 from their escape and evasive experiences. Generally, these two reports dated 8 September agreed on the same queries: their ship was hit by AA fire around 2000 hours just after bombs away at Laon-Athies airfield, two engines were shot out and the controls lost; that bail outs of those who jumped were made at an altitude between 10,000 to 22,000 feet; and four crew men for certain did bail out and their parachutes opened - the Pilot, Co-Pilot, Engineer, and Radio Operator (Ed’s note: though the latter was found dead by the Germans later); that the Navigator also survived the jump; and it was believed (at the time of their reports) that (3) members had been killed, (5) were evadees with help of the local French, and (1) was taken prisoner. (Ed’s note: Pilot McCarthy’s Escape and Evasion (U.S.) file number was #1144; and Sgt. Houser’s was #1574 as also recorded on these statement forms. Navigator McSweeney, another successful evadee, had rendered an individual Casualty Questionnaire later on the Co-Pilot, Lt. Gerbing, noting that the latter had bailed out successfully and was taken by friendly French partisians, joining Sgt. Houser and himself until the three were liberated. Lt. Gerbing in another questionnaire also had reported that Sgt. Knight, the Radio Operator, had been the first crew member to bail out of the bomb bay, but no further knowledge on his fate was known subsequently. Lt. Mc Sweeney added a brief summary on the abandon ship situation by noting that: Lt. McCarthy had jumped from the bomb bay; Sgt Houser had bailed out in the bomb bay as well but had sustained a shoulder and arm injury in doing so which was later attended to by the French helpers; Sgt. Eckert and Sgt. Elsleger, both had egressed through the aft escape hatch in the waist section. Reporting on the death of Sgt. Hardy, one survivor (not identified, but probably one of the two men taken prisoner) stated: "The last time I saw him was in a German Headquarter’s courtyard where I was taken riding in a German motorcycle and they showed me his (Sgt. Hardy’s) parachute that he was lying under. It looked to me as if he had bullet holes in the left side of his face, but they may have been flak holes. He was dead". The same surviving member also stated that he saw Sgt. Morris, who was also taken prisoner, just before the latter bailed out of the ship and that he had been wounded, and was seen much later in the same hospital at Reims. From another survivor’s account in piecing the final story of a tragic situation together, one parachute did not open as one member hit the ground and in all likelihood, this was Sgt. Knight’s fate. German personnel did bury the two deceased in the Municipal Cemetery at Lieese as given in a supplementary report to #KU2366.

BURIAL RECORDS: The (2) casualties were interred by the Germans in the Liesse Municipal Cemetery: Sgt. Hardy in Grave #43 and Sgt. Knight in Grave #44; Hardy on 26 June and Knight on 30 June. U.S. National (overseas) Cemetery records do not reflect any mention of these (2) crewmen having been recovered and re-interred later.

NEXT OF KIN DATA IN WWII: McCarthy (Mother, Hilda G., 581 Daly Avenue, Missoula, Montana); Gerbing (Wife, Maxine M., 234 West Florence Avenue, Los Angeles, California); McSweeney (Father, John 0., 1215 Clover Lane, Chester, Pennsylvania); Hardy (Father, Harry C., 1542 North 36th Avenue, Melrose Park, Illinois); Knight (Mother, Mrs. Nealthy L., 2 Magnolia Drive, New Hyde Park, New York); Houser (Father, Arthur, 62 Main Street, Beaver Meadows, Pennsylvania); Morris (Mother, Rose Agnes Agnes, Box 217, Dapoe, Oregon); Eckert (Friend, George A. Langman, Route #4, La Porte, Indiana); and Elsleger (Uncle/Aunt, M/M Mike Eltechleger, 908 Ella Street, Bridgeville, Pennsylvania).



23 Jun 1944 576th Sqdn.
A/C 222
P Martin, R.C. Jr. 2nd Lt.
CP Hilbert, H.S. 2nd Lt.
N Frey, J.J. 2nd Lt.
B Wear, H.E. 2nd Lt.
E Blees, K.H. S/Sgt.
R Thiel, J.G. S/Sgt.
RW Cannon, M.H. S/Sgt.
LW Minton, D.C. S/Sgt.
BT - -
TG Roberts, M.E. Sgt.
23 Jun 1944 576th Sqdn.
A/C 731
P Reese, R.L. 2nd Lt.
CP Iannotta, J.S. 2nd Lt.
N Minzenberg, W.O. F/O
B Walters, J.E. 2nd Lt.
E Thornton, M. S/Sgt.
R Butzmann, R.O.E. S/Sgt.
RW DeKeyser, H.A. Sgt.
LW Ellis, C. Sgt.
BT - -
TG Shumacker, D.H. Sgt.
23 Jun 1944 576th Sqdn.
A/C 409
P Caldwell, R.R. 2nd Lt.
CP Harer, R.J. 2nd Lt.
N Thornburgh, J.W. 2nd Lt.
B Miller, S. 2nd Lt.
E Munden, F.R. S/Sgt.
R Westerfield, M.M. S/Sgt.
RW Maher, T.O. Sgt.
LW Foster, C.E. Sgt.
BT - -
TG Bennett, D.F. Sgt.
23 Jun 1944 576th Sqdn.
A/C 106
P Evans, A.W. 1st Lt.
CP Fenton, J.S. 2nd Lt.
N Shoenberger, R.W. 2nd Lt.
B Conner, J.K. 2nd Lt.
E Patterson, R.C. T/Sgt.
R Glowienke, G.A. T/Sgt.
RW Naber, H.W. S/Sgt.
LW Buonocore, F.L. S/Sgt.
BT - -
TG Powell, L.R. S/Sgt.
23 Jun 1944 576th Sqdn.
A/C 070
P Meighen, W.E. 1st Lt.
CP Mason, J.J. 1st Lt.
N Koch, C.H. Capt.
B Wimberly, W.G. S/Sgt.
E Austin, L.D. T/Sgt.
R Epstein, B.B. T/Sgt.
RW Bode, J.E. S/Sgt.
LW Kuhns, R.H. Sgt.
BT - -
TG Cuevas, D.E. Sgt.
23 Jun 1944 576th Sqdn.
A/C 907
P Holliday, B.L. 2nd Lt.
CP Daniel, P.U. 2nd Lt.
N McCutcheon, J. 2nd Lt.
B Serna, M.M. 2nd Lt.
E Sevier, R.M. S/Sgt.
R Rambo, K.B. S/Sgt.
RW Johnson, L.A. Sgt.
LW Wattles, L.O. Sgt.
BT - -
TG Negus, J.V. Sgt.
23 Jun 1944 577th Sqdn.
A/C 151
P Anundson, P.F. 1st Lt.
CP Hadley, L.R. 2nd Lt.
N Fehrenbacher, D.E. 2nd Lt.
B Scott, W.J. 2nd Lt.
E Cooke, W.B. S/Sgt.
R Clendening, R.D. S/Sgt.
RW Farrar, R.E. Sgt.
LW Schliesmayer, R.N. Sgt.
BT Berry, H.F. Sgt.
TG Kleber, W.M. Sgt.
23 Jun 1944 577th Sqdn.
A/C 423 (no mission credit)
P McGrath, T.F. 2nd Lt.
CP Faulkner, J.J. 2nd Lt.
N Smith, P.J. 2nd Lt.
B Brennan, A.F. 2nd Lt.
E McFadden, R.J. S/Sgt.
R Stewart, G.S. S/Sgt.
RW Vines, V.L. Sgt.
LW Walsh, H.R. Sgt.
BT Shoemaker, D.R. Sgt.
TG Schroeder, R.C. Sgt.
OBS Salus, R.W. S/Sgt.
23 Jun 1944 577th Sqdn.
A/C 027
CA Graper, M.H. Capt.
P Whittemore, W.T. 1st Lt.
CP Ackerman, J.M. 2nd Lt.
N Rich, C.B. 2nd Lt.
B Issenberg, M. 2nd Lt.
E Peterson, C.L. T/Sgt.
R Ammon, R.H. S/Sgt.
RW Altemus, C.V. S/Sgt.
LW Lampe, M. S/Sgt.
NG Birnbaum, S.I. 2nd Lt.
TG Tremlett, R.S. S/Sgt.
23 Jun 1944 577th Sqdn.
A/C 096
P Bradford, M.A. 1st Lt.
CP Holben, W.P. 2nd Lt.
N Gillett, F.A. 2nd Lt.
NG Potasiewicz, J.F. Sgt.
E Chapman, K.W. T/Sgt.
R O'Brien, W.W. T/Sgt.
RW Reausaw, F.M. S/Sgt.
LW Wakelee, D.L. S/Sgt.
BT Eldridge, H.N. 1st Lt.
TG Yanora, M.R. S/Sgt.
23 Jun 1944 577th Sqdn.
A/C 287
P Larsen, N.R. 1st Lt.
CP Stratton, C.R. 2nd Lt.
N O'Neill, T.J. 2nd Lt.
B Hiller, T.B. 2nd Lt.
E Robinson, W.F. T/Sgt.
R Fox, H.H. T/Sgt.
RW Whitt, C.G. S/Sgt.
LW Cristofaro, G.J. S/Sgt.
BT Davis, E.T. Pvt.
TG Prazak, S.J. S/Sgt.
23 Jun 1944 577th Sqdn.
A/C 649
P Johnson, O.P. 1st Lt.
CP Tedford, L.W. 2nd Lt.
N Bober, L. 2nd Lt.
B Beezley, D.D. 2nd Lt.
E Whitson, M.D. T/Sgt.
R Perlberg, A.C. T/Sgt.
RW Barnard, C.F. S/Sgt.
LW Kaeble, R.R. S/Sgt.
BT - -
TG Freeman, J.B. S/Sgt.
NG Dunham, K.E. 2nd Lt.
23 Jun 1944 578th Sqdn.
A/C 295
P Smith, W.C. 2nd Lt.
CP Wilson, E.R. 2nd Lt.
N McMahon, E.J. F/O
B Jackson, C.R. 2nd Lt.
E Seaton, K.L. T/Sgt.
R Kostrewski, G.T. T/Sgt.
RW McRight, W.O. S/Sgt.
LW Humphreys, E.E. Sgt.
BT - -
TG VanVliet, P. Sgt.
23 Jun 1944 578th Sqdn.
A/C 293
P Fogarty, D.M. 1st Lt.
CP Walker, R.S. 1st Lt.
N Ferry, J.R. 2nd Lt.
B Gajewski, R.B. F/O
E Fontenot, W.L. S/Sgt.
R Whittington, T. S/Sgt.
RW Barker, D.G. Sgt.
LW Willey, J.R. Sgt.
BT - -
TG Kosinski, F.H. Sgt.
23 Jun 1944 578th Sqdn.
A/C 338
P McCarthy, C.G. 1st Lt.
CP Gerbing, T.M. 2nd Lt.
N McSweeney, J.D. 2nd Lt.
NG Hardy, E.C. S/Sgt.
E Houser, B.M. T/Sgt.
R Knight, J.S. T/Sgt.
RW Morris, J.A. S/Sgt.
LW Elsleger, J. S/Sgt.
BT - -
TG Eckert, J.A. S/Sgt.
23 Jun 1944 578th Sqdn.
A/C 337
P Clapper, E.E. 2nd Lt.
CP Holmes, F. Jr. 2nd Lt.
N Losse, R.W. 2nd Lt.
B Murray, J.P. 2nd Lt.
E Bowman, F.N. S/Sgt.
R Kaplan, M. S/Sgt.
RW Beutler, K.L. Sgt.
LW Fought, R.C. Sgt.
BT - -
TG Sabaca, J.J. Sgt.
23 Jun 1944 578th Sqdn.
A/C 517
P Quinn, L.F. 1st Lt.
CP Ritter, W.R. 2nd Lt.
N Kostlan, A. 2nd Lt.
B Brown, H.C. Sgt.
E Wilson, H.W. S/Sgt.
R Morgan, L.E. Cpl.
RW Borchers, E.J. Sgt.
LW McGinnis, M.C. Pvt.
BT - -
TG DeStefano, A.F. Sgt.
23 Jun 1944 578th Sqdn.
A/C 446
P Shelley, J.H. 2nd Lt.
CP Scarpino, P. 2nd Lt.
N Maroun, N.P. 2nd Lt.
B Chinchilla, F.P. 2nd Lt.
E Kane, F.M. S/Sgt.
R Smith, P.E. S/Sgt.
RW Hollenbeck, C.E. S/Sgt.
LW Padgett, P.P. S/Sgt.
BT - -
TG Childers, J.E. S/Sgt.
23 Jun 1944 579th Sqdn.
A/C 448
P Leghorn, A.F. 2nd Lt.
CP Floyd, R.B. 2nd Lt.
N Seymer, R.F. 2nd Lt.
B Rothman, M. 2nd Lt.
E Powell, W.A. S/Sgt.
R Pattison, W.G. S/Sgt.
RW Huskey, C.O. S/Sgt.
LW Squires, R. S/Sgt.
BT - -
TG Lanier, J.E. Sgt.
23 Jun 1944 579th Sqdn.
A/C 229
P Ruvolis, L. 1st Lt.
CP Wunderlin, C.F. 2nd Lt.
N Mayer, R.S. F/O
B Young, E. 2nd Lt.
E Cowley, J.C. T/Sgt.
R Garvey, J.A. T/Sgt.
RW Beltz, G.E. S/Sgt.
LW Schenkenberger, J. S/Sgt.
BT - -
TG Sheridan, T.V. S/Sgt.
23 Jun 1944 579th Sqdn.
A/C 037
P Leser, H.J. 1st Lt.
CP Smoley, E.J. 2nd Lt.
N Sellers, F.R. 2nd Lt.
B Fleck, E.R. 2nd Lt.
E Rodgers, B.A. S/Sgt.
R Licht, J. S/Sgt.
RW Weckel, W.R. Sgt.
LW Fowler, D.E. Sgt.
BT - -
TG Damiano, A. Sgt.
23 Jun 1944 579th Sqdn.
A/C 035
CA Taylor, G.H. Capt.
P Brunn, W.S. 1st Lt.
CP Reinbold, H.L. F/O
N Griffith, R.C. 1st Lt.
B Coyle, J.D. 1st Lt.
B Rodriguez, J.B. 1st Lt.
E Harris, W.T. S/Sgt.
R Adams, R.V. T/Sgt.
RW Hassett, T.R. T/Sgt.
LW Hair, J.H. S/Sgt.
BT - -
TG Fund, E.J. S/Sgt.
23 Jun 1944 579th Sqdn.
A/C 608
CA Keilman, M.H. Maj.
P Cassell, H.S. Capt.
CP Colvin, J.A. 1st Lt.
N Bevan, K.S. 1st Lt.
B Cetin, W.F. 1st Lt.
E Heuser, W.M. T/Sgt.
R Geary, N.W. T/Sgt.
RW Rothrock, C.T. S/Sgt.
LW Dobrowolski, C.J. S/Sgt.
BT - -
TG Durant, W. T/Sgt.
NG Gichan, W.W. 2nd Lt.
23 Jun 1944 579th Sqdn.
A/C 897
P Thomas, J.F. 2nd Lt.
CP Whitford, D. 2nd Lt.
N McFarlin, J.F. F/O
B Hyre, G.R. F/O
E Nicolson, A. T/Sgt.
R Haywood, H.F. S/Sgt.
RW Powers, R.J. Sgt.
LW McEvoy, P.S. S/Sgt.
BT - -
TG O'Neill, W.P. S/Sgt.