Many of the photographs on the links were compiled from the 392nd Memorial Association archives by the late Ernie Barber, group archivist and the 392nd 2nd Generation researchers from relatives and loved ones. They are intended to be viewed for private use and not to be published without written consent from one of the 392nd BGMA researchers. You may contact them through our questions form (leaving airman form boxes empty).Click here for the form. We continue to update this section on a weekly basis with additional information and photos.
If your loved one is not listed correctly or does not have a photo, please contact us by clicking here.
Name | Rank | Position | Photo |
Faas, John E. | 2/Lt | Copilot | Kamenitsa crew |
Fabiani, Henry L. | 2/Lt | Copilot | Brandt crew Brandt-Kerr ater Belguim crash |
Fahrenbruch, Kenneth G. | T/Sgt | Radio Operator | Lt Jack Bilz crew 578th; J.J. Bilz crew Individual photo Individual photo |
Farah, John M. | S/Sgt | Waist Gunner | 576th Donald MacFarlane crew |
Farley, Robert L. | Sgt | Tail Gunner | William E. Smith crew |
Farlow, Leland C. | 2/Lt | Bombardier | Robert E. Baetz crew Baetz Crew Officers Baetz Crew Partial 1 Individual photo |
Farquharson, Gene | S/Sgt | Right Waist | Solomon crew |
Farrar, Robert E. | S/Sgt | Nose Gunner | Anundson crew |
Farren, Emil L. | S/Sgt | Engineer | Individual Photo |
Farris, Alvin J. | S/Sgt | Right Waist | Individual photo |
Fastabend, Joseph B. | F/O | Copilot | H.B. Dawson Crew Jordan crew 1 Jordan crew 2 |
Faucette, Everette W. | S/Sgt | Waist Gunner | Aubrey Ellis crew photo JR Walker crew 28 Dec 1944 |
Faust, Kermit E. | S/Sgt | Gunner | Capt Donald Clark crew |
Faust, Lowell E. | 2/Lt | Bombardier | Jordan crew 1 Jordan crew 2 Individual photo |
Feagan, Jr., Henry C. | 2/Lt | Bombardier | Layton crew |
Fearon, Richard | T/Sgt | Radio Operator | Voght crew |
Fehrenbacher, Donald E. | 2/Lt | Navigator | Individual Photo Anundson crew |
Feld, Barney H. | 1/Lt | Copilot | Lishka crew Individual photo |
Feldman, Alfred | 1/Lt | Bombardier | Scarlata Crew Individual photo |
Feldman, Philip | 2/Lt | Bombardier | Raczko crew |
Feldman, William | FO | Navigator | Individual photo |
Feller, Leonard | 1/Lt | Navigator | Becker crew |
Feller, Norman L. | S/Sgt | Tail Gunner | Gonseth crew |
Felsenthal, Charles L. | 2/Lt | Pilot | Felsenthal crew Individual photo |
Feltman, Davis S. | 2/Lt | Bombardier | Barron Crew |
Fender, James F. | S/Sgt | Radio Operator | Sommers Crew |
Fenton, John S. | 2/Lt | Copilot | Evans Crew |
Feran, John E. | 1/Lt | Pilot | Individual photo |
Ferdinando, Anthony P. | S/Sgt | Tail Gunner | DePalma crew |
Ferenc, Frank J. | S/Sgt | Waist Gunner | Pierce crew |
Ferguson, Thomas B. | 2/Lt | Copilot | Individual Photo R.H. Tays crew |
Ferrari, Victor J. | 2/Lt | Navigator | Marx crew Personal Acct. |
Ferry, John R. | 2/Lt | Bombardier | Lang crew 578th |
Fetter, George R. | F/O | Navigator | Individual Photo Hoover crew |
Fetterhof, Earl E. | Sgt | Tail Gunner | R.H. Tays crew |
Feuerstacke, James A. | 1/Lt | Pilot | Feuerstacke crew Feuerstacke and Smittle |
Fidel, Paul N. | 2/Lt | Pilot | Individual photo |
Fiebig, Paul E. | 2/Lt | Bombardier | Individual photo Buecheler crew |
Fife, Robert M. | 2/Lt | Navigator | Individual photo Novik Crew |
Finley, George E. | S/Sgt | Engineer | E.A. Hestad crew |
Finney, Hebert H. | Cpl | Engineer | J.R. Hummel crew |
Fisher, Frank A. | 2/Lt | Copilot | Pounds crew |
Fisher, Kenneth M. | 2/Lt | Copilot | Bay crew |
Fisher, Robert M. | 2/Lt | Copilot | Linzmeier crew |
Fitzgerald, Johnstone | 2/Lt | Navigator | Acebedo crew |
Fitzgerald, Milford B. | S/Sgt | Engineer | Maris crew 578th |
Fitzgerald, Thomas R. | S/Sgt | Nose Gunner | Hoover crew Hoover crew enlisted men |
Fitzsimmons, Robert E. | 2/Lt | Navigator | Individual photo |
Fleck, Ernest R. | 1/Lt | Bombardier | Leser crew |
Fleege, John F. | Sgt | Waist Gunner | Individual photo |
Fleischmann, Robert F. | Cpl | Radio Operator | Douglas Wood crew |
Fleming, Kenneth V. | 2/Lt | Navigator | Individual Photo Dodd crew 1-28-45 |
Fletcher, William J. | Sgt | Right Waist | Snyder crew |
Flesey, Robert J. | Sgt | Waist Gunner | Sommers Crew |
Fletcher, Edgar B. | S/Sgt | Engineer | Marx crew |
Fletcher, Robert E. | 2/Lt | Pilot | Individual photo Brass Briefing Crew R.E. Fletcher crew photo |
Fletcher, William J. | 2/Lt | Navigator | Dodson Crew Individual photo |
Flewelling, Carroll | Sgt | Waist Gunner | Hinshaw crew |
Flint, David W. | Sgt | Gunner | Ebersole crew |
Flory, Don L. | 2/Lt | Bombardier | Teipel crew |
Flowers, William C. | S/Sgt | Top Turret | Pardue Crew 2 Niederriter crew |
Floyd, Carl E. | 2/Lt | Bombardier | Usry crew Individual photo |
Floyd, L. G. | S/Sgt | Right Waist | Joynt crew #1, Joynt crew #2 |
Flugel, Raymond R. | FO | Navigator | Cohn Crew Individual photo |
Fogarty, David M. | 2/Lt | Pilot | Individual photo Identification Document |
Folda, George | S/Sgt | Radio Operator | E.A. Hestad crew |
Foley, Robert T. | F/O | Copilot | Eyles crew 1 Eyles crew 2 |
Fons, John P. | S/Sgt | Tail Gunner | Baumgart crew |
Foote, Benjamin F. | 2/Lt | Navigator | Individual Photo |
Forbes, Dexter R. | 2/Lt | Navigator | J.W. Bell Crew Individual photo |
Forde, William I. | 2/Lt | Navigator | Harry White Crew Harry White crew #2 |
Forsberg, Bruce F. | 2/Lt | Bombardier | Individual Photo Joynt crew #1, Joynt crew #2 |
Forsythe, William F. | 2/Lt | Pilot | Forsythe crew |
Foster, Wesley G. | S/Sgt | Radio Counter Measures | Capt Donald Clark crew |
Fought, Robert C. | Sgt | Gunner | Clapper crew |
Fowler, Robert G. | S/Sgt | Tail Gunner | Holloman/Nicholson crew |
Fowler, Donald E. | S/Sgt | Waist Gunner | Leser crew |
Fowler, Robert T. | 1/Lt | Navigator | Individual photo 392nd BG PFF Navigators |
Fox, Henry H. | T/Sgt | Radio Operator | Larsen crew-Gertie |
Fox, James E., Jr. | 1/Lt | Pilot | Fox crew 1 Fox crew 2 |
Franke, Douglas N. | 2/Lt | Navigator | Wyatt crew 4-17-44; Wyatt crew; Wyatt crew officers |
Fraser, Alister C. | S/Sgt | Nose Gunner | Capt Ben Alexander crew |
Frazier, Lester J. | 2/Lt | Pilot | Frazier crew |
Frederickson, Lloyd T. | 2/Lt | Navigator | Individual photo Popek crew |
Freeborn, Duane E. | 1/Lt | Bombardier | Lamma crew |
Freeman, Chauncey W. | T/Sgt | Engineer | Roy L. Miller crew |
Freeman, G.L. | 2/Lt | Navigator | Individual Photo E.A. Hestad crew |
Freeman, J.B. | Sgt | Tail Gunner | G.A. Scheltens crew |
Fremstad, C.L. | 2/Lt | Navigator | C.L. Peterson crew |
Freshner, William I. | S/Sgt | Engineer | Roper crew 1 Roper crew 2 |
Friemuth, Harold E. | Sgt | Right Waist Gunner | Bratton crew |
Friesen, Orlando H. | S/Sgt | Engineer | Fred Shere crew 577th |
Fritz, Gordon G. | Sgt | Waist Gunner | Roy L. Miller crew |
Froehlich, Sam S. Jr. | 1/Lt | Copilot | Enyart crew |
Fryman, Bernard | 2/Lt | Pilot | 2/Lt Bernard Fryman crew |
Fugarazzo, Emanuel J. | Sgt | Gunner | Blakeley crew |
Fund, Ernest | S/Sgt | Tail Gunner | Brunn crew after volleyball |
Fulton, William B. | Sgt | Waist Gunner | Schuster crew |