392nd Bomb Group

Target: Oberpfaffenhofen - 21 July 1944 - Mission #126

The original target assignment received the evening on 20 July was the St. Lo area on tactical targets in support of Allied troops. Later it was changed and once more the 392nd's casualties would be high.

General briefings were conducted at 0230 and 0330 hours for 24 aircrews with the 576th and 579th assigned to lead. At 0605 hours, take-offs commenced. A force of 23 ships went over the target area releasing (582) 100 and 500# GPs bombs. Despite fierce attacks on the bomb run by an estimated 25-30 ME-109s and ME-410s, bombing results achieved were good though not directly on the briefed MPI. The 576th dropped approximately one mile east of the aiming point on buildings and airfield hangars with the 579th having to drop their frag bombs through an undercast.

Enemy fighter attacks were vicious and persistent causing the ultimate loss of (5) aircraft and (3) crews MIA and others wounded or killed. The 579th Squadron was hit hard by aircraft and crew losses on this raid. In ship #435 of the 579th, First Lieutenant J. F. Menard's crew was last seen at the target at 1035 hours, under fighter attack with #2 engine being hit, nearly tearing off the left wing. The ship went down flaming in a steep dive and no chutes were seen. As the enemy aircraft pressed home their attacks from tail and astern in singles, twos and threes abreast beginning about 1030, two other aircraft and crews were lost. From the 579th, Lieutenant R. J. Carey in #433 was last observed leaving the target, apparently under control and noted by Lieutenant W. S. Long in another ship to be headed toward Switzerland, badly damaged. In ship #907 of the 576th, Lieutenant H. F. Telken and crew were last seen at the target about 1035 hours under fighter attack with a severely damaged wing and going down in a dive with (3) chutes observed.

Three other ships were forced to crash land upon their return to England. In #615 from the 576th, Lieutenant A. L. Benson was unable to land his crippled bomber, bailing his crew out safely instead, with the ship crashing near Old Buckenham, the 453rd Group's base (Colonel Jimmy Stewart's outfit). From the 576th in ship #650, First Lieutenant K. A. Smith was forced to crash land his badly damaged B-24 at the emergency air field at Manston on the English coast. 2/Lt R.J. Benson in the 579th landed his badly damaged ship, #212, near Deanland airfield in Sussex.

The returning aircraft landed back at Wendling around 1415 hours having claimed 7 enemy fighters with 5additional B-24s of the Group battle damaged.

Sgt Christian Lagaard Jr., tail gunner on 2/Lt Richard J. Benson's crew, requested credit for destroying the enemy plane that had caused them to crash-land. In his Combat Form, Lagaard reported, "Right after bombs away, 3 enemy aircraft (ME-109s with red spinners) of a burnished copper color came in at 6 o'clock level, firing at this aircraft. Three hits scored by e/a on left waist, one hole in tail turret, and several in the fuselage of the B-24. The first e/a peeled off to the left and the second came on it, practically stalling behind the B-24. Tail Gunner opened fire at about 600 yards and kept firing in two bursts as the fighter came in. About 75 rounds fired. The e/a seemed to stall, and the prop nearly stopped turning; then it suddenly started to drop in a nose dive. The navigator saw it go down burning. The B-24 was badly damaged and made a crash-landing at a new airdrome 12 miles west of Friston [Suffolk] on south English coast."

See researcher Annette Tison's comprehensive article on this mission by CLICKING HERE
crash 21 Jul 44
The crash of #42-51212 near Deanland airfield, Sussex, England.
The crash of #42-50615 near Old Buckenham, England.
The crash of #42-50615 near Old Buckenham, England.


MISSING AIRCREW REPORT: #07245 AIRCRAFT: #42-50433 (NO NICKNAME) "Bar-Q" 7th Mission
P   2/LT  Carey, Richard J.      POW
CP  2/LT  Ziegenhardt, Donald E. POW
N   2/LT  Brownfelder, Allan R.  POW
B   F/O   Billman, Vernon E.     POW
EnG S/SGT Wear, Hugh L.          POW
R/O S/SGT Love, Joseph W.        POW
WG  SGT   Marshall, Charles R.   KIA
WG  SGT   Glickman, Bertram(NMI) KIA
TG  SGT   Kiger, Jerome E.       KIA

MISSION LOSS CIRCUMSTANCES: One single, brief eye-witness account (Lt. Long, Navigator, 579th) merely stated that this plane had been reported as leaving the formation and headed for the Netherlands. A German Report #KU839-A, Airbase Hqs A (o) 12/VII at Fuerstenfelbruck near Munich, reported the downed Liberator at 1100 hours on 21 July, and the capture of bail out members by the police post at Starnberg, near Aufkirchen, east of the Starnberger Sea. Three crew men were found dead: Sgts. Marshall, Kiger, and Glickman, and the remaining (6) taken prisoner.

INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNTS OF CREWMEN FATES: A later report given by the Navigator, Lt. Brownfelder, described some of this loss situation: that the ship had been in the Group bombing mission formation just before being hit by enemy fighters on an axis of 195 degrees to the target near Munich at 1045 hours, altitude 25,500 feet. At about (30) miles west southwest of the target area, they left the bomber formation and were forced to abandon the aircraft due to severe damage. All members excepting perhaps one Waist Gunner and the Tail Gunner, both of whom were wounded, managed to bail out and he believed two men went in with the plane and were killed. He related further that the rest of the crew members were captured when they landed in their chutes in a (10) mile radius of Starnberg and that (1) gunner, Sgt. Glickman was found dead as a result of his parachute failing to open (a fact he learned later from Co-Pilot Ziegenhardt). Co-Pilot Ziegenhardt’s later account added some more details regarding their ordeal: that the Engineer later told him that Waist Gunner Marshall had been wounded by a 20mm cannon shell from enemy fighters, and was attempting to don his chute when the Engineer bailed out of the aft hatch, waving the latter out first before him. The Co-Pilot added, that later, he was taken to the crashed and burned plane, and he did see one shoe and foot and bits of flesh scattered over a wide area which he believed to be the remains of Sgt. Marshall. He also noted that at a pre-takeoff inspection, Sgt. Marshall did advise the Co-Pilot that he did not have his dog tags with him for this mission. Another crew survivor’s report on Sgt. Glickman, who at the time was flying as Top Turret Gunner rather than in the Waist Gun position, stated that Sgt. Glickman had been wounded in the left side during the fighter attacks and flak barrages, but that the Sgt. had managed to bail out of the bomb bay opening. This surviving member related further that he saw Sgt. Glickman lying on the ground afterwards, noting that perhaps his chute did not open, or that Glickman did not manage to pull his rip cord before striking the ground. The Co-Pilot in his report went on to say: "...Soon after my capture by the Germans I was taken by car to where a body lay on the road. By signs the Germans informed me that I was to search the body. I did, and the body was that of Bertram Glickman. I removed one of his dog tags which the Germans wanted. He had bailed out at about 17,000 feet and his parachute was not opened. He struck the ground face down and most of the bones in the body were broken. His face was pushed back to about his ears but I recognized him by a bald spot on the rear of his head. Positive identification was made from the dog tags. This was about 3-4 miles from Sternberg, Germany on July 21, 1944". An added note to this statement by the Co-Pilot stated that the Navigator, Lt. Brownfelder, had returned after their liberation from POW status to Germany and had related that he found this man’s (Glickman) grave. Pilot Carey in his statements covered most all of the above points concerning the crew’s downing, but adding that on the bombing run their formation box had been hit by fighters and when he saw the gunners of their Lead ship firing, he asked his own Tail Gunner if he was firing as well. His Tail Gunner had replied "they are 51s" - and he then ordered him to fire at these attackers, that being the last that the Tail Gunner was heard from as the plane then was hit by flak and went on fire with the controls shot out. On Sgt. Glickman, the Pilot stated that it was positively determined that the ripcord on the former’s parachute had not been pulled during his bail out procedure.

BURIAL RECORDS: In July 1945 and after liberation from POW status, Lt. Brownfelder, the Navigator of this aircrew, returned to Munich, Germany to carry on the search for Sgt. Glickman’s grave. In his own words: "... I located Sgt. Glickman’s grave. He is (or was as of August 1945) buried in the village church yard at a town called Hadorf which is about (4) miles ENE of a larger town of Starnberg on the north tip of the Starnberger See. His grave was in excellent condition having been given special care by the villagers. When I left Germany I made certain that the grave was properly marked and also turned a report in to the Graves Registration authorities." On the German burial of Sgts. Marshall and Kiger, no German reports of such exist in this MACR. U.S. National (overseas) records reflect that all (3) deceased crew members are accounted for: Glickman was reburied at the LORRAINE National Cemetery at St. Avold, France (Grave J-48-17); and Marshall and Kiger are recorded on the WALL OF THE MISSING at the EPINAL National Cemetery located four miles south of Epinal (Vosges) France on the east side of the Moselle River. All three members are recorded to have had the Air Medal and the Purple Heart awarded.

NEXT OF KIN IN WWII: Carey (Father, John C., 134-30 9th Avenue, Whitestone, LI, New York); Ziegenhardt (Mother, Alta V., Route #1, Box 210, Batavia, Ohio); Brownfelder (Mother, Oscolie A., 1367 Cleveland Road, Glendale, California); Billman (Father, Dan E., RFD #1, Ossee, Minnesota); Love (Mother, Myrtle Dot, 6421 California Avenue, Bell, California); Wear (Mother, Irene M., 2115 Waughtown Street, Winston Salem, North Carolina); Marshall (Wife, Dixie L., Box Five, Martin, Kentucky); Kiger (Mother, Mary, Route #1, Mannington, West Virginia); Glickman (Father, Mortimer H., 5934 Tucoa Street, Los Angeles, California).

MISSING AIRCREW REPORT: #07246 AIRCRAFT: #42-50435 (NO NICKNAME) "Bar-P" 1st Mission
P   l/LT  Menard,John F.       POW
CP  2/LT  Holmes, Jack G.      POW
N   2/LT  Krause, Thomas J.    POW
B   2/LT  Hartwick, Edwin J.   POW
R/O T/SGT Blackford, Lloyd N.  POW
EnG T/SGT Walsh, Donald A.     POW
WG  S/SGT Holton, Quinton F.   POW
WG  S/SGT Redman, Gains A., Jr POW
TG  S/SGT Tubbs, Herbert L.    KIA

MISSION LOSS CIRCUMSTANCES: One eye-witness report (Lt. Richards, Navigator, 579th) stated this aircraft had its wing severely hit and was last seen in flames going down in a steep turning dive with no chutes seen. German Report #KU862 A, 21 July, Airbase Hqs A (o) 5VII, near Munich reported the capture of (8) crew members, and the finding of one member dead, Sgt. Tubbs, at Schleissheim. All members were identified. The jumpers had all landed at scattered locations south of Munich and were taken prisoner at various and different places, and on different later dates in some instances: Menard taken prisoner in the Bad Tolz area on 21 July; Holmes, same day, same location at 1600 hours; Krause was captured the same day in the Fensburg area; Holton, captured on 21 July by the police on a road into Starnberg; Blackford taken the same day near the plane crash site by police of Kesseldorf; Walsh was captured (3) days later near Benediktbeuren on the 24th southwest of Bad Tolz; Hartwick taken on the 22nd in the Lenggries area (close to the Austrian Border) and Redman, captured on 26 July in the vicinity of Vorderrich. The aircraft had crashed about (9) kilometers north of Bad Tolz.

INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNTS OF CREWMEN FATES: Pilot Menard’s statement later said that the plane had been hit and damaged about 30-40 miles southwest of Munich, where they left the formation. A bail out order was given and all members did abandon the plane and were captured, except Tail Gunner Tubbs. As he, the Pilot, last knew the Tail Gunner Tubbs was last seen standing in the waist section strapping on his parachute preparing to jump and had acknowledged that he was all right to bail out. Sgt. Redman in his report stated that .."I was in the nose turret and Sgt. Tubbs was in the tail turret. He called on interphone saying his guns would not function after enemy fighters had made one firing pass. Then another enemy fighter had made a pass and a Waist Gunner called saying the Tail Gunner was hit and there was fire in the tail of the ship. I was not able to contact Sgt. Tubbs again". The Bombardier’s account later reported that he, Lt. Hartwick, was in the waist section setting up the strike camera at the time the bail out order was given, which was difficult to hear due to the guns firing at fighters. He noted there was a possibility that some of the members in the waist were beginning to suffer from lack of oxygen hookups. At this time (when he bailed out), the Tail Gunner Tubbs was standing near the camera hatch and was seen to have a gash on his forehead caused by plexiglass when his tail turret was hit. Hartwick added that as the plane had begun the bomb run when he was at the aft camera hatch position, the ship had taken several direct flak hits followed by an Me-109 fighter firing pass at their six o’clock position. And, while he was manning the right waist gun and firing, the aircraft suddenly went into a nose dive and he noticed then that severe damage had been taken to the right wing of the ship. At this moment he recalled reaching the Pilot (on interphone) who yelled that they all should bail out of the waist which led to his account of seeing the Tail Gunner standing at the aft camera hatch and saying he was ‘OK’ to jump out. He felt that those of them in the aft section were disconnected too long from oxygen at the time, and that could have contributed to Sgt. Tubbs possibly not bailing out, or his not opening his chute after jumping. The Bombardier’s report pin-pointed the actual crash site of their aircraft as being approximately (87) kilometers southwest of Munich, near a farm house with a road sign bearing the direction toward Lenggries, Germany.

BURIAL RECORDS: Sgt Tubbs was initially buried in a church yard in Oberbuchen, Germany; he was reinterred in the cemetery at LORRAINE, just outside St. Avold, France, east of Metz (Grave A-22-39). He is noted to have been awarded the Air Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster and the Purple Heart.

NEXT OF KIN DATA IN WWII: Menard (Wife, Shirley C., 1493 South Steele Street, Denver, Colorado); Holmes (Mother, Peggy, 883 Jefferson Avenue, Washington, Pennsylvania); Krause (Wife, Mrs D.G., Box 33, Newcastle, Tennessee); Hartwick (Wife, Mildred A., 1323 Keston Street, St. Paul, Minnesota); Walsh (Brother, Edwin J., 151 Franklin Street, Auburn, New York); Blackford (Mother, Nellie E., Chauncey, Ohio); Tubbs (Father, Henry J., RFD #2, Painted Post, New York); Redman (Wife, Edna B., 2183 North West Twenty Third Avenue, Miami, Florida); and Holton (Wife, Doris E., Route #6, Box 595, Charlotte, North Carolina).

(Note: In one of the later statements given by various survivors after their liberation from POW internment, one of particular interest was that of the Co-Pilot’s, Lt. Holmes, in regard to the heroism of S/Sgt. Tubbs whom he recommended strongly to be recognized for some type citation. His account read: "This may be purely my imagination but I feel that some award should be presented to the Tail Gunner, posthumously. On two occasions he displayed exceptional courage. On a mission to Magdeburg on 29 June 1944 we were crippled by flak which cut the gasoline hose in the bomb bays and completely sprayed the inside of the ship, going back to the tail turret covering the glass. The tail gunner kicked out his safety glass and rode the turret the rest of the way back. We were under no enemy fighter actions but I still think it showed coolness and courage. On the last mission, I understand from other members of the crew that even after the tail turret was hit by a 20MM and was burning - the tail gunner remained even though wounded and fired the one operating gun at enemy fighters...l feel that he deserves consideration for the two incidents mentioned above. If you can corroborate this from other members,...I hope you will, as I am sure his family would like to know that their son was made of the stuff that makes heroes. I’ve written this.....explaining...but I think recognition by the War Department would say it more easily than I could."...and signed, "Sincerely Yours, Jack G. Holmes, 1st Lt, AC".

MISSING AIRCREW REPORT: #07247 AIRCRAFT: #42-94907 (NO NICKNAME) "U" 15th Mission
P   2/Lt  Telken, Henry F.    KIA
CP  2/LT  Puryear, Bonnie R.  KIA
N   2/LT  Bond, James W.      KIA
B   1/LT  Tschudy, Evan E.    KIA
EnG S/SGT Hahn, John E. Jr    KIA
R/O S/SGT Cuzick, Harrison A. POW
WG  SGT   Higgins, John R     KIA
NG  SGT   Lindley, George W.  KIA
TG  SGT   Board, Harold J.    KIA

MISSION LOSS CIRCUMSTANCES: One very sketchy eye-witness report from a returning crew member (Lt. Frey, Navigator, 576th) stated that this aircraft had #2 engine hit almost tearing off the wing; that the wing was set on fire; and the aircraft when last seen was going down in a steep glide in flames. He noted that (3) chutes were believed seen belonging to this ship. (Note: This MACR film is of very poor quality and very difficult to read on this portion relating to the after-mission observations, but the above is discernible). A German Report #KU2543 of 22 July, Airbase Hqs A (o) 12/7 at Fuerstenfeldbruck, had two supplementaries which also were very sketchy on information and very difficult to read concerning this aircrew downing. However, these report summations pointed directly to this plane due to the exact times, date, and place cited in the loss and the fact that the only other (2) 392nd crews lost on that raid and in that specific area (Lts. Carey and Menard) were positively identified by the German ground reports in their respective MACR files. These referenced reports on the Telken aircrew were as follows: that an enemy plane had crashed on 21 July into the Ammersee (Note: This body of water is a large lake about (12) miles due east of Landsberg, Germany, and approximately (25) miles southwest of Munich). One report went on to state the aircraft, probably a Liberator B-24, sank into the water (1.5) kilometers east of Utting, (a small town) on the west bank of the Ammersee; that no parachutes were seen coming from the plane before it crashed, thus the crew was probably dead in the plane; that no markings of the aircraft were observed, but it had four motors; and that since the aircraft had sunk in the lake any salvage operation at the time was impossible. Another supplementary report relating to #KU2543, dated a few days later on 26 July, same headquarters, stated the finding of an unknown, unidentified crew member just north of the village of Utting/Ammersee which presumably was one from the Liberator in the lake. This unidentified crewman was buried in the parish-church cemetery at Oberpfaffenhofen, left side of the entrance, on 25 July according to this later report. And a third German supplementary report filed in this crew MACR, completely unreadable to U.S. Recovery Teams attempting to piece this loss report together then, now over fifty years ago, has one nearly totally blank page void of any notations which may have been recorded on this report by the Germans. This page merely has a centered, typewritten heading on it, inserted there by the MACR processing agency ostensibly, which reads: "unknown bodies and unknown prisoners of January 1945". (Note: This unreadable page is in the Telken crew’s MACR and identified with this MACR number thus it can only be concluded that the U.S. processing personnel at the time knew enough that the page in question did belong in this specific file, having extracted enough bare information from it to conclude such. The blank page in question does have: Four sets of parenthesis marks, ie. [....], readable as such but with no names enclosed in any of the four. These might have been names of some of these members who were positively identified as ‘KIA’, or ‘POW’, later - those who may have escaped the stricken plane before it went into the Amaersee...conjecture? One set of facts is certain from all these generalities: the MACR final processing in times then does reflect that (2) crew members from this plane did survive and after liberation were evacuated to the U.S.; ie., Sgts. Cusick and Higgins).

INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNTS OF CREWMEN FATES: After the war, S/Sgt Cuzick, the only survivor, submitted this Casualty Questionnaire: "oxygen was gone and I was about gone. One pilot or copilot opened top hatch and left, the other was still in when I escaped. I didn't see any other chutes but I was unconscious most of the way down. I do remember them shooting at me three times coming down. The remainder of crew I know nothing about."

After the war, the Army investigated this crash thoroughly. The plane impacted in the Ammersee about 15 feet from the shore where the water was 3 to 5 feet deep. The wreck was salvaged in June 1947 and the remains of five crewmembers were discovered inside. Also found were various personal items, including Sgt. Higgins' dog tag, a gold ring with the name "Bond" inscribed on the back, a wallet belonging to 1/Lt Tschudy, a Bulova watch with the name "Harold Board" and a gold ring with Sgt Lindley's initials. The Army also took a statement from Dr. Kaesbohrer at Hospital Seefeld who declared that S/Sgt Cuzick had parachuted on 21 July 1944 and landed in Oberalting. He was injured on the right shank and had a bad bullet wound on the left foot. Dr. Kaesborher had to amputate five toes. Cuzick remained in hospital Seefeld until 17 August 1944 when he was transferred to the Military hospital at Herrsching.

BURIAL RECORDS: Three men were buried in the cemetery at Oberschondorf (located on the shore of the Ammersee adjacent to Utting, near the plane crash). Inside one of their coffins the Army later found a portion of a parachute marked "H.T." This was seen as proof that the burials were for 2/Lt Telken and two of his crew. With remains of five men found in the wreckage, all eight casualties from this crew are accounted for. All of them-2/Lt Telken, 2/Lt Puryear, 2/Lt Bond, 1/Lt Tschudy, S/Sgt Hahn, Sgt Higgins, Sgt Lindley, and Sgt Board-are interred at Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery, Section 84 Site 251-253.

NEXT OF KIN DATA IN WWII: Telken (Mother, Ettie, Buschman, North Dakota); Puryear (Wife, Catherine, 1310 Lake University Road, Durham, North Carolina); Bond (Mother, Grace L., Morgantown, Indiana); Techudy (Wife, Mary A., Pandora, Ohio); Hahn (Father, John K., Box Forty-Three, Plainfield Road, Metuchen, New Jersey); Cusick (Wife, Louise R., 7284 West Point Street, LaMesa, California); Higgins (Sister, Eileen Cameron, 1632 South Park Avenue, Buffalo, New York); Board (Mother, Alma, South Chestnut Street, Aledo, Illinois); and Lindley (Wife, Christianna W., 717 Knorr Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania).



SGT Cumming, Robert B. (LW) 576th KIA

Sgt. Cumming was the left waist gunner on 1/Lt Kenneth A. Smith's crew in the 576th. Their aircraft was B-24J Model #42-50650, Call Letter "E," no nickname of record. The 392nd encountered fierce enemy fighter opposition on this mission. According to the 576th Squadron Diary, Lt Smith came back across Germany alone flying at altitude within range of light, medium, and heavy flak. When he finally landed at an emergency field in England, he had 65 flak holes in his plane. Sgt. Cumming was killed, right waist gunner Sgt. Normon.G. Rose lost his leg while getting an Me-109 and tail gunner Sgt. Ronald E. Young was suffering from severe shock. The plane was escorted home by a P-47 piloted by Capt. J.M. McGeever who may have been the difference between their getting home or going down. Capt. McGeever on one occasion went down to the deck in an attempt to draw some of the flak from the faltering ship, and on the whole trip out he was there to encourage the crew and help them through the many rough spots. Sgt Cumming is interred in the CAMBRIDGE plot, in Grave E-2-34. His sole award was the Purple Heart. He was a native of Texas.

Note: There are no records of a P-47 pilot named Capt. J.M. McGeever flying this day. However, a Capt. Thomas J. McGeever (359th Fighter Group, 369th Fighter Squadron) did fly, but in P-51D serial #44-13386. He crash-landed at RAF Manston, most likely due to fuel shortage. Since Smith also crash-landed at Manston, it seems quite likely that it was Capt. Thomas J. McGeever who provided escort service, and the two planes were together right till they landed. Capt. McGeever was killed in action on 21 Nov. 1944.

A press release in the 392nd Group History Folder in the National Archives gives these additional details: "From his waist gun position, Staff Sergeant Norman G. Rose of Van Wert, Ohio fired almost incessantly at ME-109's attempting to break up an attack by the Libs on Oberphaffenhofen. Knocking one down, he saw the others peel away as flak guns opened up. Shrapnel ripped through the fuselage, mortally wounding the other waist gunner. Sergeant Rose, kneeling over the dying gunner, was himself wounded. In a scream his crew still hears, the Sergeant said, "Oh my God, the sons-of-bitches have cut off my leg." But through the shock and semi-stupor induced by his wound, the Sergeant noted more danger to his crew. The bomber was on fire. There was nothing within reach to put out the fire except the body of his old friend and crew mane. Nerving himself, Sergeant Rose rolled the dead gunner's body over the spot where the smoke was thickest. The fire died; the crew and aircraft were saved."



21 Jul 1944 576th Sqdn.
A/C 907
P Telken, H.F. 2nd Lt.
CP Puryear, B.R. 2nd Lt.
N Bond, J. W. 2nd Lt.
B Tschudy, E.E. 1st Lt.
E Hahn, J.E. S/Sgt.
R Cuzick, H.R. S/Sgt.
RW Board, H.J. Cpl.
LW Higgins, J.P. Sgt.
BT Lindley, G.W. Cpl.
TG - -
21 Jul 1944 576th Sqdn.
A/C 615
P Benson, A.L. 2nd Lt.
CP Singer, S. F/O
N Reichl, J.G. 2nd Lt.
B Guhin, M.E. 2nd Lt.
E Henning, W.C. S/Sgt.
R Wickens, R.S. S/Sgt.
RW Hackney, S.H. S/Sgt.
LW Bowen, W.H. S/Sgt.
BT Briganti, M.A. S/ Sgt.
TG - -
21 Jul 1944 576th Sqdn.
A/C 097
P Johnston, H.F. 1st Lt.
CP Merriam, H. 1st Lt.
N Berman, M. 1st Lt.
B Moos, A.J. 1st Lt.
E Zonza, F.S. T/Sgt.
R Thompson, T.E. T/Sgt.
RW Mackin, L.B. S/Sgt.
LW Ferry, C.W. S/Sgt.
BT Planakis, B.J. S/Sgt.
TG Porter, J.M. S/Sgt.
21 Jul 1944 576th Sqdn.
A/C 916
P Filkel, O.H. 1st Lt.
CP Hurd, J.S. 1st Lt.
N Costa, J.A. 1st Lt.
N Koch, C.H. Capt.
B Amoss, R.T. Capt.
E Jarrett, C.W. S/Sgt.
R Smith, R.C. S/Sgt.
RW Farnwalt, W.H. Sgt.
LW Kirkpatrick, H.K. T/Sgt.
BT - -
TG Hoover, A.L. T/Sgt.
21 Jul 1944 576th Sqdn.
A/C 031
P Demers, J.R. 1st Lt.
CP Sylvester, H. 2nd Lt.
N Neisloss, S.L. 2nd Lt.
B Adamson, J.C. 2nd Lt.
E Bell, E.M. T/Sgt.
R Galea, J.H.D. T/Sgt.
RW Baer, D.J. S/Sgt.
LW Allen, W.J. S/Sgt.
BT Lennert, B.J. T/Sgt.
TG Arnold, E.L. S/Sgt.
21 Jul 1944 576th Sqdn.
A/C 070
P Scharf, C.D. 2nd Lt.
CP Call, F.B. 2nd Lt.
N Garland, S.M. 2nd Lt.
B Thomas, J.B. 2nd Lt.
E Michalski, R. S/Sgt.
R Bonanno, J.C. S/Sgt.
RW Rigas, C. S/Sgt.
LW Oakes, E.L. Sgt.
BT - -
TG Lienemann, W.C. Sgt.
21 Jul 1944 576th Sqdn.
A/C 387
P Hofmann, H.W. 1st Lt.
CP Gorton, C.E. 2nd Lt.
N Randall, J.A. 2nd Lt.
B Wise, D.C. 2nd Lt.
E Boney, R.E. T/Sgt.
R McNutt, W.H. Pvt.
RW Kamacho, J.A. S/Sgt.
LW Dopson, V.H. S/Sgt.
BT Sanders, O.B. S/Sgt.
TG Goo, R.F. S/Sgt.
21 Jul 1944 576th Sqdn.
A/C 480
P Larson, R.D. 2nd Lt.
CP Hawn, I. F/O
N Biles, W.R. 2nd Lt.
B Sullivan, P.A. 2nd Lt.
E Dearborn, H.W. Sgt.
R Peterson, J.V. Sgt.
RW Hetzer, R.L. Sgt.
LW Martin, P.R. Cpl.
BT - -
TG Cuthbert, J.K. Sgt.
21 Jul 1944 576th Sqdn.
A/C 650
P Smith, K.A. 1st Lt.
CP McFarland, J.D. 2nd Lt.
N Levin, W. 1st Lt.
B Duffy, F.J. 1st Lt.
E Glover, B.E. Sgt.
R Isebrands, T.E. S/Sgt.
RW Rose, N.G. Sgt.
(seriously wounded)
LW Cumming, R.B. Sgt.
(killed in action)
BT - -
TG Young, R.E. Sgt.
21 Jul 1944 576th Sqdn.
A/C 194
P Richeson, W.H. 1st Lt.
CP Wiley, D.A. 2nd Lt.
N Frey, J.J. 2nd Lt.
B Claytor, D.D. 2nd Lt.
E Urban, J.J. T/Sgt.
R Danner, E.W. S/Sgt.
RW Montgomery, H. S/Sgt.
LW Dosier, C.A. S/Sgt.
BT - -
TG Albert, W.W. S/Sgt.
21 Jul 1944 576th Sqdn.
A/C 131
P Holliday, B.L. 2nd Lt.
CP Daniel, P.U. 2nd Lt.
N McCutcheon, J. 2nd Lt.
B Serna, M.M. 2nd Lt.
E Blevins, R.E. T/Sgt.
R Rambo, K.B. T/Sgt.
RW Johnson, L.A. S/Sgt.
LW White, P.W. S/Sgt.
BT - -
TG Negus, J.V. Sgt.
21 Jul 1944 576th Sqdn.
A/C 409
P Williams, E.L. 2nd Lt.
CP Jewett, G.A. 1st Lt.
N McFerran, J.B. 2nd Lt.
B Sparks, R.L. 2nd Lt.
E Shaw, G.B. S/Sgt.
R Bell, W.R. S/Sgt.
RW Huba, J.D. Sgt.
LW Daniel, F.E. Sgt.
BT - -
TG King, W.C. Jr. Sgt.
21 Jul 1944 577th Sqdn.
Did not fly this mission.
21 Jul 1944 578th Sqdn.
Did not fly this mission.
21 Jul 1944 579th Sqdn.
A/C 623
P Sewell, W.P. 2nd Lt.
CP Weise, E.H. 2nd Lt.
N Richards, W.J. 2nd Lt.
B Bremer, A.F. 2nd Lt.
E Abshier, A.F. S/Sgt.
R Fulton, L.R. Sgt.
RW Coogan, A.J. Pvt.
LW Leigh, R.H. Pvt.
BT - -
TG Negri, J.D. Cpl.
21 Jul 1944 579th Sqdn.
A/C 544
P Dawson, H.B. 2nd Lt.
CP Fastabend, J.B. F/O
N Cummings, F.L. 2nd Lt.
B Paul, R.M. 2nd Lt.
E Carter, W.R. S/Sgt.
R Wilkinson, E.J. Sgt.
RW Hanson, T.R. Sgt.
LW Lee, S.A. Cpl.
BT - -
TG Ross, R.D. Cpl.
NG Fleck, E.R. 2nd Lt.
21 Jul 1944 579th Sqdn.
A/C 758
P Neundorf, C.A. 2nd Lt.
CP Washington, E.K. 2nd Lt.
N Abrams, E.J. 2nd Lt.
B Pipitone, S.R. F/O
E Moore, P.L. S/Sgt.
R Toniatti, L.A. S/Sgt.
RW Blalock, E.L. Sgt.
LW Sullivan, J.K. Sgt.
BT - -
TG Xander, C.H. Sgt.
21 Jul 1944 579th Sqdn.
A/C 990
P Leser, H.J. 1st Lt.
CP Smoley, E.J. 2nd Lt.
N Sellers, F.R. 2nd Lt.
NG Bunyea, E.W. S/Sgt.
E Rodgers, B.A. T/Sgt.
R Licht, J. T/Sgt.
RW Weckel, W.R. S/Sgt.
LW Fowler, D.E. S/Sgt.
BT Asseln, E.O. S/Sgt.
TG Damiano, A. S/Sgt.
21 Jul 1944 579th Sqdn.
A/C 238
P White, E.J. F/O
CP Whalen, J.M. F/O
N Long, W.S. 2nd Lt.
B Alexander, R.W. 2nd Lt.
E Padden, T.F. S/Sgt.
R McAllaster, R.W. S/Sgt.
RW Egler, M.G. Sgt.
LW Hester, T.G. Sgt.
BT - -
TG Ziehm, R.W. Sgt.
21 Jul 1944 579th Sqdn.
A/C 697
P Wick, N.J. 2nd Lt.
CP Bonifant, J.T. 2nd Lt.
N Greene, D.A. F/O
B Buckles, R.R. F/O
E Knierim, R.A. S/Sgt.
R Taylor, P.W. S/Sgt.
RW Makovy, V. Sgt.
LW Sheppard, R.E. Sgt.
BT - -
TG Reimund, S.J. Sgt.
21 Jul 1944 579th Sqdn.
A/C 593
P Clark, D.L. 2nd Lt.
CP Jones, G.B. 2nd Lt.
N Munter, L.M. F/O
B McGarry, T.J. 2nd Lt.
E Keba, J. S/Sgt.
R Howeth, G.W. Sgt.
RW Faust, K.E. Sgt.
LW Kopperud, C.M. Sgt.
BT - -
TG Tharp, R.N. Cpl.
21 Jul 1944 579th Sqdn.
A/C 897 (no mission credit)
P Tuchel, R.H. 2nd Lt.
CP Hay, G.R. 2nd Lt.
N Baker, R.W. 2nd Lt.
NG O'Rourke, R.L. Sgt.
E Tvergyak, P.A. S/Sgt.
R Johnson, H.K. S/Sgt.
RW Warrick, H.E. Sgt.
TT Vincent, J.W. Sgt.
BT - -
TG Carter, D.J. Sgt.
21 Jul 1944 579th Sqdn.
A/C 212
P Benson, R.J. 2nd Lt.
CP Buccigrossi, S.A. 2nd Lt.
N Keane, J.J.F. 2nd Lt.
B Davenport, J.R. 2nd Lt.
E Solberg, F.O. S/Sgt.
R Davey, J.F. Sgt.
RW Middleton, W.H. Cpl.
LW Radkiewicz, N.I. Cpl.
BT- -
TG Legaard, C. Sgt.
21 Jul 1944 579th Sqdn.
A/C 615
CA Holloman, C.C. Capt.
P Niederriter, R.A. 1st Lt.
CP Spencer, F.R. 2nd Lt.
N Richert, G.W. F/O
B Fletcher, A.S. 2nd Lt.
B Correnty, R.D. 2nd Lt.
E Maertens, H.J. T/Sgt.
R Underwood, J.W. T/Sgt.
RW Greenwood, I.G. S/Sgt.
LW Flowers, W.C. S/Sgt.
BT - -
TG Spurgeon, E.F. S/Sgt.
21 Jul 1944 579th Sqdn.
A/C 433
P Carey, R.J. 2nd Lt.
CP Ziegenhardt, D.E. 2nd Lt.
N Brownfelder, A.R. 2nd Lt.
B Billman, V.E. F/O
E Wear, H.L. S/Sgt.
R Love, J.W. S/Sgt.
RW Marshall, C.R. Sgt.
LW Glickman, B. Sgt.
BT Kiger, J.E. Sgt.
TG - -
21 Jul 1944 579th Sqdn.
A/C 435
P Menard, J.F. 1st Lt.
CP Holmes, J.G. 2nd Lt.
N Krause, T.J. 2nd Lt.
B Hartwick, E.J. 2nd Lt.
E Walsh, D.A. T/Sgt.
R Blackford, L.N. T/Sgt.
RW Holton, Q.F. S/Sgt.
LW Redman, G.A. S/Sgt.
BT - -
TG Tubbs, H.L. S/Sgt.