392nd Bomb Group


Many of the photographs on the links were compiled from the 392nd Memorial Association archives by the late Ernie Barber, group archivist and the 392nd 2nd Generation researchers from relatives and loved ones. They are intended to be viewed for private use and not to be published without written consent from one of the 392nd BGMA researchers. You may contact them through our questions form (leaving airman form boxes empty).Click here for the form.  We continue to update this section on a weekly basis with additional information and photos.

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Additional selections can be found at the bottom of this page.
Name Rank Unit Comments Photo
Babb, William T. Pfc 576th MMOS 590 = Laborer. Per SO#277, 29Dec44, MOS change from 590 to 055. Per 2BD SO 103, 13Apr44, was on DS to Sta 132 but xferred from 492nd BG to 2101st EFFP. MOS 590.
Babcock, H.F. Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Baccari, Louis D. Cpl 578th (579th per SO#1)  
Back, John H. T/5 2101st FF Pl  
Bagbee Jr, Glenn E. Pvt 576th MOS 945 = Photo Lab Technician
Baglin, C. Pvt   Football Team
Baglin, Walter G. Pfc 577th  
Bagnato, Salvatore S. Pvt 576th MOS 521= Airman Basic.
Bagwell, Earl E. Cpl 576th MOS 747 = Airplane and Engine Mechanic.Per Capt Levell's roster, 576th Crew Chief #41-28991; 576th Ground Crew #6, "A" Flight.
Bahnus, L.D. Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Bailey, Henry M. Pfc 392nd Trolley Passengers - MOS 747, airplane mechanic, transferred from 467BG. B5339
Bailey, Teddie A. M/Sgt 579th Crew Chief - Crew Chief Ted Bailey   579th ground crew and 670
Bain, A.N. Cpl 576th Parachute Rigger
Baird, Robert L. Sgt 577 roster 2May45  
Baird, Vilas J. Pfc 578th RUO - Baird, Vidra & Jones   Individual Photo
Baker, Anderson B. Sgt 465th Sub Depot p4, orig mbr. MOS 685=Airplane Electrical Mechanic, Specialist.
Baker, Elmer L. Pvt 577th Trolley Passengers - TD for drivers maint course. Asigned per SO#78, 7apr45, MOS 345
Baker, Euel F. Sgt 576th Trolley Passengers - 576th Ground Crew #5, "B" Flight. Per OO#1, 25May45, returned to Bradley Field CT aboard 42-50647.
Baker, John H. Pvt 577th MOS 504.Per 392nd orders 20Apr45, MOS was changed from 901 (Munitions Worker) to 505, Ammunition NCO
Baker, John W. Pfc 578th Welder - Baker and Mehl
Baker, Joseph W. Pvt 10th SCS reduced from Sgt to Pvt for cause.Per SO#2, 3Jan44, transferred to 74th Svc Sqdn.MOS=050.
Baker, Kendrick M. Pvt 579th MOS 824 = Mess Sergeant
Baldwin, Andrew A. Pfc 1825th Ord S&M Co  
Baldwin, John A. Pvt 577th  
Baldwin, Milford A. Pvt 1825th Ord S&M Co  
Balka, J. S/Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Balka, John D. Cpl 577th Per SO#148, 31Jul44, MOS change from 754 to 756.
Ball, George H. Sgt 10th SCS. 465th Sub Depot Trolley Passengers - p4, orig mbr. MOS 501= Administrative & Technical Clerk. p22, he prepared the 465th Duty Roster and Passes. Awarded Good Conduct Medal per GO#5, 20Jul44.
Ball, Leo G. S/Sgt 577th Individual Photo  RCM & H2X Radar Men
Ballard, John E. Pfc Gp HQ assigned; MOS 196.Per SO#9, 10Jan45, TD to Kings Lynn for maintaining aid station.
Ballard, Robert S. Pvt Gp Hq MOS 501 = Admin and Tech Clerk
Balles, M.J. Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Balmer, Arthur C. Pvt 576th MOS 521 = Airman Basic; in 576th Ordnance
Bambauer, Gilbert R. Sgt 10thStaCompSq (74th Service Sqdn) Parachute Handler.Per Nov93 News, he "was the non-com in charge of personal equipment at Wendling.He was also the glue that held the 392nd together in the sixties and seventies, when most of us weren't paying much attention." - Individual Photo   Roberts and Bambauer   Rowe and Bambauer
Bamer, Tony M. M/Sgt 578th 578th First Sergeant
Banaszak, Norbert J. S/Sgt 576th MOS 678=Power Turret and Gunsight Mechanic (Sperry)
Bandelier Harold L. Jr. Pvt 576th and Gp Hq MOS 929 = Automotive Equipment Operator.Commanding Officer's Driver. - HQ Senior NCOs   McBride Wedding Party - Individual photo   Group Headquarters Photo
Bandych, Chester C. Pvt 578th Per SO#99, 28Dec43, transferred to Detachment of Patients, 108th General Hospital
Baptist, Wilber P. 1/Lt 577th assigned; MOS = Aerial Gunnery Instructor.Flew to Bradley Field CT on 42-50753 per OO#1, 28May45.
Bara, N.V. Cpl   Trolley Passengers
Barbaro, J.A. S/Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Barber, Cleon M. M/Sgt 578th 578th Crew Chief; his ships included #517 Model T-  Walker and ground crew   J.R. Walker crew   Orig. 578th Grnd Crew   Model T 42-52517 (nose art)   C.Barber,Ankoviak,Davis,Calender   Whisman & group
Barber, Edward R.   Hospital Trolley Passengers - Per ltr in BEllison folder iin JG files, Dr. Edward R. Barber was with the 392nd during the early days; during the later months of 1943, he was a flight surgeon at Wendling. He was iin the base hospital with Capt
Barber, Ernest H. M/Sgt 578th 578th Crew Chief.On 9Jun44, Gen Leon Johnson pinned the Bronze Star Medal for 32 missions flown by his planes without a mechanical abort.Ships were Jaw-Ja-Boy - Barber, Dobracki, Biddle, Maloy   Whisman, Barber, Ivey; Windy City Crew #1; E.H. Barber, G.W. Kent & E.H. Ivey;   Orig. 578th Grnd Crew   Carrying Flag at Alamogordo     Personal Acct. 1     Personal Acct. 2
Barclay, David K. Pvt 576th MOS 501 = Admin and Tech Clerk
Bard, Howard W. Pfc 578th Airplane Mechanic
Barfield, William H. M/Sgt Gp Hq HQ Senior NCOs   McBride Wedding Party   Group Headquarters Photo
Barham, Clifford E. Sgt 576th MOS 931, Heavy Automotive Equipment Operator.Per Capt Levell's roster, 576th Refueling Unit
Baribeault Jr, Archie J. Pvt 578th MOS 521 = Airman Basic.Per 578th roster 5Aug44, a Munitions Worker
Baric, Richard F. Pfc 578th MOS 911 = Airplane Armorer
Baril, Roger H. T/5 1825th Ord S&M Co  
Barkdull, Walter L. Sgt 10th SCS Trolley Passengers - Per SO96, 21Dec43, TD to 392nd per 8AF Replacement Depot and assigned to 10th SCS. In Aug44, went on the tour to Sandringham. Awarded Good Conduct Medal per GO#3, 30May44.
Barker, Anderson S/Sgt 10thStaCompSq  
Barker, Glynn E. Pvt 578th Was killed in the line of duty on 22 Sep 43
Barkins, Bernard T/Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Barlow, Orlando M. Cpl 576th assigned
Barnes, Lester R. Cpl 465th Sub-Depot  
Barnes, Ralph G. Pfc 578th MOS 911 = AirplaneArmorer; per LFW, 578th Armament Asst Section Chief - Eddy, Carson, Gibson, Cunningham   578th Sqdn Armament Section
Barnes, Raymond H. Pvt 579th MOS 747 = Airplane and Engine Mechanic
Barnes, Whitney L. Pfc 577th MOS 747 = Airplane and Engine Mechanic - Individual Photo
Barnett, Herbert B. Pfc 579th Relieved as Medical Section Leader and reassigned as Medical Technician
Barnhill, Jesse J. 1/Lt 10thStaCompSq Sta Tech Inspector - Rabbit Hunt
Barnwell, Roy C. Cpl 1217th QM Svc Gp 1217th QM Co - 1217th QM Co (AVN), May 1994 NEWS
Baroni, Jack G. Pfc 1287th MP Co Det A MOS = 677, Military Policeman
Barros, Manuel Jr. Sgt 576th 576th Ground Crew #6, "A" Flight [Sgt. M. Barrows flew the 8May45 trolley mission in the 576th, and he might be this man.] Per SO#237, 10Nov44, MOS change from 256 to 573. 11021405. Flew to Bradley Field CT aboard 41-28991 per OO#1, 25May45; MOS 573.
Barrows, M. Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Barrus, John N. Cpl 577th MOS 552 = Control Tower Operator
Barry, F.S. S/Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Barth, Robert F. T/3 1217th QM Svc Gp 1217th QM Co - 1217th QM Co (AVN), May 1994 NEWS
Barthelemy, Herbert E. Pfc 579th Per SO#32, 25Feb44, DS to Sta 102 for 30 days.
Barthle, Richard C. 1/Lt 576th Sq Ordnance Officer
Bartko, Albert M. Pfc 1217th QM Svc Gp 1217th QM Co - 1217th QM Co (AVN), May 1994 NEWS
Bartley, Harold P. Pfc 10th SCS Trolley Passengers - TD to Kings Lynn to work at Maintaining Aid Station. Per SO#67, 23Apr44, TD to 231st Sta Hospital for instruction in ward duties and operating room procedures. Per SO#90, 19May44, xferred from AC to MC.
Bartusek, R.E. Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Basher, Clydelle A. Pfc   Trolley Passengers - Per 2BD SO 138, 18May44, MOS 521, transferred to 467th BG. 15099757
Basli Jr, James J. Pvt 578th MOS 929 = Automotive Equipment Operator
Bass, Jack W. Capt 10thStaCompSq Officers Club Officer
Bast, Milton A. Cpl 317th Svc Gp; 10th SCS Sent to Kings Lynn Maintaining Aid Stn for 1 week and again per SO#71, 28Apr44.Per SO#90, 19May44, transferred from AC to MC (10thSCS).Per SO#173, 29Aug44, TD for 2-wk physiotherapy school.Per SO#172, 28Aug44, transferred from 10th SCS to 578th.MOS 409.
Batenich, Edward G. Pvt 577th MOS 747 = Airplane and Engine Mechanic
Bates, A.L.     Trolley Passengers
Bates, Bruce E. Pvt 578th MOS 239 = Teletypewriter Mechanic.Per 578th roster 5Aug44, was a Radio Mechanic. - 578th Sqdn Communications Section
Bates, S.C. Sgt 578th Radio Mechanic
Bathgate, Charles E. S/Sgt 576th Aircraft Armorer
Battaglia, John A. Pfc 576th MOS 754 = Aircraft Radio Mechanic
Batten, Thomas J. Pvt 576th MOS 747 = Airplane and Engine Mechanic.Per Capt Levell's roster, 576th Ground Crew #5, "C" Flight.
Baucom Jr, Samuel Pvt 576th MOS 931, Heavy Automotive Equipment Operator
Bauer, Vinzenz I. Pfc 806th Chem Co.  
Baur, Harry A. Pfc Gp Hq Antiaircraft Machine Gunner
Bauserman, Alton Pvt 577th MOS 747 = Airplane and Engine Mechanic
Baxter, Peter Sgt Gp Hq and 579th S-2 (Intelligence) - S-2 Staff   S-2 Personnel
Bayha, Cyrus F. S/Sgt 465th Sub Depot Trolley Passengers - p4, orig mbr. MOS 925. P42, worked in Hangar #1
Beach, Robert L. Pfc 576th MOS 256 = Welder, Combination
Bean, R.C. Pfc   Trolley Passengers
Beard, Alfred W. T/Sgt 576th  
Beaton, Douglas H. Pfc 578th MOS 754 = Aircraft Radio Mechanic - 578th Sqdn Communications Section
Beaty, W.D. Pvt 576th MOS 521 = Airman Basic
Beau, Vincent W. M/Sgt 576th and 579th Airplane & Engine Mechanic; 579th Crew Chief - 579th ground crew Sep 1980 2ADA Journal
Beaver, Sheldon Pfc 579th assigned per Hq, UK Base, Com Z ETO.31408711.Per SO#83, 14Apr45, TD for GEE course.Flew to Bradley Field CT on 42-50390 per OO#1, 25May45; MOS 776.
Beavers, Harold Pfc 576th MOS 501 = Admin and Tech Clerk - Lux, Falada, Beavers
Beck, George M. 2/Lt 577th and 578th  
Beck, H.J. S/Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Beckel, Harry H. Sgt 1217th QM Svc Gp 1217th QM Co - 1217th QM Co (AVN), May 1994 NEWS
Beckerich, George Pvt    
Beckham, Hoyt W. Pvt 1287th MP Co Det A MOS = 677, Military Policeman.
Becquart, Lucian G. Sgt 10th SCS Trolley Passengers - p2, promoted fm Cpl. to Sgt on 14Feb44 per orders fm 18th Weather Sqdn. In Aug44, went on the tour to Sandringham. Awarded Good Conduct Medal per GO#3, 30May44.
Becton [or Beaton], Douglas H. Cpl 578th Radio Mechanic
Bedell, Orison P. Pvt 579th MOS 747 = Airplane and Engine Mechanic
Bedur, Robert O. Cpl 579th  
Beech, Robert L. Pfc 576th MOS changed from 256 Welder, Combination to 590
Beeler, E.H. Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Beeman, Hughel R. Cpl 577th  
Beemer, Robert J. Cpl 579th MOS 678 = Power Turret and Gunsight Mechanic
Beers, Jacques H. S/Sgt 576th Trolley Passengers - MOS 754 = Aircraft Radio Mechanic
Behnke, Walter Pfc 867th Chem Co MOS change from 822 to 590.
Beiber, Edward J. Pvt 579th detached service to 1287th MPs. Per SO#185, 11Sep44, xferred to 4210 US Army Hospital Plant per 231st Sta Hosp orders.
Belello, Joe Pvt 576th MOS 929 = Automotive Equipment Operator
Bell [Albert, maybe] Lt 576th succeeded Capt Ed Twining Jr as 578th Flight Commander and was aptd Director of Training, replacing Duff
Bell, Eldon E. Pfc 577th  
Bender, Leonard P. Sgt Gp Hq MOS 867=Radar Mechanic, Bombardment.Transferred from 44th BG.
Bengsch, Arthur H. Pfc 577th  
Bennett, Burnis B. Sgt 576th MOS 685 = Airplane Electrical Mechanic, Specialist.Per SO#238, 11Nov44, TD for Sighting and Harmonization School.
Bennett, D.F. S/Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Bennett, Harold R. Pfc 578th awarded the Good Conduct Medal. 35171693. Assigned per SO#50, 5Mar45, MOS P097. Per SO#72, 30Mar45, MOS change from 641 to 521. Flew to Bradley Field CT on 42-95250 per OO#2, 28May45; MOS 521.
Bennett, Joseph A. Pvt 578th MOS 521 = Airman Basic
Bennett, Richard R. Sgt 1217th QM Svc Gp p1, original mbr of 1217th. P4, contracted a serious skin infection of a rare nature; was xferred to Det of Patients, 231st Sta Hosp (per SO#50, 1Apr44). He "had been a good fellow and an excellent supply Sgt." Returned to 1217th on 8Jun44 after having been away for about 3 months. Per GO#6, 7Sep44, awarded the Good Conduct Medal. On 30Nov44, he was xferred back to Det of Pnts, 4210 US Army Hospital per orders from 231st Sta Hosp (confirmed by SO#255, 3Dec44).
Benson     Gp HQ - Was in Engineering.   Group Headquarters Photo
Benson, Alvin J. T/Sgt   Awarded the Good Conduct Medal for exemplary behavior, efficiency and fidelity.
Benson, Sherwood M. Sgt 576th Airplane & Engine Mechanic
Bereiter, Robert C. Pvt 579th MOS change from 521 to 055
Berg, Arthur J. 2/Lt 577th 577th Sq Equip Officer
Berger Cpl    
Bergman   576th Ramp Rooster
Bergman, Marvin J. Cpl  h  
Berner, Ralph H. Pfc 10thStaCompSq and Gp Hq Airman Basic
Bernstein, Jack 2/Lt    
Berry, Fred S. Pvt 577th MOS 754 = Aircraft Radio Mechanic
Berry, Horace W. Pvt Gp HQ assigned.MOS 521.Awarded Good Conduct Medal per GO#5, 20Jul44.Per SO#147, 30Jul44, MOS change from 521 to 590.Per SO#19, 25Jan45, transfer to 12th Reinforcement Depot for transfer to infantry.MOS 590.
Berry, Woodall O. Jr. Pfc 579th MOS 747 = Airplane and Engine Mechanic - 579th ground crew going on a pass
Bert     Trolley Passengers
Berthiaume, Raymond F. 2/Lt 577th and 578th 578th Engineering Officer - Individual Photo   Bomb Dump
Beseda, John F. S/Sgt 579th placed on duty requiring him to participate in regular and frequent aerial flights.
Besselman, John G. T/Sgt 1825th Ord S&M Co. MOS 821 = Quartermaster Supply Technician, then MOS 815 = Supply NCO - Sorlie and Besselman
Bianucci, Raymond Lt 576th PFF Officer.Per Dec90 News, H2X Mickey Radar Maintenance Officer - 576th Sqdn Officers #2  RCM & H2X Radar Men
Biddle, Paul H. S/Sgt 578th Assigned to 578th per 231st Sta Hosp. - Crew Chief Ernie Barber   Barber, Dobracki, Biddle, Maloy   Orig. 578th Grnd Crew   Paul Biddle and Albert Peters - Lashek, Hochmuth, Peters, Biddle
Bieber, Edward J. Pvt 579th relieved of SD with 1287th and returned to unit.Per SO#164, 18aug44, MOS change from 521 to 590.
Bieniek, John J. Jr. Sgt 577th MOS 754 = Radio Mechanic AAF. Per SO#69, 26Apr44, reduced to Pvt for inefficiency. Per 2BD SO 138, 18May44, MOS 521, transferred to 467th BG. Was a Pvt.
Biermann, D.F. 1/Lt   Trolley Passengers
Bignell, Lac     Trolley Passengers
Bilbo, Lloyd J. T/5 1287th MPs reduced to Pvt for cause.14006261
Bile, S.J. Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Billharz, Meinrad J. Pfc 577th MOS 747 = Airplane and Engine Mechanic
Bimson, Lloyd A. 1/Lt 10thStaCompSq and 2101st FF Pl At various times, was Station Utilities Officer, Asst Station Utilities Officer, Station Agricultural Officer.
Bingham, Walter C. Pvt 1825th Ord 35668939. from Furlough. Per SO#39, 20Feb45, xferred to 12th Reinf Depot for xfer to infantry; MOS 348.
Binnebose, H. S/Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Binnette, Joseph R.D. Pfc 392nd MOS 747, airplane mechanic, transferred from 467BG. B5339
Birchum, Arthur Pvt 578th KP
Birkes, John W. Pfc 465th Sub Depot; 10th SCS p4, orig mbr. MOS 695. Per SO#65, 27Oct43, was reduced to Pvt for cause. Per SO#87, 7Dec43, xferred fm 465th to 10thSCS (on p2 of their history). Per SO#7, 11Jan44, sent TD. Per SO#72, 30Apr44, sent TD for AA Gunnery training. Per SO#73, 1May44, MOS change from 521 to 603. Per SO150, 2Aug44, reduced to Pvt for cause. Per SO#174, 30Aug44, MOS change from 603 to 605. Per SO#39, 20Feb45, xferred to 12th Reinf Depot for xfer to infantry, MOS 605.
Birrer, T. Cpl   Trolley Passengers
Bisberger Cpl 10th SCS p4, joined 10thSCS from 491st BG per 2BD orders dted 22 Apr 44
Bishop, Earl D. Cpl Gp Hq Per Feb94 News, he landed in France as an infantryman with the 1st Army on D+6 in June 44.Fought with them through Belgium and Germany.Became a casualty in Nov 1944 and was shipped back to England, where he was assigned to Hq 392 with duty in the treatment room at the base hospital.
Bishop, Leslie D. T/5 1217th QM Svc Gp 1217th QM Co - 1217th QM Co (AVN), May 1994 NEWS
Bittar, Thomas J. Pfc 10thStaCompSq  
Black, James H. 2/Lt 578th  
Black, John H. Pfc 2101St EFF Pl Per 2BD SO 99, 9Apr44, transferred from Det A, 2033rd EFFPl to 2101st EFFpl. MOS 345.
Black, Robert C. Sgt 1825th Ord S&M Co  
Black, Stanley R. S/Sgt Gp HQ Awarded the good Conduct Medal per SO#99, 28Dec43, “who after 7 Dec 1944 having honorably served one year of active Federal Military service while the US is at war has displayed exemplary behavior efficiency and fidelity during such service.”Per SO#67, 24Mar45, MOS change from 056 to 055.
Blackburn, L.S. Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Blackler, George W. Pvt 1287th MP Co Det A MOS = 677, Military Policeman
Blackwell, Hurston H. Pfc 1287th MPs reduced to Pvt for cause
Blahnik, Francis   577th Trolley Passengers
Blaine, Warren J. Cpl    
Blair, Chester A. T/Sgt 465th Sub-Depot MOS 826 = Supply Technician, AAF. Was a barber in civilian life and became 465th Sub Depot's barber in Feb 1945 - 465th Sub Depot photo #1   465th SubDepot Personnel
Blaisdell, Robert O. Pvt 576th MOS 504.Per Capt Levell's roster, 576th Ordnance Asst Section Chief
Bledsoe Arthur W. Maj 74th Svc Sq Per SO84, 1Dec43, xferred from 74th Svc Gp to 10th SCS. Per SO#86, appt acting CO of 74th Svc Sqdn. Relieved from assignment as acting CO 74th Svc Sq. Per 2BD SO 63, 4Mar44, xferred to 326th SCS, Sta 143.
Bleigh, Robert W. Pvt 576th MOS 501=Administrative and Technical Clerk
Bligh, R.W. Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Bliss, Hazel I. Cpl 2ndAD HQ Switchboard Operator Christening Photos
Blochaniec, John B. Pvt 576th MOS 521= Airman Basic
Blodgett, Robert E. Pvt 578th MOS 521 = Airman Basic; in 578th Ordnance - Football Team
Blonquist, Carl C. Pvt 576th Automotive Equipment Operator - Individual photo
Blum, Dan F. Sgt 10thStaCompSq Sgts Stanford, Blum, Horton, Enlow
Bobyak Jr, John (NMI) Pvt 576th MOS 747 = Airplane and Engine Mechanic
Boerboon, Anthony M/Sgt 576th Trolley Passengers - Was a key person in 576th Communication
Boerke, Fred Sgt 1217th QM Svc Gp  
Bogoe, R.F. Pfc   Trolley Passengers
Bogue, Robert E. Pfc 578th, 579th Flew to Bradley Field CT on 44-50505 per OO#1, 25May45; MOS 901. Per ltr fm BEngel in JG files, he was in 578th ordnance.
Bohrer, S. Pvt   Trolley Passengers
Bolding, Claude H. Pvt 578th MOS 747 = Airplane and Engine Mechanic - Bowling & Dowling   Bolding, Leonard, Dowling   Bolding and Cooke
Bolduc, Fernand O. Cpl 579th MOS 685 = Airplane Electrical Mechanic, Specialist - Individual Photo
Boles, Julia A. 2/Lt 53rd Troop Carrier Wg on Temporary Duty to 392nd, attached to Gp Hq
Bolton, Leslie R. Pfc 1287th MPs reduced to Pvt for cause.
Bomba, John J. Pvt 576th MOS 521 = Airman Basic; per Capt Levell's roster, 576th Munition Worker
Bombardo, Virgil V. Cpl 465th Sub-Depot MOS 050 = Carpenter, General. Worked in Shipping and Receiving. Was selected for transfer to Infantry Reinforcement Training in Feb 1945 - 465th Sub Depot photo #1   465th SubDepot Personnel
Bomershein, H.W.     Trolley Passengers
Bonacci, Dominic Pfc 579th MOS 754 = Aircraft Radio Mechanic - 576th in 1943
Bond, Donald E. Pfc 1217th QM Svc Gp p1, original mbr of 1217th. P3, xferred to 1235th QM Co on 1Mar44.
Bond, Francis B. Pfc 578th MOS 861 = Surgical Technician
Bone, Mrs. Civ    
Bonk, J. Pfc   Trolley Passengers
Bonner, William W. M/Sgt 579th  
Bonomi, J. Cpl   Trolley Passengers
Booth, William T. Capt 577th 577th Sq Communications Officer.Replaced Maj Elder as Gp Communication O in May 45
Boque, Robert E. Pvt 578th Munitions Worker
Borawski, Ale Pfc 576th  
Borchert, John M. 1/Lt Gp Hq, 18th Weather Sta, 10thStaComSq  
Borden, C. Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Borden, Kenneth L. T/Sgt 577th Placed on indefinite TD with Det "A" 1287th MP Co (Avn).Perhaps had finished a combat tour.
Borkowski, Anthony A. Pvt 578th MOS 504
Borowitz, Michael Pfc 10thStaCompSq  
Bortle, Leo O. Pfc 10thStaCompSq  
Boshadlo, C.R. S/Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Bosher, Robert B. Pfc 10th SCS xferred to 12th Reinforcement Depot for xfer to infantry. MOS 345
Borchert, John M. 1/Lt Gp Hq, 18th Weather Sta, 10thStaComSq Individual photo
Bostrum, Earl C. Pvt 578th MOS 501 = Admin & Tech Clerk
Bottomley, Richard E. Cpl 577th MOS 237 = Teletype Operator
Boudry, Lawrence R. S/Sgt    
Bouley, Laurent R. Pfc 578th MOS 756 = AAF Radio Operator and Mechanic
Bounds, Charles W. T/3 53rd Troop Carrier Wg On Temporary Duty to 392nd, attached to Gp Hq
Bourey, A.H. S/Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Bourke, Fred Sgt 1217th QM Svc Gp 1217th QM Co - 1217th QM Co (AVN), May 1994 NEWS
Bove, Anthony J. Sgt 576th 576th Ordnance Section Crew Chief
Bowers, Clyde H. S/Sgt Gp Hq Per SO#34, 1Mar44, awarded the Good Conduct Medal.Per SO#92, 28Apr45, transferred from GPHQ to 373rd Hq&BSS, Sta 144   Group Headquarters Photo
Bowling, John C Sgt 577th  
Bowman, Marvin R. Sgt 10th SCS p2, xferred to 80th StaCompSq on 17Jan44.
Boyd, H.M. Cpl   Trolley Passengers
Boyer, Carl R. Cpl 10th SCS Tp2, xferred to 74th Svc Sqdn on 3Jan44 (per SO#2, 3Jan44). Per SO#51, 1Oct43 reduced fm S/Sgt to Pvt for cause. MOS 501
Braca, Raphael M. 2/Lt 10thStaCompSq Weather Officer - 392nd Staff Officers 3May45
Braccia, Anthony P. Pvt 10th SCS Per SO#225, 28Oct44, MOS change from 590 to 677.Per SO#63, 20Mar45, moved from 10th to 1287th.Per GO#3, 30May44, awarded the Good conduct Medal.Per SO#152, 5Aug44, MOS change from 521 to 590.
Bradberry Pvt 576th  
Bradish, Henry Cpl 577th On Detty's crew, YMCA Flying Service
Bradway II, Charles P. Pfc 576th Munitions Worker
Brady Jr., Franklin N. Pfc 577th Admin & Technical Clerk
Braga, Raphael M. 2/Lt 10th SCS Per 392nd SO #54, 5 Apr 1944, he was officially assigned to the 18th Weather Sqdn and attached to the 392nd, and further attached to the 10th SCS for quarters and rations.
Bragmot, Peter S/Sgt 10thStaCompSq  
Brahm, John L. Pfct    
Braid, George S/Sgt 579th Per Feb93 News, was Bombsight Maintenance - Individual Photo
Braiewa, Joseph Pvt 579th and 577th MOS 747 = Airplane and Engine Mechanic - Individual Photo
Branch Jr, James M. Pfc 579th MOS 911 = Airplane Armorer
Brand, Wilfred C. T/3 53rd Troop Carrier Wg On Temporary Duty to 392nd, attached to Gp Hq
Branscum, Oval E. Pvt 577th MOS 504
Branstetter, Ralph P. 2/Lt 576th  
Braquet, Peter E. Cpl 465th Sub Depot Tp5, orig mbr. MOS 620 = Parachute Rigger & Repairman. p6, p14. p15, worked in the Fabric Shop repairing flying clothing. P57, described what he did, and said he was a Sgt.
Braquet, R.D. S/Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Braun, Robert W. Cpl 576th Assigned.MOS 611 = Aerial Gunner; not on any clls
Bravo, G. Cpl   Trolley Passengers
Bray, Edward J. Cpl 576th assigned; MOS 852.Flew to Bradley Field CT aboard 41-28991 per OO#1, 25May45; MOS 852.
Bray, Melvin G. Sgt 10thStaCompSq  
Breckels   576th Ground Crew Relaxing
Breckels, Melvin R. Pvt 576th or 579th Transferred to Disciplinary Training Center in custody ofPFC Maushart.33552424.Per Special Courts Martial Order No 11, 392nd BG 22 Oct 43 - Ground Crew Relaxing
Breckenridge, Mitlon J. Cpl 579th MOS 552 = Control Tower Operator
Breitenfeld Cpl 10th SCS p4, attached weather man, promoted to Sgt on 17Apr44. p4;, relieved from attached for rations quarters and admin per 18th Weather Sq orders dtd 26 april 1944.
Bremer, George R. M/Sgt Gp Hq Gp G-2 (Intelligence) - Wall, Bremer, and Weiner   Group Headquarters Photo
Bremner Sgt 576th 576th Ground Crew #6, "C" Flight
Bremner, Robert M. Pvt 576th MOS 501 = Admin and Tech Clerk
Breon, Harold Pfc 577th MOS 902 = Weapons Mechanic, Aircraft
Brewer, Arthur G. Pvt 577th MOS 501 = Admin and Tech Clerks
Brewer, Mike Pvt 576th and Gp Hq MOS 941 = Camera Technician - Photographic Section; Photographic Section #2
Brewer, R.G. Pfc   Trolley Passengers
Brewster Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Brewster, Edward M. 1/Lt 576th 576th Sq Tech Sup Officer
Brewster, Raymond L. Pvt Gp Hq MOS 501 =Admin and Tech Clerk.Gp S-4 clerk - HQ Senior NCOs   McBride Wedding Party
Bridgeman, Delbert C. Sgt 10thStaCompSq Per LFW, he was in Transportation Section and "devised a handy fitting grease plug for the hand pump of a grease gun so that it may be filled by power instead of by hand--saving much duty hours work" - Grease Gun"MOS 932 = Special Vehicle Operator. Per 403rd history, was assistant truckmaster of the Motor Pool and the lubrication chief
Bridwell, Stanley W. Cpl 10th SCS xferred from Det A, 317th Svc Sq to 10th on 14 Dec 43 per SO91. xferred to AAF Sta 115 on 3Jan44.
Brinegar, William C. Pvt 576th MOS 345 = Ordnance Light Truck Driver.Per 392nd orders 3Mar44, was a Munitions Worker.
Brinkman, James A. Cpl 577th  
Briski, Michael Pfc   Trolley Passengers
Broadbent, D.E.     Trolley Passengers
Brobson, John F. S/Sgt 578th 578th PT & Cnst Mechanic
Broderick     Trolley Passengers
Broeker Jr, Roger J. 2/Lt 576th Gp Turret Officer
Broll, Lewis E. Pvt 576th MOS 590 = Laborer.Per SO#19, 25Jan45, transferred to 12th Reinforcement Depot for transfer to infantry; MOS 590.
Bronson, Leslie S/Sgt 10thStaCompSq  
Brooking, Melvis T/Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Brooks, C.B. Cpl   Trolley Passengers
Brooks, Clyde V. Cpl 10th SCS p3, he was a medic; p4, placed on TD to RAF Sta Hawkings per 392nd orders dtd 26Apr 44. Per SO#84, 1Dec43, MOS 123. Per SO#90, 19May44, xferred from AC to MC. Per SO#172, 28Aug44, MOS 409; xferred from 10th SCS to GPHQ. Awarded Good Conduct Medal per GO#2, 27Apr45.
Brooks, Coolidge Pvt 465th Sub Depot Placed on SD with 1287th MPs. Per SO#20, 26Jan45, relieved of SD and returned to unit. Per 465th SD history, p61, was transferred to the Infantry in Jan 45 [per SO#19, 25Jan45; MOS 590].
Brooks, D.W. Cpl   Trolley Passengers
Brooks, F. Cpl 403rd ASG worked in the Control Tower
Brooks, Harold Pfc 10th SCS Per GO#3, 30May44, awarded the Good Conduct Medal. Per SO#152, 5Aug44, MOS change from 521 to 590.
Brooks Jr, Henry W. Capt 579th Per Roster 7Jul43, was 579 Asst Sq Engr. Became 579th Sq Eng O when Capt Giesecke left in May44. Per 579th Sqdn history, awarded the Bronze Star in Nov44. Per 579th microfilm history, at the beginning of the 579th he was in Tech Supply 579th Sq Engineering Officer
Brooks Jr, Leonard Cpl 10thStaCompSq Awarded the Good Conduct Medal. Per Al Enlow's book, worked in Flying Control, p27. Per 403rd history, was on continuous duty outside, rain or shine. They serve as Alert Crews for transit air Craft and also service the Flare Paths.
Brooks, Harold Pfc 10thStaCompSq  
Brooks, Raymond L. Pvt 576th MOS 239 = Teletypewriter Mechanic
Brookstein, Henry S. Pvt 577th MOS 747 = Airplane and Engine Mechanic
Brooner, Harold Sgt 578th Armorer
Brosh, Charles J. Pfc 577th  
Brosteun, Benford O. Sgt 10thSCS, 576th xferred fm 10th to 576th. MOS 409 = Medical Technician. Per SO#69, 26Apr44, TD to 231st Sta Hosp for 3-wk course in laboratory technique procedures (576th). Per SO#90, 19May44, xferred from Air Corps to Medical Corps.
Brotar, Charles J. Cpl 10thStaCompSq  
Brower, Jerome S. 2/Lt 806th Cml Co Det A Per LFW, was CWS Ammun Officer
Brown, A.D. Cpl   Trolley Passengers
Brown, Adam T/5 1825th Ord S&M Co  
Brown, Allen R. Cpl 579th MOS 964
Brown, Amelia Civ American Red Cross Officers
Brown, C. Cpl   Trolley Passengers
Brown, Carl W. Pfc 577th MOS 861 = Surgical Technician
Brown, Clarence Pvt 578th MOS 345 = Ordnance Light Truck Driver
Brown, Cleo R. Pfc 576th MOS change from 590 to 050.Per SO#164, 18Aug44, MOS change from 521 to 590.
Brown, H.F. S/Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Brown, Hugh G. Sgt 10thStaCompSq  
Brown, Jessie L. Pfc 577th  
Brown, John M/Sgt 576th Inspector - Albert Carr and John Brown
Brown, John N. M/Sgt 576th assigned.Awarded Good Conduct Medal per GO#5, 20Jul44.flew to Bradley Field Ct on 44-50527 per OO#1, 25May45; MOS 750.
Brown, L Sgt   Football Team
Brown, P.A. Cpl   Trolley Passengers
Brown, Roland D. Jr. Pvt 578th MOS 911 = Airplane Armorer.Per 578th roster 5Aug44, was an armorer and power turret specialist. - 578th Sqdn Armament Section
Brown, Stanley H. Pvt Gp Hq MOS 501 = Admin and Tech Clerk   Group Headquarters Photo
Brown, Vinton S. Jr. Pfc 576th MOS 501 = Admin and Tech Clerk
Brown, W.E. S/Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Brown, Warren L. Cpl 576th Aircraft Armorer.Killed in the Line of Duty 21Jan45 - Warren Brown and Friends
Brownell, Maynard W. Sgt 578th  
Brownstein, Melvin I. Pvt 578th MOS 521 = Airman Basic
Bruenderman, Leo L. Pfc 576th MOS 911 = Airplane Armorer
Brumback, Luther F. Pfc 1825th Ord S&M Co  
Brune, Charles H. Pvt 577th MOS 501 = Admin and Tech Clerks; Telephone Operator - Individual Photo
Brunig, William Pfc   Trolley Passengers
Bryan, Ottest T. Pfc 10thStaCompSq Leather & Canvas Worker
Bryan, Ray Pvt 576th MOS 929 = Automotive Equipment Operator
Bryant, Edgar C. Sgt 577th Assigned; MOS 748 but not on any clls
Bryars, P.R. Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Bryha, Cyrus F. S/Sgt 10thStaCompSq  
Brzostowski, John J. Pfc 577th  
Buchanan, Chester D. Pfc 576th Trolley Passengers
Buckels, Paul E. Pvt 576th MOS 747, Airplane and Engine Mechanic.Per Capt Levell's roster, 576th Ground Crew #3, "B" Flight
Buckminister, Stewart I. T/Sgt 1287th MPs MOS 677 = Military Policeman.transferred to 231st Station Hospital.
Budzisc, Albert F. Pvt    
Buede, Floyd M. Cpl 10th SCS  
Buffalo, John M. T/5 1287th MP Co Det A Per Report of Aicraft Accident, he was aboard Niederriter's plane (41-29608) on 24aug44 on an airspeed calibration mission when it had a taxiing accident.MP.
Buffin, Charles B. Pvt 578th MOS 929 = Automotive Equipment Operator.Per 578th roster 5Aug44, a 578th KP.
Buford, Edward E. Pfc 576th MOS change from 504 to 521. Assigned per SO#50, 5Mar45, MOS 521. Per SO#92, 28Apr45, xferred from 576th BS to 373rd Hq&BSS, Sta144.
Bugbee, Glen   Gp Hq Gp Photographic Section - Photographic Section
Buhl, Lloyd D. Pvt 577th MOS 826 = AF Technical Supply NCO
Buhner, John C. Pfc 576th MOS 501 = Admin and Tech Clerk.Per LFW, he was 576th Sq Supply Sgt; departed for USA in Sep44.
Buhrmeister, Henry F. Sgt 577th MOS 911 = Airplane Armorer
Buirkle, Harold W. Pvt 576th MOS 405=Clerk-Typist.S-2, Intelligence - E. Dereham 1943   576 S-2
Bullion, Dan NMI T/5 1825th Ord MOS 060 = Cook. 38230359. In ASF 21Jun45 orders, was a Sgt; in ASF orders 25Jun45, was in 653rd Materiel Sq. Awarded Good Conduct Medal per GO#3, 30May44.
Bullock, A.D. S/Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Bullen, John W. Pvt 576th MOS 929 = Automotive Equipment Operator
Bullock, Ronald H. Pvt 576th MOS 345 = Ordnance Light Truck Driver
Bunting, Dee W. 1/Lt 576th Air Sea Rescue Officer
Buqho, George C. Pfc 577th and Gp Hq MOS 756 = AAF Radio Operator and Mechanic
Burford, H.L. Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Burford, Laurice M. Sgt 579th Assigned per SO43, 20Sep43 from Clovis NM.
Buralaff, William C. S/Sgt 10thStaCompSq  
Burger     Ground Crew Relaxing
Burger, George C. Pvt 579th MOS 501 = Admin and Tech Clerk
Burger, Robert L. Pvt 579th MOS 501 = Admin and Tech Clerk
Burke, Aubrey J. Cpl 465th Sub Depot Machinist - Individual Photo
Burke, Edmund W. Capt 10thStaCompSq Asst Dental Surgeon - Hospital Staff, 20 Feb 1944   Officers
Burkhead, Cecil F. Cpl 465th Sub-Depot MOS 501 = Administrative and Technical Clerk - 465th Sub Depot photo #1   465th SubDepot Personnel
Burkle, Charles H. Sgt 579th  
Burlington, Donald R. 2/Lt 10th SCS  
Burnett, Charley D. Sgt    
Burns, Francis J. Pvt GPHQ assigned; MOS 673
Burns, Richard K. Pfc 577th  
Burns, W.H. S/Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Burns, William T. Pvt 579th Assigned; MOS 611 but not on any clls.
Burock, Frank P.V. 2/Lt Det "A" 806th Cml Co.  
Burris, William L. Pvt 576th MOS 501 = Admin and Tech Clerk
Burslaff, W.C. S/Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Burt, J.G. T/4   Trolley Passengers
Burtner, Clair P. Capt Gp Hq Gp Armament Officer - 392nd Staff Officers 3May45   Individual Photo   McBride Wedding Party   Ground Officers Mess   Group Headquarters Photo
Bury, Albert A. S/Sgt 10thStaCompSq  
Burzlaff, William C. S/Sgt 465th Sub Depot p4, orig mbr of 465th. MOS 686=Airplane Instrument Mechanic, Specialist. In Jan44 sent to a 2-week D R Compass school. p8, returned fm Hollingwood Works, Manchester on 11Feb44, after 2 wks technical training in instruments. P64, worked in the Instrument Shop. P66, sent for Air Position Indicator training in Feb 45. P83, selected to go on 7-day furlough to Paris in Apr45. Per SO#84, 1Dec43, xferred from 74th ServSq to 465th. Per SO#212, 11Oct44, MOS change from 686 to 959. Per SO331, 9Feb45, TD for American Air Position Indicator course.
Bush, Joseph LtCol Gp Hq Designated Gp Executive Officer as of 24Feb43.Per SO#10, 30Mar43, appointed Gp Administrative Inspector. - Individual Photo  392nd Staff Officers 3May45   Individual Photo   Rendle,Bush,Fritsche   Group Headquarters Photo
Bush, Maurice L. Sgt 576th attended VHF maint course
Bush, William L. Pfc Det "A" 1287th MP Co (Avn) Transferred to Disciplinary Training Center under custody of PFC Maushart. Per Special Courts Martial Order No. 85, VIII Bomber Command, 6Dec43. 14184592
Busher, Alfred O. Pfc 1825th Ord S&M Co  
Bushner, Kenneth L. Pvt 578th MOS 501 = Admin and Tech Clerk
Buss, John H. T/4 1217th QM Svc Gp  
Butchko, Joseph M. Pvt 579th MOS 316 = Automobile Repairman. 33671420. Per Combat Officers Mess menu for 12/25/44, was a Cook. Per SO#91, 21May44, SD with 1287th MPs. Per SO#164, 18Aug44, MOS change from 521 to 590. Per SO#186, 12Sep44, returned to 579th. Per SO#19, 25Jan45, xferred to 12th Reinforcement Depot for xfer to infantry. MOS 590. Per 2BD SO 111, 21Apr44, transferred in from 2BD Casuals, Sta 132. MOS 316, Automobile Repairman (Serviceman)
Butler, A.D. Pfc   Trolley Passengers
Butterbaugh, Leslie J. S/Sgt 465th Sub Depot MOS 931 = Truck Driver, Heavy - 465th Sub Depot photo #2
Butts, Gene S/Sgt 579th Per May96 News, was a power turret mechanic, joining the Group at Alamogordo.
Butwinski, Alec C. Pvt 806th Chem Co. transferred to 12th Reinf Depot for transfer to infantry; MOS 345
Buxton, David R. Pfc 579th MOS 911 = Airplane Armorer
Buygel, G.C. Pfc   Trolley Passengers
Buzelli, Louis A. Pvt 10thStaCompSqdn  
Byam, Lloyd L. M/Sgt 576th 576th Ground Crew "A" Flight
Byers, John B. (MC) 1/Lt Gp Hq Per LFW, was 577th Sq Medical Officer; died of illness in Dec44 - Hospital Staff, 20 Feb 1944
Byers, Donald C. Sgt 578th MOS 929 = Automotive Equipment Operator. Per 578th roster 5Aug44, an Auto Mechanic.   was the 578th Sqdn Transportation NCO - Individual Photo
Byers, John Pvt 579th MOS 756 = AAF Radio Operator and Mechanic