Please note that our research staff is limited and we have provided this website for you research efforts. It is doubtful that we have any additional information other that what is provided except though our newsletters and personal contact at our reunions with our 392nd veterans and research staff.
Please do not request information until after you have done the following research steps we do when we look for information.
Click here. to locate a support/ground crew member of the 392nd Bomb Group that we have listed with possible photo.
Click here. to for search for a particular airmen and find all the details regarding each time he flew. The database consists of the complete listings of all 3,973 airmen and the missions they flew that comprises 75,534 entries. Each mission listed will include a link to the mission summary report where you will find additional detailed information regarding the men and planes he flew with.
Click Here. for photos of over 3,000 airmen listed in alphabetic order.
Click Here. for the our Honor Roll with 1,447 names that has rank, title, fate, date, MACR number/link, aircraft, and hometown of those KIA, captured or interned listed by airman's last name.
Click here for the complete crew listings and mission summaries for all 285 combat missions and additional non-combat missions. Over 75,000 crew name entries throughout the mission pages with position, squadron, crew members and aircraft.
Click Here for all 459 of the B-24 aircraft flown by the 392nd BG. They are in numerical order by last three digits of their Airplane Serial Numbers. (These are the same three numbers that appear in the crew load lists and mission reports.) For each aircraft, the list also contains their serial number, squadron, call letter, aircraft name, date assigned to 392nd, date out of 39nd, number of missions flown and final disposition. Many of these entries have links to their photo, nose art and/or Missing Air Crew Reports.
If you know that a loved one served in the 392nd BG and have researched the links listed, but still cannot find his name anywhere on our website, please CLICK HERE and provide all the information you know about him. We will review our records and respond when we can.
If you are looking for information for a crewman from another group, we suggest that you "google" that group to find their website. We also have all the bomb group forums and other 8thAAF research resources under our "Resources" link. Click here to go that link. We do not have any POW records outside of the 392nd BG.
Honor your loved one by supporting our research to preserve the history and legacy of the 392nd Bomb Group. You will receive four newsletters with additional stories, photos and research information not normally contained in this website. Click here for details
To view the past and present individuals who have contributed their research, time and efforts to make this site possible click here.