392nd Bomb Group


Many of the photographs on the links were compiled from the 392nd Memorial Association archives by the late Ernie Barber, group archivist and the 392nd 2nd Generation researchers from relatives and loved ones. They are intended to be viewed for private use and not to be published without written consent from one of the 392nd BGMA researchers. You may contact them through our questions form (leaving airman form boxes empty).Click here for the form.  We continue to update this section on a weekly basis with additional information and photos.

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Additional selections can be found at the bottom of this page.
Name Rank Unit Comments Photo
Cadwalader, George (QMC) Capt 1217th QM Svc Gp Commander of 1217th QM Svc Gp - 392nd Staff Officers 3May45   1217th QM Co (AVN), May 1994 NEWS
Cady, Elmer O. Pvt 579th MOS 501 = Admin and Tech Clerk - 579th ground crew going on a pass
Cagle, Manley Pvt 578th MOS 521 = Airman Basic; in 578th Ordnance.Per 578th roster 5Aug44, was an Ordnance Crew Chief
Cahill, John E. Cpl 578th Airplane Mechanic
Cain, Forrest H. 1/Lt 577th 577th Sq Armament Officer
Cain, Leonard J. Pvt 576th MOS 686 = Airplane Instrument Mechanic, Specialist
Calarco, Carl A. Cpl 577th  
Caldwell, Walter F. Pvt 576th MOS 521 = Airman Basic.Per Capt Levell's roster, 576th Munition Worker.Was nicknamed "Whitey."
Cale, Robert L. S/Sgt 10thStaCompSq  
Caley, Percy B. Maj Gp Hq "Gp S-2. Station Intelligence Officer. LFW p143, transfered to 2AD as Assistant A-2 Officer in the intelligence field; relieved by Capt Grage. Per article in 392nd BG Narrative History, he was from "Pittsburgh, Penna., Marine in First World War, now a Group S-2 with the 392nd. History teacher. Graduated from Eureka College, BA; MA and Ph.D., at University of Pittsburg. Holds Purple Heart, Good Conduct Medals from last war; Air Medal for this one." On the back of his Individual photo is written, "Head of Intelligence, and a history teacher by profession, he still retains his civilian manners and ethics. Ready to help a person at all times, his paternal nature is appreciated by all who know him." Per SO#65, 22Mar45, relieved as Gp Historical Officer by Elmer Grage." - Individual Photo   Group Headquarters Photo   Caley and Paddock   Combat Crew Debriefing by Percy Caley
Callahan, Paul B. Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Callender, Robert B. Sgt 578th Airplane Mechanic - C.Barber,Ankoviak,Davis,Calender
Camilli, Natial A. Pfc 577th MOS 754 = Aircraft Radio Mechanic
Campagna, Joseph P. Cpl 577th assigned; MOS 648.Per SO#31, 9Feb45, MOS change from 648 to 754.Per SO#92, 28Apr45, transferred from 577th BS to 735th BS, Sta 144.
Campbell Cpl 576th 576th Ground Crew #6, "C" Flight
Campbell, C. Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Campbell, Charley A. Pvt 579th and 576th MOS 239=Teletypewriter Mechanic
Campbell, Donald H. Sgt 578th Asst Supply Sgt - 578th Supply Room Personnel
Campbell, H. Sgt   Football Team
Campbell, Herbert H. Jr. Cpl 576th MOS 747 = Airplane and Engine Mechanic. Might have been on 392nd's football team. Per Levell's roster, Ground Crew #6, "C" Flight. Flew to Bradley Field Ct on 44-50589 per OO#1, 25may45; MOS 747.
Campbell, Paul E. Sgt 577th  
Canales Jr, Servando Pfc 578th and 576th MOS 911 = Airplane Armorer.Per 392nd orders 20Apr45, MOS changed from 932 Special Vehicle Operator to 747, Airplane & Engine Mechanic.Per Capt Levell's roster, 576th Ground Crew #3, "C" Flight
Candea, S.S. &Pfc   Trolley Passengers
Candy     Trolley Passengers
Canfield, H.T. T/Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Canfield, Herman S. Pvt 577th MOS 501 = Admin and Tech Clerk.Operations Clerk
Cannon, John B. Pvt 576th MOS 501 = Admin and Tech Clerk.Per 392 orders 3Mar44, was Admin NCO.
Cantinella, Nunzio T/5 867th Cml Co  
Caple, Archie 2/Lt   Per memo dtd 1Apr44, saying which officers were allowed to drive government vehicles, he was the Police & Prison Officer.
Capone, August C. Sgt 10thStaCompSq  
Capriola, Winston E. Cpl 578th Airplane Mechanic - Individual Photo
Cardwell, Will H. T/Sgt 465th Sub-Depot Chief Clerk, 465th Sub Depot Supply - 465th Sub Depot Section Chiefs   465th SubDepot Personnel
Carey, Roy E. Pfc 10thStaCompSq Individual Photo
Cargill, Curtis W. Pvt 576th MOS 929 = Automotive Equipment Operator - Cargil and Golden
Carkin, Vernon E. 2/Lt 576th Defense Officer
Carlisle, R.S. Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Carlitz, Eugene T/Sgt 465th Sub-Depot  
Carlson, Dave E. 1/Sgt 577th Per SO#60, 13Apr44, transferred to Detachment of Patients, 231st Sta Hospital
Carlson, James R. Pfc 10thStaCompSq and 577th. Per Nov93 News, he was in 577th S-2."Combat crewmen may remember him--he was in charge of giving out the medicinal alcohol.He transferred to the Infantry in Jan 1945 and fought on the Continent with the 26th Division as a BAR man." - Parkinson, Harned, Carlson
Carlston, Harvey L. Pvt 578th MOS 501 = Admin and Tech Clerk
Carlton, Dave E. 1/Sgt 577th Transferred to Det of Pts, 231st Sta Hosp
Carman, R.A.     Trolley Passengers
Carman, Richard D. T/5 1825th Per SO#83, 29Nov43, went to Sta127 to return vehicles from 4th Echelon Maint. Depot.In Dec43 reduced from T/5 to Pvt for cause.Per SO#276, 28Dec44, transferred to Detachment of Patients, 4210 US Army Hospital Plant per orders from 231st Sta Hospital.
Carman, Roy A. Cpl 806th Chem Co. 38394375. Awarded Good Conduct Medal per GO#2, 27Apr45.
Carnell, William F. S/Sgt 579th Assigned from 2BD. Per SO1, 1Jan44, on duty requiring regular & frequent aerial flights.
Carnes, John M. Pvt 577th MOS 931 = Heavy Automotive Equipment Operator
Carnes, LeRoy A. Pvt 579th assigned; MOS 345.Flew to Bradley Field CT on 42-95507 per OO#1, 25May45; MOS 345.
Carnus, L. Pvt   Trolley Passengers
Caron, Roland J. Sgt 578th assigned, MOS 748 but not on any clls.
Carpenter, Chester E. Pfc 579th MOS 911 = Airplane Armorer
Carr, Albert D. T/Sgt 576th Airplane Maintenance Chief - Individual Photo - Albert Carr and John Brown
Carr, Reginald J. Pfc 465th Sub Depot p8. p66, in Feb 45 sent to Martin turret Maintenance training [per SO#28, 5Feb45].
Carrano, Anthony J. Sgt 579th relieved from flying status
Carrell, Price H.      
Carrick, G.R. Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Carroll, Kenneth H. Pvt Gp Hq and 577th MOS 501 = Admin and Technical Clerk
Carroll, Marvin B. Pvt 578th and 576th MOS 521 = Airman Basic; in 578th Ordnance.Per Capt Levell's roster, 576th Inspector
Carroll, Marvin B. Cpl 578th Munitions Worker
Carroll, Thomas W. Capt 829th Air Engr Sq., 403rd Air Svc Gp ASN O-1012034. MOS 2120 = Administrative Officer
Carson, Albert H. Pvt 578th Switchboard Operator - 578th Sqdn Communications Section
Carson, Amos L. Pfc 10th SCS Per 2BD SO 138, 18May44, transferred to 467th BG. MOS 521
Carson, Harold H. Sgt 578th Armorer - Eddy, Carson, Gibson, Cunningham
Carta, Triest M. Pvt 576th MOS 747 = Airplane and Engine Mechanic
Carter     Ramp Rooster
Carter M/Sgt 576th 576th Ground Crew "C" Flight
Carter, Alfred S. Capt 465th Sub-Depot Sub-Depot Supply Officer - 392nd Staff Officers 3May45   465th SubDepot Personnel
Carter, Lucille Pvt 2ndAD HQ Christening Photos
Carty, Alphonso Sgt 579th  
Caruso Lt 576th Asst Sqdn Operations Officer - 576th Sqdn Officers #2
Caruso, Paul J. Pfc 1287th MP Co Det A  
Cary, Grant R. Cpl 10thStaCompSq., 465th Sub Depot, 403rd ASG MOS 932 = Special Vehicle Operator. Per 403rd history, "Working alongside Chambers is that very able man from Idaho called "Old Pop" Carey. Pop is an ex-logger and plenty big and rough." - Cary and Chambers
Casal, Manuel Pfc 578th Munitions Worker
Casale, Michael J. S/Sgt 10thStaCompSq  
Casalone, Joseph Pvt Gp Hq and 578th MOS 945 = Photo Lab Technician - Individual Photo   Individual Photo   Casalone, Kirk, Nash
Casiano, Castulo Pvt 578th  
Casman, Godfrey L. Cpl 577th Munitions Worker
Cassady Kenneth H. Jr S/Sgt 10th Sta Comp Sq - 403rd ASG Per 403rd history, did the 1,000 mile inspections in the motor pool. Came as a replacement from the Infantry Corps, having earned a Purple Heart. Attended the tire and tube school in Manchester
Catulli, Chester D. Sgt 10thStaCompSq  
Caulien, Alfred J. Pvt 576th  
Causey, Mike A. Pvt 577th  
Cavallaro, Victor B. Pvt 576th MOS 521 = Airman Basic; in 576th Ordnance
Cavanaugh, Delbert E. S/Sgt 576th key personnel in 576th Operations. Per SO#242, 16Nov44, reduced to Pvt for cause, then promoted to Cpl.
Cecil, Joseph A. Pvt 578th MOS 747 = Airplane and Engine Mechanic
Chaconas, William S/Sgt 577th Per SO#47, 2Mar45, TD for K-8 gunsight maint school.
Chadwick, William H. Sgt 576th MOS 911 = Airplane Armorer
Chaffin, Charles E. Cpl 10th SCS Per SO#19, 25Jan45, xferred to 12th Reinforcement Depot for xfer to infantry. MOS 345
Chaikin, Milton Cpl 578th and 579th Per SO#237, 10Nov44 MOS 867.Awarded Good Conduct Medal per GO#2, 27Apr45, GpHQ.
Chaill, John E. Pvt 578th MOS 747 = Airplane and Engine Mechanic
Chaisson, Leonard A. Pfc 10th SCS Per SO#39, 20Feb45, transferred to 12th Reinf Depot for transfer to infantry,MOS 345.Per GO#3, 30May44, awarded the Good Conduct Medal.
Chamberlin, E. Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Chambers, Howard R. Sgt 10thStaCompSq, 465th Sub Depot, 403rdASG MOS = 932, Special Vehicle Operator. Per 403rd history, he was "the big mogul of the Dinghy Shop. He is in complete charge of seeing to it that all our planes are provided with up to date, 100% workable life raft equipment." - Cary and Chambers   Individual Photo
Champion, Andrew S. 1/Lt Gp Hq Relieved from flying status.392 orders 14May44 sent him on Temporary Duty to London for an indefinite period.
Champlin, Dana B. Sgt    
Chapa, Manuel L. Pvt 578th MOS 929 = Automotive Equipment Operator - Per a press release about the 200th mission (on Nov. 11, 1944), "Cpl Manuel L. Chapa of Corpus Christi, Texas, truck driver, worried until he received word of the birth of his baby daughter."
Chaput, Norman A. Pfc 10th SCS reduced to Pvt for cause.Per SO#66, 23Mar45, transferred to 12th Reinf Depot for transfer to infantry; MOS 605.Per SO#174, 30Aug44, MOS change from 603 to 605.
Chantlois, Glen G. Sgt 577th  
Chapman, Keith W. T/Sgt 577th Placed on indefinite TD with 1287th MP Co Det A.Perhaps he had finished a combat tour.
Chase, Earnest Pvt 10th SCS transferred to 12th Reinf Depot for transfer to infantry; MOS 590.Per GO#3, 30May44, awarded the Good Conduct Medal.Per SO#152, 5Aug44, MOS change from 521 to 590.
Chase, Harry E. Long Pvt 579th MOS 929 = Automotive Equipment Operator
Chase, Joshua F. Cpl 465th Sub-Depot MOS 931 = Truck Driver, Heavy. Worked in the gas dumps and was three days out to sea during the last war when the Armistice was declared and is the oldest man in the outfit at the ripe old age of 49 years. In Sept 1944 he replaced Sgt Moss as head of the gas dump. Was transferred for discharge in May 1945, being more than 42 years of age. - 465th Sub Depot photo #1   465th Sub Depot photo #2
Chato, Eugene Pfc   Trolley Passengers
Chaviers, Eddie E. Pvt 1287th MP Det Transferred in Jan 44 to the Disciplinary Training Center. Per SO#14, 22Jan44, xferred to DTC per Special Courts Martial Order No. 2, this HQ
Chelap, Walter V. Cpl 576th MOS 678 = Power Turret and Gunsight Mechanic; perhaps in 576th Armament.
Childs, Arthur E. T/Sgt 577th assigned, MOS 750
Childs, Lawrence Sgt 10thStaCompSq  
Chincola, John Cpl 10thStaCompSq  
Chipton, J.C. Pfc   Trolley Passengers
Chittun, Jim (NMI) Pvt 576th MOS 521 = Airman Basic
Chivington, Elmore B. Cpl 465th Sub-Depot Was moved from the Stock Record section to the Sub Depot gasoline installations. Was selected for transfer to Infantry Reinforcement training in Feb 1945 - 465th Sub Depot photo #1
Chrisey, Russell S/Sgt 10thStaCompSq  
Christensen, Martin Pvt 577th MOS 237 = Teletype Operator
Christian, Frank Pfc 10thStaCompSq  
Christopherson, Robert A. Pvt 576th MOS 555 = Aircraft Sheet Metal Worker
Chronowski, Stanley J. Cpl 579th assigned; MOS 867.Flew to Bradley Field CT on 42-51240 per OO#1, 25May45; MOS 867.
Church, John P. Pfc 576th Munitions Worker
Church, Meredith M. Sgt 578th Radio Mechanic - 578th Sqdn Communications Section
Cilian, John E. Pfc 576th MOS 501 = Admin and Tech Clerk
Cimmarusti, Mike Pvt 578th MOS 521 = Airman Basic.Per 578th roster 5Aug44, was an Airplane Mechanic. - Siebles,Mann,Cimmarusti
Clapprood, Richard N. Pvt 579th MOS 747 = Airplane and Engine Mechanic
Clardy, Marion W. Pvt 578th MOS 521 = Airman Basic; per 578th roster 5Aug44, was an Ordnance Armorer
Clark, Donald B. (CHC) Capt. Gp Hq Station Chaplain (Protestant) - Individual Photo   Individual Photo   Group Headquarters Photo
Clark, Harold E. Sgt 465th Sub Depot Machinist - 10 May 1945 Group phote prior to Trolley Mission
Clark, James J. Pfc 465th Sub-Depot  
Clark, Norman N. Pvt SO#3, 19Mar43 MOS 945 = Photo Lab Technician
Clark, P. Pfc   Trolley Passengers
Clark, Warren L. Pfc   Trolley Passengers
Clarke, G.S 1/Lt   Trolley Passengers
Cleghorn Pvt   Medics
Clem, Grant E. Cpl 10th SCS Per SO#51, 1Oct43 reduced from S/Sgt to Pvt for cause
Clement, Alfred W. T/5 806th Chem Co. MOS change from 870 to 014.Per SO#89, 23Apr45, TD for vehicle waterproofing course.Awarded Good Conduct Medal per GO#2, 27Apr45, Pfc.
Clement, Leon A. Jr. Sgt 578th Ordnance Crew Chief
Clement, Robert C. Sgt 579th assigned, MOS 938
Clemmer, Miles A. Cpl 10thStaCompSq  
Cleve, Howard Pfc 403rd ASG xferred to 403rd from Infantry "after seeing the 'HUN' come a little too close for comfort while he was serving with the Infantry…"
Clifford   Grp HQ Group Headquarters Photo
Clifford, Francis C. T/5 2101st FF Pl  
Clifford, John L. Cpl   Trolley Passengers - Awarded the good Conduct Medal per SO#99, 28Dec43, “who after 7 Dec 1944 having honorably served one year of active Federal Military service while the US is at war has displayed exemplary behavior efficiency and fidelity during such service.” 17158041
Clift, Dick H. Cpl 867th Chem Co. TD to attend rocket launcher and grenadelauncher course.Per SO#249, 24Nov44, TD for bomb recognition course.
Climes, Paul W. Pfc 10thStaCompSq MOS change fm 590, Laborer, to 521, Airman Basic
Cline, Walter P. Sgt 578th Electrical Specialist
Clover Sgt 577th Cook
Clutter, Robert R. Sgt 577th  
Cobb, Elmer J. Cpl 577th  
Cobb, Jasper N. Cpl   Trolley Passengers
Cochran, Richard L. Pvt 576th MOS 931 = Heavy Automotive Equipment Operator
Cochran, William P. S/Sgt 577th  
Cocosa, Salvatore J. Cpl 579th MOS 659 = Technical Instructor
Cocozella, Anthony NMI Sgt 578th, 576th MOS 911 = Airplane Armorer
Cofer, Ernest D. Sgt 576th Per Capt Levell's roster, 576th Ground Crew #2, "B" Flight - Crew Chief B. Fausnaugh - Ramp Rooster
Coffey, Ted Pvt 576th MOS 521 = Airman Basic; in 576th Ordnance
Coffin, Fredrick Pfc 10thStaCompSq Transportation
Coffin, Ralph F. Cpl 10thStaCompSq  
Cofield, Gene Capt 10thStaCompSq Sta Defense Officer - Individual photo   392nd Staff Officers 3May45
Cogan, Wallace D. Pfc   Trolley Passengers
Cogar, Charles R. Sgt 576th in 576th Transportation. ASN 15013752. Per SO#141, 24Jul44, MOS change from 813 to 014. Was a passenger on a Trolley Mission
Cohen, Robert O. Cpl 578th 578th Photo Recon Office Clerk; per LFW, Intel Clerk-typist. Per LFW p 134, returned from DS to 2BD show, "It's all Yours, Buddy". Per 578th microfilm history, he belonged to base Public Relations Office. (The show was very popular; per 578th history for Nov44, he got a 61 day extension on his DS to take the 2AD show to the 1st and 3rd Divs.) Per SO#141, 24Jul44, MOS change from 807 to 805. 32719146. Per SO#175, 31Aug44, TD NTE 30 days to Sta 366 for 2BD Soldier Talent show. Per SO#203, 1Oct44, TD for another 18 days. Per SO#40, 21Feb45, MOS change from 805 to 405.
Cohen, Isadore Pvt 578th MOS 239 = Teletypewriter Mechanic.Per 578th roster 5Aug44, was in 578th Crypto. - 578th Sqdn Communications Section
Cohen, Kermit S/Sgt 1825th Ord S&M Co - Individual Photo  
Cohen, Morris Sgt 579th assigned; MOS 852.Flew to Bradley Field CT on 42-51240 per OO#1, 25May45; MOS 852.
Coker, Earnest L. Pvt 1287th MP Co Det A  
Colburn, Richard F. 1/Lt 577th Temporary Duty to 14th CBW for an indefinite period
Colby, Lee I. Pvt 578th MOS 345 = Ordnance Light Truck Driver
Cole Sgt 465th Sub Depot P42, worked in Hangar #1
Cole, Chester T. Capt Gp HQ Gp Radar Officer - Trolley Passenger - Riha and Cole   Group Headquarters Photo  RCM & H2X Radar Men
Cole, John L. Pvt 576th MOS 239 = Teletypewriter Mechanic.MOS change fm 805 (Cryptographic Technician) to 237, Teletype Operator
Cole, R. S/Sgt 10thStaCompSq Cook
Coleman, Erol R. 2/Lt 10th SCS p2, placed on DS at Gas School. Per SO#14, 22Jan44, aptd Station Agricultural Officer. Per 2BD SO 128, 8May44, transferred to 445th BG. B5339
Coleman, James C. Pvt 576th MOS 345 = Ordnance Light Truck Driver
Coleman, Melvin Pvt 1217th QM Svc Gp  
Coleman, N. Pvt   Trolley Passengers
Coleman, Stanley E. Pvt 576th assigned; MOS 555.Per SO#92, 28Apr45, transferred from 576th BS to 735th BS, Sta144.
Colley     Trolley Passengers
Collier, Rayford A. T/5 806th Chem Co. MOS change from 786 to 050.
Collin, Everett E. M/Sgt Gp Hq Gp Operations NCO - Individual Photo   Individual Photo 2
Collins, Vollie C. Pvt 576th MOS 699.Per LFW, was in the 264th Medical Disp.
Collura, F. Pfc   Trolley Passengers
Coltran, John H., Jr. Sgt 578th 578th Crew Chief.Awarded the Bronze Star in Dec44 and Feb45.Was crew chief for Dugan. - Orig. 578th Grnd Crew   Individual Photo   Individual Photo
Colucci, Edmund J. T/ 2101st FF Pl  
Combs, Cletus W. Pfc 578th Munitions Worker
Comer, Clair A. Cpl Transportation Transportation
Commins, Charles E. Pfc 576th MOS change from 704 to 521. Assigned per SO#50, 5Mar45, MOS P511. Per SO#92, 28Apr45, xferred from 576th to 735th BS, Sta144.
Compton, Frank Sgt 577th Cook
Compton, Richard W. Pfc 578th In April 1945 he was sent to Drivers Maintenance School so he was likely involved in transportation in some way.
Comstock, John G. Sgt Gp Hq MOS 501 = Admin and Tech Clerk
Conklin, James G. S/Sgt 577th Airplane & Engine Mechanic
Conley, Donald J. Cpl 579th  
Conley John H. Jr. Pvt 578th MOS 747 = Airplane and Engine Mechanic - Weiss, unknown, Conley - John and Mrw Bird
Conley, Louis C. Pfc 1287th MP Co Det A  
Connell, Thomas F. Pvt 576th MOS 683 = Bombsight Mechanic
Conner, Joshua B. Pvt 579th MOS change from 521 to 590.
Conovan, John R. Pvt 578th MOS 747 = Airplane and Engine Mechanic
Conrad, Howard C. Sgt 576th assigned; MOS 852.Flew to Bradley Field CT on 42-94912 per OO#1, 25May45, MOS 852.
Conrath, Carl T. Sgt 577th  
Constance, Peter C. 1/Lt 1287th MP Co Det A Provost Marshall
Contant, Rogert A. Cpl 579th sent TD
Conti, Francis S/Sgt 1287th MP Co Det A  
Cook, Clarence W. T/Sgt 576th MOS=683, Bombsight Mechanic.Per SO#84, 13May44, TD for Sperry Tur Maint school.Per SO#185, 11Sep44, assigned to 576th per 231st Sta Hosp orders.Per SO#263, 13Dec44, TD to C-1 Formation Stick School. Flew to Bradley Field Ct on 44-50571 per OO#1, 25May45; Cpl, MOS 683.
Cook, Daniel R Cpl 576th, 579th transferred to Detachment of Patients 77th Sta Hospital.Per SO#53, 4Apr44, MOS 055 = Clerk, General.Per SO#71, 28Apr44, TD to London for 3 days to receive medical treatment at 7th General Disp.Flew to Bradley Field CT on 42-50650 per OO#1, 25May45; MOS055.
Cook, Dell V. Pvt 576th MOS 521 = Airman Basic
Cook, Ervan J. S/Sgt 578th TD for K-8 sight maint school.
Cook, Garnet L. Pvt 578th Airman Basic
Cooke, John A. Capt   Doctor - Hospital Staff, 20 Feb 1944   Medics
Cooke, John O. Pvt 578th MOS 747 = Airplane and Engine Mechanic - Bolding and Cooke - William Gusea and John Cooke
Cool, Mac B. Pvt 578th MOS 521 = Airman Basic; per 578th roster 5Aug44, was a Munitions Worker
Cooley Jr, Asa B. 1/Lt 10thStaCompSq and Gp Hq Gp S-4 Officer
Coombs, E.R. Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Coon, John W. Pvt 10thSCS, 465th xferred from 10th SCS to 465th SD
Cooper, Cecil E. Cpl    
Cooper, Davis S. Pvt 576th Per Capt Levell's roster, was 576th Crew Chief #42-78480; 576th Ground Crew #4, "A" Flight
Cooper, Donald W. Pvt 577th MOS 911 = Airplane Armorer.Per Aug00 News, he joined at Biggs Field in April 1943.After washing out of aerial gunnery school due to an ear injury that occurred in the pressure chamber at Tyndall Field, he became an armament specialist.
Coppenhauer, K. Cpl   Trolley Passengers
Copple, R.N. 1/Lt   Trolley Passengers
Coppola, Joseph R. Capt 10thStaCompSq and 577th Per LFW, 577th Sq Adjutant and Mess Officer.He found a British factory with an ice cream making license to make ice cream for Nov 44 Thanksgiving dinner.
Corcoran, F.E.     Trolley Passengers
Corless, Joseph E. T/5 867th Chem Co. MOS change from 822 to 786.
Cormier, Adrian J. Pfc 10th SCS Released from asgm to CWS and asgd to AC.Per SO#66, 23Mar45, transferred to 12th Reinf Depot for transfer to infantry; MOS 605.Per GO#3, 30May44, awarded the Good Conduct Medal.Per SO#174, 30Aug44, MOS change from 603 to 605.
Cornelius, Vance Z. Capt Gp Hq Flew to Wendling with 576th aircrews.Gp Engineering Officer - Individual Photo  392nd Staff Officers 3May45   DeSeversky's Visit   Group Headquarters Photo
Cornell, John M. Sgt 577th  
Cornell, Price H. Pfc   Trolley Passengers
Corona Pvt 806th Chem co & 1287th MP Txferred in Jan44 fm 806th Chem co to 1287th MPs
Corteal, John F. Pvt 579th MOS 504
Costello, D.V. T/Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Costes, Robert C. Pvt 578th MOS 501 = Admin and Tech Clerk.Per 578th roster 5Aug44, was a 578th Operations Clerk. - Individual Photo
Cotel, H.C. Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Couch, Richard W. Capt 465th Sub-Depot Sub-Depot Engineering Officer - 392nd Staff Officers 3May45   Football Team
Coulis, Steve P. Pvt 577th MOS 239 - Teletypewriter Mechanic
Coulson, Albert G. 2/Lt 578th  
Councill, Robert E. Cpl 578th 578th Admin Clerk
Coviello, Angelo V. Cpl 576th Admin & Technical Clerk
Covington, James A. T/Sgt 10th SCS Per SO66 31Oct43, ordered to report to Maj Martin, AAF Sta 586, for 7 days TD. Reason not given.
Cowan, Norman H. S/Sgt 10thStaCompSq  
Cowart, Joseph O. Pfc 1217th QM Svc Gp  
Cox, James M. S/Sgt 10thStaCompSq  
Cox, James M. Pvt 576th Radio Mechanic, F.
Cox, Jes H. S/Sgt 1287th MP Co Det A  
Cox, Samuel R. T/5 208th FinSec 16Apr44: sent on DS to the 208th fm Hqs ETOUSA for a few days; departed on 19Apr.
Cozart, Roy A. Pvc    
Crafton Jr, Arthur Pvt 578th MOS 929 = Automotive Equipment Operator
Craig, Earl C. Pfc 578th MOS 861 = Surgical Technician.Per LFW, assigned to 264th Medical Disp
Craighead, Herman Pvt Gp Hq Gp Engineering - HQ Senior NCOs   McBride Wedding Party   Group Headquarters Photo
Cramer Jr, J.M. Pvt 578th MOS 239 = Teletypewriter Mechanic
Cramer, Robert F. Pvt 576th MOS 239 = Teletypewriter Mechanic
Crane, Leo M. S/Sgt 1825th Ord MOS 821 = Quartermaster Supply Technician. 35159350
Cranford, Dueward W. Cpl 579th Trolley Passengers - MOS 754 = Radio Mechanic, AAF
Cranshaw, Bob Sgt 10thStaCompSq Per LFW, volunteered for Infantry OCS and left Gp in Feb45
Crawford, Sid R. Pvt 578th, Gp Hq, 577th MOS 501 = Admin and Tech Clerk
Crediford, J. Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Crim, W. Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Crisafi, Vincent L. Cpl 577th Photographic Section; Photographic Section #2
Criss, R.J. Pfc   Trolley Passengers
Crittendon, Dale T. Pfc 10thStaCompSq Transportation
Croker, William R. Pvt 578th MOS 555 = Aircraft Sheet Metal Worker
Cromwell, Eugene W. Pvt 579th MOS 826 = AF Tech Supply NCO
Cronin, Joseph H. Pvt 578th MOS 747 = Airplane and Engine Mechanic.Per the May97 News, joined at Biggs Field after AM training at Ford's Willow Run plant. - Individual Photo
Crook, Daniel R. Cpl 579th Per SO#75, 4Apr45, TD for 4-wk Auto Flt Control Equip School.
Crook, Russell H. Pvt 578th and 577th MOS 345 = Truck Driver, Light.Per 392nd orders 21Mar44, was a Munitions Worker
Croson, Donn C. Pfc Gp HQ MOS 405 = Clerk Typist
Cross, James D. Sgt 579th MOS change from 014 to 932.20342226.Flew to Bradley Field CT on 44-50545 per OO#1, 25May45; MOS 932.
Crosson, Norman R. Capt GP HQ Assigned
Crouch, Robert S. Pvt 576th MOS 345 = Ordnance Light Truck Driver
Crownover, Richard M. Cpl 10thStaCompSq  
Crumm, Damon P. Pvt 576th MOS 747 = Airplane and Engine Mechanic.Per Capt Levell's roster, 576th Ground Crew #7, "B" Flight. - Ramp Rooster
Crummie, Kenneth R. 2/Lt 577th assigned.Per SO#69, 5Nov43, attended a course in GEE.
Cruz, J.J. Pvt   Trolley Passengers
Cummings, Donald G. Cpl 579th assigned, MOS 862
Cummings, William J. Cpl 1217th QM Svc Gp  
Cunningham, Frank J. Pfc 578th MOS 911 = Airplane Armorer - Eddy, Carson, Gibson, Cunningham   578th Sqdn Armament Section   Cunningham & Frith
Cunningham, Gail R. Sgt 465th Sub-Depot  
Cunningham, Marshall M. Pfc 577th transferred to 12th Reinforcement Depot for transfer to infantry.MOS 590.Per SO#152, 5Aug44, MOS change from 677 to 590.
Cunningham, Maurice E. Pvt 867th Chem Co. MOS change from 786 to 345.
Cunningham, Paul H. Pvt 1825th Ord MOS 07_. 36631957. detached service enroute to join from Olmsted Fld, Middletown, PA.
Cunningham, Robert H. Pvt 576th MOS 521 = Airman Basic; in 576th Ordnance
Cunningham, Sanford A. Cpl 577th  
Curtis, James H. Pvt 577th MOS 686 = Airplane Instrument Mechanic, Specialist
Cusimano, Anthony S. Pvt 579th MOS 911 = Airplane Armorer. Per 2BD SO 90, 31Mar44, transferred to 492nd BG. MOS 911.
Cygnarowicz, Alfred M. Sgt 465 Sub Depot Original member. MOS 686 = Airplane Instrument Mechanic; worked in Hangar #1. - Cletracs Basketball Team 1944
Czarnecki, Brad F. Cpl 10th SCS MOS 519
Czarnecki, Fred F. Cpl 74th Svc Sq  
Czarnyszka, Casimir Pvt 576th MOS 929 = Automotive Equipment Operator, 576th Tire Man - Individual photo
Czyzewicz, C.W.     Trolley Passengers