392nd Bomb Group


Many of the photographs on the links were compiled from the 392nd Memorial Association archives by the late Ernie Barber, group archivist and the 392nd 2nd Generation researchers from relatives and loved ones. They are intended to be viewed for private use and not to be published without written consent from one of the 392nd BGMA researchers. You may contact them through our questions form (leaving airman form boxes empty).Click here for the form.  We continue to update this section on a weekly basis with additional information and photos.

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Additional selections can be found at the bottom of this page.
Name Rank Unit Comments Photo
d'Agnilli, John J. Pfc 577th MOS 501 = Admin and Tech Clerk.Per Mar87 2ADA Journal, was crytographic NCO.
Daggett, Norman L. 2/Lt 578th assigned
Dahl, Sverra T. Pvt 576th  
Dahlen, Karl B. T/Sgt 577th  
Daigle, Harris J. Pfc 465th Sub-Depot 465th SubDepot Personnel
D'Alessandro, Primo J. Pvt 576th MOS 929 = Automotive Equipment Operator
Dallezette, Frank S/Sgt 10thStaCompSq  
Daly, Ernest Sgt 10thStaCompSq  
D'Amelio, John F. Sgt 576th MOS 747 = Airplane and Engine Mechanic
Damm, Edwin E. Pvt Gp Hq and 10thStaCompSq Carpenter, General
Daniels, Bernard Pvt 578th MOS 521 = Airman Basic; in 578th Ordnance
Dankert, Edward (NMI) S/Sgt 578th 578th Communication section chief - 578th Sqdn Communications Section   Individual Photo
Darling, Lou   Gp Hq Group Photographic Section #2 Lou Darling and George Kralowec
DaSaro, Louis J. Pvt Gp Hq MOS 521 = Airman Basic, Non-Specialist
Daspit, Warren C. WO 10thStaCompSq Transferred to Det of Pts 77thStaHosp; 392 orders 3Mar44 transferred him to 579th. 392 orders 24Mar44 "Daspit, 492nd BG (on Detached Service this Sta) transferred to Det of Pts, 65th General Hosp"
Dauber, Joe     1825th Ordnance Personnel #2
Daughdrill, Calvin H. 1/Lt 578th and 10thStaCompSq Per LFW, 10thStaCompSq Supply Officer
Daughtrey, Elisha R. Maj Gp Hq and 10thStaCompSq Sta Admin Inspector.Per LFW, was 10thStaCompsSq CO; rotated back to the US in Mar45.
Dault, Marion V. Pvt 578th MOS 929 = Automotive Equipment Operator
Davey, Harold L. Pvt 577th MOS 504
Davidson, Harold T. Sgt 576th Per Capt Levell's roster, 576th Ground Crew #3, "A" Flight
Davidson, James H. S/Sgt 74th Serv Sq, 465th MOS 501. Per SO91, 13Dec43, from 74th Svc Sqdn but atchd to 465th SD for rats, qtrs and adm.
Davis, Carlisle H. Pfc 579th MOS 911 = Airplane Armorer
Davis, Clyde H. M/Sgt 577th Individual   #151 Ground Crew
Davis, Clyde W. Pvt 578th Per 578th roster 5Aug44, was a 578th Crew Chief. - Orig. 578th Grnd Crew   Model T 42-52517 (nose art)   C.Barber,Ankoviak,Davis,Calender
Davis, Elmer (NMI) Pvt 576th MOS 501=Administrative and Technical Clerk
Davis, George E. 2/Lt Gp Hq, 577th, 579th Appointed Gp Unit Supply Officer
Davis, Janson K. Pvt 1287th MP Co Det A MOS 343=Truck Driver, Light
Davis, John F. Cpl 465th Sub Depot p4, orig mbr. MOS 932 = Special Vehicle Operator.
Davis, Leonard S. Pvt Gp HQ MOS 501 = Admin and Tech Clerk - (E&O) after Admin and Tech Clerk. - Awarded the good Conduct Medal per SO#99, 28Dec43, "who after 7 Dec 1944 having honorably served one year of active Federal Military service while the US is at war has displayed exemplary behavior efficiency and fidelity during such service.   Group Headquarters Photo
Davis, Melvin T. Pvt 577th MOS 929 = Automotive Equipment Operator
Davis, Nolan Pvt 578th MOS 521 = Airman Basic
Davis, Warren B. 1/Lt Gp Hq Temporary Duty to 392nd NTE 30 days
Dawson, Franklin W. Capt 10thStaCompSq At various times, was Courts and Boards Officer, Unit Claims Officer, Summary Court Officer, Asst Sta Adj, 10thStaCompSq CO and Sta Admin Inspector - 392nd-Staff-Officers
Day, K.T. Cpl   Trolley Passengers
De Biose, Angelo E. 2/Lt 392nd Per 2BD SO 117, 27Apr44, xferred from 392nd to 445th BG.
Dean, Thomas L. Pvt 578th Munitions Worker
DeArmond, Marion A. Pvt 577th MOS 756 = AAF Radio Operator and Mechanic - Individual Photo
Debas, J.P. Cpl   Trolley Passengers
DeBasi, Joseph P. Pfc 1825th Ord MOS 014 = Automotive Mechanic (Second Echelon). 33271821. Per SO#148, 31Jul44, MOS change from 014 to 965. Awarded Good Conduct Medal per GO#3, 30May44.
DeBay, Joseph P. T/5 1825th Ord S&M Co  
Decanter, Johnny A. Pvt 10thSCS xferred to 12th Reinf Depot for xfer to infantry; MOS 590. Per GO#3, 30May44, awarded the Good Conduct Medal.
Decker     Trolley Passengers
Deery, Thomas C. T/Sgt   Trolley Passengers - Awarded the Good Conduct Medal for exemplary behavior, efficiency and fidelity.
DeGeorge, John Cpl 1217th QM Svc Gp Trolley Passengers - Per SO#141, 24Jul44, MOS change from 193 to 194. Per GO#6, 7Sep44, awarded the Good Conduct Medal.
Deherity, Joseph W. Pvt 577th MOS 747 = Airplane and Engine Mechanic
Deitz, W.J. S/Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Del Bueno Cpl   Trolley Passengers
DeLaCrosa, Jose Y. Pvt 576th MOS 521=Airman Basic
Delaporte, Gene   Motor Pool Per Dave Rubin's ltr, he was a transportation officer in the motor pool, which was across the street from the QM officers. He got married while at the 392nd as Dave sent me several photos ofhis wedding.
DelaRosa, J.Y. Pfc   Trolley Passengers
DeLay, Zura V. S/Sgt    
DelBueno, Nicholas R. Pfc 576th MOS 911 = Airplane Armorer
Delgado, Saturnino P. Pvt 578th MOS 521 = Airman Basic.Per 578th roster 5Aug44, was a Cook.
Delia 2/Lt 10th SCS p4, relieved from attached duty per 18th Weather Sq orders dtd 22 Apr 1944.
Dellegren, M. Pfc   Trolley Passengers
Dellinger, A.T. Cpl   Trolley Passengers
DeMarco, Michael Pfc 10thStaCompSq  
Demaree, Marion W. Pvt 576th MOS 747 = Airplane and Engine Mechanic
DeMeio, E.J. S/Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Deneen, LeRoy M. Pvt 578th MOS 345 = Ordnance Light Truck Driver
Dennis, R.W. S/Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Denune, Robert L. Pvt 578th MOS 929 = Automotive Equipment Operator - Individual photo
Derby, Carl C. T/Sgt 577th Crew Chief T/Sgt Derby and his men
Derey, Marion H. Pvt 578th MOS 474 = Airplane and Engine Mechanic; Crew Chief - Individual photo   Derey, Miller, Hiner
Dergo, Stephen J. M/Sgt 579th MOS 747 = Airplane and Engine Mechanic.Per LFW, a M/Sgt and 579th Crew Chief; a Choirmaster turned mechanic whose B-24 had flown 125 consecutive missions without an abort - Individual photo
Derin, Charles G. Cpl 10thStaCompSq  
Derr, G.R. T/Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Derry, Thomas C. T/3 Gp Hq (Medical Section) MOS 055 = Clerk, General
Desautell, Lawrence E. Pvt 576th MOS 060 = Cook
Detty, Harold L. Pfc 577th MOS 747 = Airplane and Engine Mechanic; a Crew Chief, YMCA Flying Service. - Solomon crew   B.R. Shaw crew #2
Devendorf, Robert C. Cpl 264th Medical Disp  
Devendorf, Robert G. Pfc 579th MOS 409 = Medical Technician
Devey, Todd W. Pfc 576th MOS 747 = Airplane and Engine Mechanic
Devine, Stephen Pvt 1217th QM Svc Gp p4, xferred to 987th MP Co dtd 31Mar44. Per 2BD SO 90, 31Mar44. MOS 835.
Devoe Harvey B. Jr. Pvt 578th MOS 945 = Photo Lab Technician - Individual Photo
DeWar, William Cpl 577th  
DeWitt, Walter K. S/Sgt 74th Serv Sq, 465th MOS 747. Per SO91, 13Dec43, from 74th Svc Sqdn but atchd to 465th SD for rats, qtrs and adm.
Dias, Wilbur I. T/5 1825th Ord MOS 014 = Automotive Mechanic (Second Echelon). 33271821
Diaz, Bienbenido E. Pfc 579th MOS 756 = AAF Radio Operator and Mechanic
Dick, Joseph N. Cpl 577th  
Dickinson, Rex O. Pvt 578th MOS 678 = Power Turret and Gunsight Mechanic (Sperry) - 578th Sqdn Armament Section
DiCola, William A. Pvt 578th MOS 060 = Cook.Per 578th roster 5Aug44, was Asst Mess Sgt. - DiCola and Harned
Diera, Donald C. Cpl 576th TD for GEE-H equipment instruction.
Dieterle, George O. Sgt 578th 578th Stock Room (Mess Hall).Per LFW, 578th C.W.B.
Dietrich, Charles Sgt 10thStaCompSq  
Dietz, Jerome D. Sgt 579th MOS change from 911 to 538.Assigned per SO#66, 23Mar45.Per SO#73, 1Apr45, placed on duty requiring regular and frequent aerial flights.
Diffendale, William   Gp Hq Gp Photographic Section - William Diffendale; Photographic Section; Photographic Section #3; Photographic Section #2
DiGeorge Cpl 1217th QM Svc Gp 1217th QM Co - 1217th QM Co (AVN), May 1994 NEWS
Dikes, Leo A. Pvt 579th MOS 931 = Heavy Automotive Equipment Operator
DiLeo, Daniel A. Pvt 578th MOS 521 = Airman Basic
Dillahunty, Quintus Sgt 577th  
Dilly, Pierre E. S/Sgt 577th TD for Sighting and Harmonization School. Might be Dilley, PE who was a gunner in 579 and 577.
Dilly, Vincent S. Capt 577th Squadron Bombardier
Dilworth, Edmund R. Capt 576th 576th Sqdn Mess Officer.Per LFW, 576th Executive Officer - 576th Sqdn Officers #1
576th Sqdn Officers #2
DiMarino, Thomas Cpl 576th and 578th Cook
Dimino S/Sgt 576th Electrical Specialist
Dina, Paul Pvt 578th MOS 501 = Admin and Tech Clerk.Per 578th roster 5Aug44, was C&B Clerk. - Individual   Harned, Fewkes and Dina
Dingwall, Thomas S/Sgt 465th Sub-Depot  
Dinsmore, Walter F. Pfc 579th  
Dion, Gerald J. Pvt 579th MOS 239 = Teletypewriter Mechanic
Dippell, W.L. S/Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Dirks, Earl C. Pvt 578th MOS 501 = Admin and Tech Clerk - 578th Ground Crewmen
Dirks, Karl C. Sgt 578th Operations Clerk (Gp)
DiStefano Joseph Jr. Sgt 578th MOS 070 = Draftsman - 578th Ground Crewmen   Timmerman, Spinelli and Distefano
Ditch, Edward (NMI) T/5 Det "A" 806th Cml Co. MOS changed from 532 (Airman Basic)(Truck Driver, Light)
Ditch, Edward R. Pfc 576th MOS 409 = Medical Technician
Divietro, Edward J. Pfc 576th MOS 409 = Medical Technician
Dixon, Rudolph H. Cpl 577th Airplane & Engine Mechanic
Dobracki, John C. Pvt 578th MOS 747 = Airplane and Engine Mechanic - Crew Chief Ernie Barber   Barber, Dobracki, Biddle, Maloy
Doc Cooke     Trolley Passengers
Dodd, Frank D. 1/Lt   Flew to Wendling with 576th aircrews.Per Feb93 News was a Sqdn Communications Officer
Dodge, Bruce M. Cpl 576th Airplane Armorer
Doherty, D.T. M/Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Doherty, James C. Cpl 577th  
Doherty, Thomas D. Pfc 576 MOS change from 521 to 050.39095907Per SO#72, 30Mar45, MOS change from 050 to 405.Per SO#49, 4Mar45, tried on 27Feb45 by Summary CM, this command, for being drunk in station--amt ofmoney adjudicated to be forfeited in excess of $19 is rescinded because it is above the legal maximum, will be remitted.
Domaleski, Jacob S. Pvt 577th MOS 590 = Laborer. Per SO#50, 1Apr44, placed on SD with 1287th MPs. Per SO#152, 5Aug44, MOS change from 521 to 590. Per SO#22, 29Jan45, relieved of duty with 1287th MPs. Per SO#19, 25Jan45, xferred to 12th Reinforcement Depot for xfer to infantry. MOS 590. Per 2BD SO 67, 8Mar44, xferred from 492nd to 392nd. MOS 590.
Domenichini, Robert L. Pfc 576th MOS 911 = Airplane Armorer
Dominguez, Frank Pvt 578th MOS 050 = Carpenter, General - Hardin,Mann,Dominguez,Hughes
Donabour, Theodore E. Pvt 579th MOS 747 = Airplane and Engine Mechanic
Donahue, Harold D. Pfc 1287th MP Co Det A  
Donahue, Vincent Pfc 576th MOS 911 = Airplane Armorer
Donaruma, V.R. Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Donnelly, John M. M/Sgt 577th  
Donofrio, A.A.     Trolley Passengers
Donovan, Edward B. Pvt 579th MOS 504
Donovan, John R. Sgt 578th Airplane Mechanic - Individual Photo   Individual Photo
Donovan, Roy R. S/Sgt 576th MOS change from 860 to 853.Per SO#256, 4Dec44, TD for Loran equip training.Per OO#1, 25May45, returned to Bradley Field CT aboard 41-29527.
Doolittle, Lee A. Sgt 392nd crash crew Was awarded the Soldier's Medal for heroic actions on 5Dec43.In Jan44, he was transferred to the 453rd BG. - Sgt Lee A. Doolittle receiving Soldier's Medal
Dority, Everett W. 2/Lt 1825th attached to 1825th Ord
Dorin, Charles G. Cpl 465th Sub-Depot  
Dorman, Ray O. Pvt 576th MOS 929 = Automotive Equipment Operator   Individual Photo
Dosch, Carl J. S/Sgt 1217th QM Svc Gp  
Dougala, Wesley W. Sgt    
Doucette, Arthur J. Pfc 579th MOS 902 = Weapons Mechanic, Aircraft
Dow, Benjamin S. Pvt 579th MOS 239 = Teletypewriter Mechanic
Dougherty, John T. Pvt 576th MOS 257 = Welder, Acetylene
Doutel, Frederick C. Sgt 579th Gp HQ Cryptographer. Trolley Passenger. Per his DD214, his MOS was 791, Air Operations Specialist. Per SO#34, 1Mar44, awarded the Good Conduct Medal. Per SO#141, 24Jul44, MOS change from 807 to 805. Flew to Bradley Field CT per OO#1, 25May45; MOS 805   Group Headquarters Photo
Doveatt, Edmund C. Sgt 576th, 10th SCS In Aug44, went on the tour to Sandringham. Per SO#122, 1Jul44, MOS change from 521 to 055. Per SO#19, 25Jan45, 576th, xferred to 12th Reinforcement Depot for xfer to infantry. MOS 055.
Dow, Benjamin S. Pvt 579th MOS 239 = Teletypewriter Mechanic
Dowdy, Thomas L. Sgt 578th Thomas Dowdy and Albert Edwards
Dowling, Thomas E. Capt 579th 579th Sq Armament Officer
Dowling, William B. Pvt 578th MOS 747 = Airplane and Engine Mechanic.578th Crew Chief - Bowling & Dowling   Bolding, Leonard, Dowling   Individual Photo     Personal Acct.   Williwam Dowling and Porter Hart
Dowling, William M/Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Downing, John A. Jr. Pfc 10th SCS P8, a member of the station honor guard. Per SO#19, 25Jan45, xferred to 12th Reinforcement Depot for xfer to infantry. MOS 605. Per GO#3, 30May44, awarded the Good Conduct Medal. Per SO#174, 30Aug44, MOS change from 603 to 605.
Doyle, Carl M. Pvt 577th Welder, Combination
Dozoretz, Ralph S/Sgt 579th MOS change from 860 to 853. Per SO#66, 23Mar45, TD for 16 days for a course in maint of GEE-H equip.Flew to Bradley Field CT on 44-50545 per OO#1, 25May45; MOS 853.
Dragoo, Curtis H. S/Sgt 10thStaCompSq Cletracs Basketball Team 1944
Drain, James A. T/Sgt 208th FinSec transferred into outfit from 2983rd Finance Detachment on 16Mar44. 10Apr44, sent DS to Hq SOS ETOUSA; returned 21Apr
Drechsler, Raymond E. Pvt 576th MOS 555 = Aircraft Sheet Metal Worker
Dreher, Joseph H. T/Sgt 1825th Ord S&M Co  
Dresner, August T. Pfc 576th Trolley Passengers
Drnach, William V. T/4 844th Eng Bn (Avn) Maj Dilworth aptd to investigate the facts and circumstances of his injuries and determine LOD status.
Drotar, Charles J. Cpl 10th SCS TD for 7 wks for HF/DF Operations School. 35345479. Per GO#3, 30May44, awarded the Good Conduct Medal.
Dryer, R. T/5   Trolley Passengers
Duane, Lester J. Cpl 10thStaCompSq ASN 38278585
Duarte, Louis Pfc 576th  
Dudas, Nicholas E. Cpl 576th  
Dudley Sr, Kline O. Pvt 576th MOS 678=Power Turret and Gunsight Mechanic (Sperry). - Goldsyb and Dudley
Duff, Allen L. Lt 578th 578th Director of Training.Operations Officer per Dec 84 2ADA Journal
Duffey, Edward J. Pvt Det A, 1287th MPs transferred to Disciplinary Training Center No. 2912 per Special Courts Martial Order #5, 392nd BG on 20Jan44.19061941
Duffy, Fredrich Lt 10thStaCompSq and 1287th MP Co Det A p136, asgnd fm 10thStaComp to 1287th MP Det "A" as Asst Provost Marshal, Executive Officer and Detachment Supply Officer (per 1287th history, this transfer was on 3Dec44.) Per SO#255, 3Dec44, relieved of asgnm with 576th and asgd to 10th SCS with TD to 1287th MPs. Per SO#256, 4Dec44, aptd Sta Police and Prison Officer. Per SO#35, 14Feb45, TD for indefinite time to Central Medical Establishment, Sta 101. Per SO#51, 6Mar45, xferred from 10th SCS to 576th.
Duhe, H.B. Cpl   Trolley Passengers
Duke, Harry B. Pvt 576th MOS 555 = Aircraft Sheet Metal Worker
Dukevik, Walter Sgt 10thStaCompSq Trolley Passengers - p4, orig mbr. MOS 550 = Airplane Woodworker. p6. p65, worked in the Carpenter Shop. Awarded Good Conduct Medal per GO#5, 20Jul44.
Dullahunty, Q. Sgt 576th Cook
Dullion, Dan T/4 1825th Ord S&M Co  
Dumas, Helen   American Red Cross  
Dumont, George J. Pvt 577th and 1287th MP Co (AVN) Airman Basic
Dunbar, B.F. T/Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Duncan, C.G. S/Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Duncan, James D. Cpl 576th and 579th Cook
Dunlap, Walter T. Pfc Gp Hq MOS 590 = Laborer
Dunn, P.A. S/Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Dunn, S.C. Cpl   Trolley Passengers
Dunn, Warren W. Sgt 10th SCS; 74th Svc Sq p2, xferred to 74th Svc Sqdn on 3Jan44 (per SO#2, 3Jan44)
Duozinske, Stephen J. Pfc 577th  
Duplantis, Emile J. Pvt 576th MOS 747 = Airplane and Engine Mechanic
Dupre, George D. Pfc 579th and 577th MOS 501 = Admin and Tech Clerk
Duquette, Ralph R. Pvt 578th MOS 826 = AF Technical Supply NCO
Durante, Angelo D. Pvt 1825th Ord Awarded the Good Conduct Medal.
Durate, Louis Pvt 576th MOS 521= Airman Basic
Durco, Joseph R. S/Sgt 576th Aircraft Armorer
Durham, E.M. Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Durham, Ralph O. 1/Lt 576th 576th Communications Officer; arrived per SO#26, 14Feb44
Durka, Chester F. M/Sgt 577th Flown to Bradley Field CT on 41-29448 per OO#1, 28May45; MOS 750.
Dusenberry, Harold Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Duzinsko, S.S. Pfc   Trolley Passengers
Dye, Charles E. 1/Lt 1825th Ord S&M Co Sta Ammunition Officer - Individual Photo   Ordnance Officeres 14 July 44   Rusling and Dye   Lee, Dye, Witczak   Haar, Teufel, Dye and Hand    Personal Acct. 1    Personal Acct. 2
Dye, Othal M. Pvt 578th MOS 521 = Airman Basic.Per 392 orders 3Mar44, had MOS 832.
Dyberg, Julius A. Pvt 577th Automotive Equipment Operator
Dyznarswitz, Alfred S/Sgt 10thStaCompSq  
Dzarman, R.O. Pfc   Trolley Passengers
Dzurco, Steve G. M/Sgt 577th Individual photo