The incoming orders for this mission lacked essential briefing information and preparations at best were "hurried, jumbled and generally unsatisfactory" as the history records. At 0145 to 0200 hours briefings were held for (35) aircrews and take-off began at 0445. Again assembly weather was a great hindrance to Group form up such that (9) Group B-24s could never locate any formation and turned back to base. The Group mustered (13) ships to bomb the target with good results dropping (1339 100# bombs on the aiming point. The other (13) aircraft tacked on to other Group formations an bombed as follows: (1) with the 44th on a road junction at 4837N-0125E; (1) with the 458th a 4826N-0223E; (2) with the 453rd at Redon; (1) also with the 453rd at Dolde; (1) with the 467th on ai unknown target; (3) more with the 44th at Angers; (1) with the 492nd at Angers; (1) singly on a road junction northwest of Lemans; (1) with a B-17 formation of eight ships on a railroad bridge at Tours; and (1) with a 3rd Division B-17 Group at Selles-sur-Cheres. It was very unusual battle order of bombing this day to say the least. In all of this conflagration, no enemy fighters were encountered and flak was meager but significant enough to cause damage to (3) Liberators. All recovered safely around noon.
8 AF teletype D 69514 signed Doolittle is quoted for your information and compliance. "The Supreme Commander Allied Expeditionary Force has directed that the following instructions be brought to the attention of every member of air crews fighting over Europe: Humanity and the principles for which we fight demand that our pilots be scrupulous in avoiding any but military targets, nothing must be done which will betray the trust vested in us by the oppressed peoples in Europe or prejudice our good name in the eyes of our friends still dominated by Nazi tyranny. Enemy airmen escaping by parachute are not legitimate military targets and may not be deliberately attacked."
8 Jun 1944 576th Sqdn. A/C 222 |
P Hofmann, H.W. 2nd Lt. CP Gorton, C.E. 2nd Lt. N Randall, J.A. 2nd Lt. B Wise, D.C. 2nd Lt. E Boney, R.E. S/Sgt. R McNutt, W.H. Sgt. RW Dopson, V.H. Sgt. LW Kamacho, J.A. Sgt. BT - - TG Goo, R.F. Sgt. |
8 Jun 1944 576th Sqdn. A/C 387 |
P Reese, R.L. 2nd Lt. CP Jewett, G.A. 1st Lt. N Minzenberg, W.O. F/O B Walters, J.E. 2nd Lt. E Thornton, M. S/Sgt. R Butzmann, R.O.E. S/Sgt. RW Blackham, W.R. Sgt. LW Ellis, C. Sgt. BT - - TG Schumaker, D.H. Sgt. |
8 Jun 1944 576th Sqdn. A/C 106 |
P Peifer, K.W. 2nd Lt. CP Nielsen, P.H. 2nd Lt. N Coe, J.D. 2nd Lt. B Ott, C.A. 2nd Lt. E Thornborrow, R.R. S/Sgt. R Fitzmorris, T.L. S/Sgt. RW Nichols, L.E. Sgt. LW Parrish, J.I. Sgt. BT - - TG Calvitt, J.L. Sgt. |
8 Jun 1944 576th Sqdn. A/C 670 (no mission credit) |
CA Miller, H.W. Capt. P Richeson, W.H. 1st Lt. CP Wiley, D.A. 2nd Lt. N Frey, J.J. 2nd Lt. B Claytor, D.D. 2nd Lt. E Urban, J.J. S/Sgt. R Danner, E.W. S/Sgt. RW Dosier, C.A. Sgt. LW Montgomery, H. Sgt. BT - - TG Albert, W.W. Sgt. |
8 Jun 1944 576th Sqdn. A/C 916 |
P Mathias, W.E. 1st Lt. CP Jones, L.C. 1st Lt. N Mateyka, M.R. 1st Lt. N Koch, C.H. Capt. B Amoss, R.T. Capt. E Chambless, S.L. T/Sgt. R Slyhoff, K.G. T/Sgt. RW Smock, J.M. S/Sgt. LW Burke, W.N. S/Sgt. BT - - TG Weverka, J.E. S/Sgt. |
8 Jun 1944 576th Sqdn. A/C 097 (no mission credit) |
P Johnston, H.F. 1st Lt. CP Merriam, H. 2nd Lt. N Berman, M. 2nd Lt. B Moos, A.J. 2nd Lt. E Zonza, F.S. S/Sgt. R Thompson, T.E. S/Sgt. RW Mackin, L.B. S/Sgt. LW Ferry, C.W. S/Sgt. BT - - TG Porter, J.M. S/Sgt. |
8 Jun 1944 576th Sqdn. A/C 031 |
P Demers, J.R. 2nd Lt. CP Sylvester, H. 2nd Lt. N Neisloss, S.L. 2nd Lt. B Adamson, J.C. 2nd Lt. E Bell, E.M. S/Sgt. R Galea, J.H.D. S/Sgt. RW Allen, W.J. S/Sgt. LW Baer, D.J. Sgt. BT - - TG Arnold, E.L. Sgt. |
8 Jun 1944 576th Sqdn. A/C 907 |
P Levell, O.F. Jr. 2nd Lt. CP Caruso, J.A. 2nd Lt. N Scott, K.R. 2nd Lt. B Teague, H.S. 2nd Lt. E Villegas, V.R. S/Sgt. R Keegan, G.M. S/Sgt. RW Scott, R.J. Sgt. LW Jackson, H.B. Sgt. BT - - TG Trusten, S. Sgt. |
8 Jun 1944 576th Sqdn. A/C 511 |
P Filkel, O.H. 1st Lt. CP Hurd, J.S. 1st Lt. N Tyson, E.E. 2nd Lt. NT McShane, W.F. 1st Lt. B Tudor, J.R. 1st Lt. E Blevins, R.E. T/Sgt. R Smith, R.C. T/Sgt. RW Farnwalt, W.H. S/Sgt. LW Kirkpatrick, H.K. S/Sgt. BT - - TG Hoover, A.L. S/Sgt. |
8 Jun 1944 576th Sqdn. A/C 027 (no mission credit) |
P Jones, G.E. 1st Lt. CP Faas, J.E. 2nd Lt. N Morris, J.C. 1st Lt. NG Surber, W.C. S/Sgt. E Bodoh, A.E. T/Sgt. R McAdams, R.E. T/Sgt. RW Marvin, H.E. S/Sgt. LW Lane, T. S/Sgt. BT - - TG Rossi, V.H. S/Sgt. |
8 Jun 1944 576th Sqdn. A/C 772 (no mission credit) |
P Martin, R.C. Jr. 2nd Lt. CP Hilbert, H.S. 2nd Lt. N Waldo, L.C. 2nd Lt. B Wear, H.E. 2nd Lt. E Blees, K.H. S/Sgt. R Thiel, J.G. S/Sgt. RW Cannon, M.H. Sgt. LW Minton, D.C. Sgt. BT - - TG Roberts, M.E. Sgt. |
8 Jun 1944 576th Sqdn. A/C 407 |
P Paroly, B. 2nd Lt. CP McDonald, W.L. 2nd Lt. N Tooman, H.K. 2nd Lt. B Supp, J.W. 2nd Lt. E Standley, G.A. S/Sgt. R Conley, J.M. S/Sgt. LW Buonocore, F.L. Sgt. TT Clarke, A.B. Sgt. TG Tart, E.E. Sgt. |
8 Jun 1944 577th Sqdn. A/C 609 |
P Belitz, H.G. 1st Lt. CP Cook, L.B. 2nd Lt. N Schofield, D.J. 2nd Lt. B Jones, A.V. 2nd Lt. E Sekul, J.G. S/Sgt. R Mulhern, R.T. S/Sgt. RW Peters, H.J. Sgt. LW Vineall, B.H. Sgt. NG Smith, W.H. Sgt. TG Walz, H.R. S/Sgt. |
8 Jun 1944 577th Sqdn. A/C 287 |
P Larsen, N.R. 1st Lt. CP Stratton, C.R. 2nd Lt. N O'Neill, T.J. 2nd Lt. B Hiller, T.B. 2nd Lt. E Robinson, W.F. T/Sgt. R Fox, H.H. T/Sgt. RW Whitt, C.G. S/Sgt. LW Cristofaro, G.J. S/Sgt. BT - - TG Prazak, S.J. S/Sgt. |
8 Jun 1944 577th Sqdn. A/C 415 (no mission credit) |
P Pierson, L.R. 2nd Lt. CP Hart, H.E. 2nd Lt. N Dunham, K.E. 2nd Lt. B Schug, E.W. 2nd Lt. E Hartline, J.B. S/Sgt. R Dawson, J.C. S/Sgt. RW Gover, G.W. Sgt. LW Cyran, T.J. Sgt. NG DelSol, E.J. Sgt. TG Vandeventer, L.V. Sgt. |
8 Jun 1944 577th Sqdn. A/C 961 |
P Hunsaker, B.W. 1st Lt. CP Lach, R.F. 2nd Lt. N Sackler, H.J. 2nd Lt. B Connery, M.J. 2nd Lt. E Bodkins, F.C. T/Sgt. R Rue, A.W. T/Sgt. RW Ligon, A.C. Sgt. LW Friedel, C.F. Sgt. BT Scheide, N.W. Sgt. TG Leech, R.M. Sgt. |
8 Jun 1944 577th Sqdn. A/C 642 |
P Gonseth, F. Capt. CP Graper, M.H. Capt. N Delach, J.J. 1st Lt. N Birnbaum, S.I. 2nd Lt. B Weiland, H.F. Capt. E Jennings, H.C. T/Sgt. R Kirkpatrick, H.L. T/Sgt. RW Driver, D.M. S/Sgt. LW Whalen, J.S. S/Sgt. BT - - TG Feller, N.L. S/Sgt. War Correspendant |
8 Jun 1944 577th Sqdn. A/C 164 |
P Barron, J.N. 2nd Lt. CP Stalsby, S.C. F/O N Attinson, C. 2nd Lt. B Feltman, D.S. 2nd Lt. E Slater, D.L. S/Sgt. R Osborne, R.C. S/Sgt. RW Garner, H.S. T/Sgt. LW Salvato, T.W. Sgt. BT Demar, S. Sgt. TG Cooper, J.T. Pvt. |
8 Jun 1944 577th Sqdn. A/C 432 |
P Johnson, O.P. 1st Lt. CP Tedford, L.W. 2nd Lt. N Bober, L. 2nd Lt. B Gump, J.A. 2nd Lt. E Whitson, M.D. T/Sgt. R Perlberg, A.C. T/Sgt. RW Barnard, C.F. S/Sgt. LW Joyce, R. S/Sgt. BT Kaeble, R.R. S/Sgt. TG Marchuk, J. S/Sgt. |
8 Jun 1944 577th Sqdn. A/C 022 |
P Whittemore, W.T. 1st Lt. CP Ackerman, J.M. 2nd Lt. N Rich, C.B. 2nd Lt. B Issenberg, M. 2nd Lt. E Peterson, C.L. T/Sgt. R Ammon, R.H. S/Sgt. RW Lampe, M. S/Sgt. LW Altemus, C.V. S/Sgt. BT Holder, O.E. S/Sgt. TG Tremlett, R.S. S/Sgt. |
8 Jun 1944 577th Sqdn. A/C 040 |
P Kuster, K.D. 1st Lt. CP Sage, C.E. 2nd Lt. N Wright, H.R. 2nd Lt. B Kelly, C.F. 2nd Lt. E Phillabaum, R.J. S/Sgt. R Syverson, C.D. S/Sgt. RW - - LW Kimball, B.A. Sgt. BT Collins, W.P. Sgt. TG Denton, W. Sgt. |
8 Jun 1944 577th Sqdn. A/C 096 |
P Monroe, D.E. 1st Lt. CP Neill, C.W. 2nd Lt. N Cox, R.B. 2nd Lt. NG Lucas, L.M. S/Sgt. E Holmes, E.T. T/Sgt. R Lancy, N.J. T/Sgt. RW Hall, G.E. S/Sgt. LW Wambach, J. Sgt. BT Dilley, P.E. S/Sgt. TG Desonne, M. S/Sgt. |
8 Jun 1944 577th Sqdn. A/C 125 |
P Page, L. 1st Lt. CP Qualey, L.F. 2nd Lt. N Bishop, C.R. 2nd Lt. B Hotle, D.J. 2nd Lt. E Kellerman, R.B. S/Sgt. R Moore, R.L. S/Sgt. RW Kowalchik, E.C. Sgt. LW Morgan, L.S. Sgt. BT Rehill, J.F. Jr. Sgt. TG Deck, G.A. Sgt. |
8 Jun 1944 577th Sqdn. A/C 038 (no mission credit) |
P Pierce, W.R. F/O CP Brizendine, T.O. 2nd Lt. N Putziger, S. 2nd Lt. B Liske, J.R. F/O E Stand, A.J. S/Sgt. R Rankin, R.P. S/Sgt. RW Cooperman, G.F. Sgt. LW Ferenc, F.J. Sgt. BT Apter, A. Sgt. TG Carrabba, C. Sgt. |
8 Jun 1944 578th Sqdn. A/C 548 |
CA Player, G.C. Maj. P Muldoon, J.E. 1st Lt. CP Otis, J.J. 1st Lt. N Ortenberg, B. 1st Lt. B Morton, E.R. 2nd Lt. E Byrd, J.M. T/Sgt. R Garcia, P.J. T/Sgt. RW Bluejacket, J.W. S/Sgt. LW Carpenter, J.A.S/Sgt. NT Bednarcik, S.A. S/Sgt. TG Svoboda, J.J. S/Sgt. |
8 Jun 1944 578th Sqdn. A/C 966 |
P Roberts, A.M. 1st Lt. CP Houtz, G.B. 2nd Lt. N Prentice, C.L. 2nd Lt. B Hart, D.R. 2nd Lt. E Rojas, Y. S/Sgt. R Lippert, K.A. S/Sgt. RW Blaise, E.W. Sgt. LW Collins, R.R. S/Sgt. BT - - TG Pryor, M.L. Sgt. |
8 Jun 1944 578th Sqdn. A/C 163 |
P Bridson, G.L. 2nd Lt. CP Green, J.A. 2nd Lt. N White, R.L. 2nd Lt. B Willemin, W.W. 2nd Lt. E Ashcraft, B. S/Sgt. R Paolucci, U. S/Sgt. RW Seery, J.B. Sgt. LW Stafford, J.A. Sgt. BT - - TG Tatelbaum, G. Sgt. |
8 Jun 1944 578th Sqdn. A/C 033 |
P Hamblen, C.W. 1st Lt. CP McCarter, H.L. 2nd Lt. N Hurst, F.B. Jr. 2nd Lt. B Joyce, G.P. 2nd Lt. E Sears, A.R. T/Sgt. R Burnell, W.E. T/Sgt. RW Harris, H.E. S/Sgt. LW Butler, G.R. S/Sgt. BT McLain, B.G. Sgt. TG Lindsay, V.R. S/Sgt. |
8 Jun 1944 578th Sqdn. A/C 337 |
P Fogarty, D.M. 1st Lt. CP Walker, R.S. 2nd Lt. N Ferry, J.R. 2nd Lt. B Gajewski, R.B. F/O E Fontenot, W.L. Sgt. R Whittington, T. S/Sgt. RW Willey, J.R. Sgt. LW Kosinski, F.H. Sgt. BT - - TG Barker, D.G. Sgt. |
8 Jun 1944 578th Sqdn. A/C 338 (no mission credit) |
P Zweig, L.E. 1st Lt. CP Burge, H.L. 2nd Lt. N Thielen, C.M. 2nd Lt. B Bruce, J.C. 2nd Lt. E Baxter, O. Jr. S/Sgt. R Callahan, C.J. S/Sgt. RW Strally, S.R. S/Sgt. LW Jessen, M.M. Sgt. BT - - TG Smith, L.F. Sgt. |
8 Jun 1944 578th Sqdn. A/C 241 |
P Cheek, C.W. 2nd Lt. CP Szenegato, J. 2nd Lt. N Beddingfield, L.L. 2nd Lt. B Morse, A. 2nd Lt. E Curry, E.D. S/Sgt. R Schroeck, L.A. S/Sgt. RW Layman, H.A. Sgt. LW Corcoran, R.G. Sgt. BT - - TG Miller, J.E. Sgt. |
8 Jun 1944 578th Sqdn. A/C 293 (no mission credit) |
P Maris, J.R. 2nd Lt. CP Gerbing, T.M. 2nd Lt. N Silverman, H.I. 2nd Lt. B Taylor, J.W. 2nd Lt. E Fitzgerald, M.B. S/Sgt. R Trinkle, C.E. S/Sgt. RW Legendre, V.J. Sgt. LW Young, H.M. Sgt. BT - - TG Miller, M. Sgt. |
8 Jun 1944 578th Sqdn. A/C 002 |
P Alexander, A.B. 1st Lt. CP Broussard, P.C. 2nd Lt. N Kirkwood, T.G. Jr. 2nd Lt. B Bennett, J.E. Jr. 2nd Lt. E Sutphin, R.C. S/Sgt. R Gallo, F.E. S/Sgt. RW Knephoff, J.J. Sgt. LW Fraser, A.C. Sgt. BT Kisler, C.L. Sgt. TG - - |
8 Jun 1944 578th Sqdn. A/C 764 |
P McCarthy, C.G. 1st Lt. CP Buchanan, R.P. 1st Lt. N McSweeney, J.D. 2nd Lt. NG Hardy, E.C. S/Sgt. E Kottke, A.H. T/Sgt. R Smith, R.E. T/Sgt. RW Morris, J.A. S/Sgt. LW White, T. S/Sgt. BT - - TG Brent, L.H. S/Sgt. |
8 Jun 1944 578th Sqdn. A/C 896 |
P Stroble, W.A. 1st Lt. CP Slafka, C.M. 2nd Lt. N Daniels, A.S. 2nd Lt. NG Haukom, C.B. S/Sgt. E Vassey, E.E. T/Sgt. R Bull, F.L. S/Sgt. RW Spika, C.J. S/Sgt. LW Vickery, P.C. S/Sgt. BT - - TG Vetrano, A. S/Sgt. |
The PFF ship: |
Lt.Col. W.A. Polking was aboard |
6 Jun 1944 579th Sqdn. Did not fly this mission. |