392nd Bomb Group


Many of the photographs on the links were compiled from the 392nd Memorial Association archives by the late Ernie Barber, group archivist and the 392nd 2nd Generation researchers from relatives and loved ones. They are intended to be viewed for private use and not to be published without written consent from one of the 392nd BGMA researchers. You may contact them through our questions form (leaving airman form boxes empty).Click here for the form.  We continue to update this section on a weekly basis with additional information and photos.

If your loved one is not listed correctly or does not have a photo, please contact us by clicking here.

Additional selections can be found at the bottom of this page.
Name Rank Position Photo
Gabris, John M. S/Sgt Engineer Ebersole crew
Gahm, Kenneth L. 2/Lt Copilot Individual photo
Galea, John H. T/Sgt Radio Operator Demers crew
Gallagher, John R. 2/Lt Bombardier Individual Photo   McMillan Crew
Gallagher, Warren W. 2/Lt Navigator Individual photo
Galler, Isadore T/Sgt Radio Operator Clover crew
Gallo, Frank E. T/Sgt Radio Operator Capt Ben Alexander crew
Galloway, William E. T/Sgt Engineer Jim McGregor crew
Gallup, Eugene M. Sgt Left Waist Individual photo
Galvin, Gerald S/Sgt Waist Gunner Clower crew
Gann, Dewey L. Jr. 1/Lt Pilot Gann crew
Garay, Michael W. T/Sgt Radio Operator Lotterhos crew
Garbeff, Theodore J. 2/Lt Navigator Beatty crew
Garcia, Armando R. 1/Lt Pilot Garcia crew
Garcia, Peter G. S/Sgt Radio Operator N. Young crew   Christening Photos
Garland, Stewart M. 1/Lt Navigator Scharf Crew   Individual photo
Garner, Herman S. T/Sgt Nose Gunner Barron Crew
Garrett, Howard L. 1/Lt Bombardier Propper crew
Garris, Peter S/Sgt Radio Operator Sibley crew
Garvey, James A. S/Sgt Radio Operator Leo Ruvolis crew
Gates, John S. 2/Lt Navigator Individual Photo   Robertson crew
Gaudreau, Henry P. S/Sgt Tail Turrett Hammond crew   Hammond crew #2
Gayda, Frank M. S/Sgt Waist Gunner Hoover crew   Hoover crew enlisted men
Geary, Nevin W. S/Sgt Gunner H.S. Cassell crew     H.S. Cassell crew 2
Gegere, George P. S/Sgt Waist Gunner Schildknecht crew
Gemmato, Joseph Sgt Waist Gunner Hotchkiss Crew
Genna, Nicholas J. Cpl Left Waist Hart crew
Gentry, Lester E. 2/Lt Bombardier Stukus crew   Individual photo
George, Floyd A. 2/Lt Copilot R.E. Fletcher crew photo
Gephard, Donald C. S/Sgt Engineer Hotchkiss Crew
Gerbing, Thomas M. 2/Lt Copilot Maris crew 578th
Gereben, Alex S/Sgt Left Waist Gunner Bratton crew
Geron, Harry E. Jr. Sgt Tail Gunner J.W. Bell Crew
Gerow, James A. 1/Lt Pilot Gerow Crew
Gerrard, Robert W. T/Sgt Radio Operator Morefield crew   Individual photo
Gerrish, Rodney J. 2/Lt Bombardier 578th-Goodwin crew
Gersten, Gerald T/Sgt Radio Operator Enyart crew   Individual Photo
Gibbs, Robert R. T/Sgt Radio Operator Layton crew
Gibson, George Cpl Waist Gunner John Howenstein crew
Gichan, Walter W. 2/Lt Bombardier Wyatt crew 4-17-44; Wyatt crew; Wyatt crew officers
Gienko, Edward J. S/Sgt Tail Gunner Lt Gerald 'Buck' Rogers crew
Gilbert, Lawrence Col Gp HQ Was Gp Operations Officer. Per SO24, 9Feb44, appointed Deputy Group Commander.
Was named the 392nd BG's last Commanding Officer in May 1945.
Individual photo   Brass Briefing Crew   392nd Staff Officers 3May45   DeSeversky's Visit   Group Headquarters Photo    Personal Acct.
Giles, Harold R. S/Sgt Gunner Feuerstacke crew
Gill Jessie B. Jr. Cpl Waist Gunner Proctor crew
Gill, Richard A. Jr 2/Lt Pilot Gill crew
Gillette, Richard E. S/Sgt Waist Gunner Myers crew
Gilliam, Edward L. S/Sgt Gunner Lopresto crew
Gish, Jr., Robert W. T/Sgt Radio Operator McCorkle crew
Glass, Richard D. Sgt Nose Gunner Novik crew
Glasscock, Joseph B. Sgt Waist Gunner Scott crew
Glickman, Bertram Sgt Waist Gunner Carey crew   Carey crew 2
Glover, Buford E. T/Sgt Engineer Newspaper Article
Glowienke, Gerald A. S/Sgt Radio Operator Evans Crew
Godfrey, Herbert M. 2/Lgt Bombardier Individual Photo
Godfrey, Lester S. Sgt Gunner Richard E. Smith crew 1
Goetz, Jack S/Sgt Engineer Wyatt crew 4-17-44
Goo, Robert F. S/Sgt Tail Gunner Henry W. Hoffman crew
Goff, J. 1/Lt Pilot J. Goff crew
Gonseth, Frank Jr. Capt Pilot Gonseth crew
Good, Robert E. 2/Lt Bombardier Jim McGregor crew
Goodall, Will J. S/Sgt Gunner F.A. George crew   Lishka crew
Goodman, Lawrence T/Sgt Engineer Usry crew
Goodson, E. T/Sgt Radio Operator Teipel crew
Goodwin, John J. 2/Lt Copilot N. Young crew   Christening Photos
Goodwin, Robert K. 2/Lt Pilot 578th-Goodwin crew
Gorback, Burton S. S/Sgt Waist Gunner Ardinger crew   Ardinger crew 2
Gordon, Archie M. 2/Lt Bombardier Individual photo; Bombdardiers
Gordon, G.P. S/Sgt Waist Gunner R.D. Johnson crew
Gorham, Robert L. S/Sgt Gunner John Joyce crew
Goric, Richard D. S/Sgt Ball Turret Brunn crew after volleyball   Individual photo
Gorman, Earl P. T/Sgt Radio Operator Rouse Crew
Gorman, Eugene J. Sgt Engineer Weed crew
Gorton, Chester E. 2/Lt Copilot Henry W. Hoffman crew
Gottschalk, George W. S/Sgt Gunner Layton crew
Graham, Gerard E., Jr 2/Lt Bombardier Individual photo    Personal Acct.
Graham, John F. 2/Lt Bombardier Bingham crew   Bingham Crew 2
Graham, Marvin S/Sgt Ball Turrett Hammond crew   Hammond crew #2
Grandmontagne, Earl T. 2/Lt Copilot Ardinger crew   Ardinger crew 2   Individual photo
Grandon, David P. 2/Lt Navigator Gerow Crew
Granzow, Laverne J. S/Sgt Engineer Tokarsky Crew
Graper, Melvin H. Capt Command Pilot Graper/Taylor crew   Graper crew   Individual photo
Graudreau, Henry P. S/Sgt Tail Gunner Hammond crew
Graves, Jack H. 1/Lt Copilot Novik Crew
Graves, Raymond H. S/Sgt Waist Gunner Novik Crew
Gray, Clyde T. Maj 576 CO/Pilot Gurney and Gray   Individual Photo
Gray, Gilbert   Waist Gunner McMillan Crew
Gray, Harry E. 2/Lt Copilot Books crew 579th
Gray, Ronald R.     McMillan Crew
Gray, Roy G. S/Sgt Gunner Feuerstacke crew
Gray, William L. 2/Lt Bombardier Bob Egan crew #2   Egan crew Pre-Flight "Poco"   Individual Photo
Green, Carson A. 2/Lt Pilot Harold E. Jones crew   Individual photo
Green, Charles T/Sgt Radio Operator Tennie Peterson Crew #2   Markuson & T. Peterson Crews #1   Tennie Peterson crew
Green, Harry J. 2/Lt Bombardier Harry White Crew   Harry White crew #2   Individual photo
Green, Henry B. S/Sgt Waist Gunner Ebersole crew
Green, James A. 2/Lt Copilot 2/Lt George Bridson crew
Green, John M. Cpl Radio Operator Dodson Crew
Green, Leroy A. Sgt Ball Turret McNichol crew
Greene, David A. F/O Navigator Wick crew   1st day at the new home
Greene, Donald R. 1/Lt Bombardier H.W. Miller crew (2 photos)   Individual photo   Individual photo
Greening, Donald J. 2/Lt Navigator Individual photo   Sisson crew
Greenwood, Ira G. S/Sgt Waist Gunner Niederriter crew
Gregory, George 2/Lt Navigator Books crew 579th
Gressler, Edward J. T/Sgt Radio Operator M.T. Johns crew 576th
Grettum, Robert B. Capt Pilot  
Grey, D.E. S/Sgt Tail Gunner J.N. Taylor crew
Gridley, Chuck 2/Lt Navigator Individual Photo   Solomon crew
Gridley, John N. Jr. 2/Lt Pilot Gridley crew
Gries, Robert F. 1/Lt Navigator Copp crew   Individual photo
Griesar, Otto J. 2/Lt Navigator Cieply crew; Marcelli, Hutchcroft, Griesar, Brooks, Maceyra   Individual Photo
Griesbaum, Lawrence A. Sgt Gunner Hart crew
Griffin, Edward F. S/Sgt Gunner Hull Crew 1   Hull Crew 2
Griffin, John E. 2/Lt Pilot John E. Griffin crew
Griffin, Richard E. 1/Lt Copilot Case crew
Griffith, Richard C. 2/Lt Navigator Brunn crew   Brunn crew officers
Griggs, Robert H. 2/Lt Pilot Robert H. Griggs Crew
Grimm, Roy H. Sgt Gunner Twining crew
Grisell, Rolland 2/Lt Copilot Morefield crew   Individual photo
Gross, Earl B. 2/Lt Bombardier Individual Photo   Individual Photo
Grossi, Rudolph H. Sgt Tail Gunner 2/Lt Bernard Fryman crew
Grout, Arlie G. T/Sgt Engineer Lt Jack Bilz crew 578th
Grybos, Theodore J. S/Sgt Gunner Sherwood crew
Guckert, Dwight J. 2/Lt Copilot McMillan Crew
Guegold, Robert L. 2/Lt Copilot J.W. Bell Crew
Guess, Thomas C. 2/Lt Bombardier Individual photo
Guhin, Martin E. 2/lt Bombardier Art Benson crew
Guillot, Oliver R. Sgt Left Waist Kamenitsa crew   Individual Photo    Personal Acct.
Gulacsik, Andrew 2/Lt Copilot Russell H. Kwash Crew   Kwash crew 2
Gullick, Carl H. 1/Lt Navigator Case crew   Individual Photo
Gurney, Joseph J. Capt 576 Operations Officer/Pilot 576th Operations Officers   Gurney and Gray
Gurwit, Marvin L. 2/Lt Navigator Individual photo
Gusciora, Albin A. S/Sgt Engineer D.L. Walker crew
Gusciora, Boleslaw S. Sgt Waist Gunner Twining crew
Gustavson, Ralph L. S/Sgt Waist Gunner Harold E. Jones crew