392nd Bomb Group


Many of the photographs on the links were compiled from the 392nd Memorial Association archives by the late Ernie Barber, group archivist and the 392nd 2nd Generation researchers from relatives and loved ones. They are intended to be viewed for private use and not to be published without written consent from one of the 392nd BGMA researchers. You may contact them through our questions form (leaving airman form boxes empty).Click here for the form.  We continue to update this section on a weekly basis with additional information and photos.

If your loved one is not listed correctly or does not have a photo, please contact us by clicking here.

Additional selections can be found at the bottom of this page.
Name Rank Unit Comments Photo
Sabadash, Joseph F. Pfc 579th and 576th MOS 911 = Airplane Armorer
Sabatino, Leonard M. Pfc 1217th QM Svc Gp  
Sabrier S/Sgt 208th Fin Sec Joined the 208th on 10Dec43.
Sabler Sgt 579th Awarded Bronze Star in Apr45.
Sabourin, Roland 1/Lt 577th After finishing combat tour, became 577th Sq Training O (per Feb95 News)
Sadler, Edward E. Cpl 578th 578th Power Turret & Cnst Mechanic; per LFW, Power Turret Specialist
Sadler, Edward E. Pfc 578th MOS 501 = Admin and Tech Clerk
Sadownik, Paul Pfc 577th MOS 060 = Cook.Per LFW, 577th Sq Baker
Salamom Pfc   Trolley Passengers
Salar, Hobert J. M/Sgt 579th  
Salbodnick, J. Pfc   Trolley Passengers
Saler, Robert T. M/Sgt 579th  
Salmo, Joseph Pvt 577th MOS 504. 577th Sqdn Ordnance Section Chief - Individual photo
Salsgiver, Elie E. Pfc 10th SCS MOS 501
Salus, Rudolph W. S/Sgt 579th Placed on duty requiring him to participate in regular and frequent aerial flights.
Salzman, Henry E. Cpl 577th Flew to Bradley Field CT on 42-94898, MOS 237.
Samford, Layle Cpl 576th ASN 34399659 says Samford. In 576th transportation. Per SO#80, 10Apr45, MOS change from 345 to 014.
Sammons Sgt 576th 576th Refueling Unit
Sampson, Carl F. Pvt 576th MOS 928 = Automotive Equipment Mechanic
Sampson, Hugh Capt 576th and 579th Sta Claims Officer, Courts and Boards Officer, and Summary Court Offficer
Sandberg, Leslie J. Cpl 578th Drying Room
Sanchez, Amador S.     Worked in Transpotation
Sander, Gary Sgt   Per Ernie Parke, he went with M/Sgt Ben Vickers to set up the runway lights at North Pickenham and was then transferred there. After the war, he returned to 24274 Neuman Rd., Corvallis OR 97333 and established Valley view Tree Ranch, which grew Christmas trees for Pres. bush. Internet info seems to say his name was Gerhard H. Sander.
Sander, Gerhard H. Cpl 10th SCS  
Sanborn, Jack W. Pvt 577th MOS 931 = Heavy Automotive Equipment Operator
Sanders, Albert L. Cpl 10thStaCompSq 403rd ASG. In comments, add "Per 403rd history, "the supply boy of the Motor Pool. He is in charge of getting all 2d echelon supplies. "Al' is doing a pretty fair job of 'scrounging' in order to keep em rolling." Was a passenger on a Trolley mission.
Sanders, Joseph F. Pvt 577th MOS 521 = Airman Basic
Sanders, T.W. Pvt 579th MOS 929 = Automotive Equipment Operator
Sanders, Vernon NMI Cpl 586th APU MOS change from 521 to 056.
Sandstorm, Frances L. 2/Lt 53rd Troop Carrier Wg On Temorary Duty to 392nd, attached to Gp Hq
Saniski, Andrew E. Pvt Gp Hq and 2101st FF Pl MOS 590 = Laborer
Sanker, Donald D. Pvt 576th MOS 504
Sankowski, John J. Pfc 576th  
Santa Barbara, Paul J. Pvt 578th MOS 060 = Cook
Santanello, William L. Pvt 577th MOS 060 = Cook
Santelli, Rudolph Pvt 577th Hearn and Ssantelli   Santelli sitting on bomb  Individual photo
Santersola, Joseph Pfc 578th MOS 911 = Airplane Armorer; per LFW, Gun Specialist - 578th Sqdn Armament Section   578th loading for Wesel
Santimauro, M.J. Cpl   Trolley Passengers
Santor, N.J. Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Santora, Alfredo T/5 10thStaCompSq and 2101st FF Pl MOS = Fire Fighter - Crash Crew 10Mar44
Santoro, Vito J. Pvt 579th MOS 060 = Cook
Sapotino, L.M. Pfc   Trolley Passengers
Saska, Joseph J. Pvt 579th MOS 555 = Aircraft Sheet Metal Worker
Sather, Harley Maj Gp Hq, 577th Pilot; assigned. Per SO#141, 24Jul44, xferred to 577th. Per 2BD SO 120 dtd 30Apr44, xferred from 2BD to 93rd BG.
Sauer, Arthur W. T/Sgt 576th Airplane Instrument Mechanic, Specialist
Sauer, Leonard W. S/Sgt 576th  
Saunders G     Trolley Passengers
Savage, Philip M. Pfc 579th MOS 754 = AAF Radio Mechanic - 576th in 1943
Savage, Terence F. Pvt 578th MOS 945 = Photo Lab Technician - Photographic Section; Photographic Section #2; Photographic Section #3;
Saville, Robert J. T/5 2101st FF Pl  
Sayler, Ruben B. Pfc 10th SCS MOS 826
Scaljon, Michael W. Sgt 576th transferred to Detachment of Patients, 77th Sta Hospital
Scamman, Richard E. Pvt 578th MOS 890 = Photo Interpreter.Per 578th roster 5Aug44, was an Admin Clerk.
Schaeg, Benhardt E. Cpl 578th Munitions Worker
Schafer, J.G. S/Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Schantz, Edward A. 2/Lt 579th 579th Sq Tech Supply Officer
Schaps, David Pvt 577th MOS 747 = Airplane and Engine Mechanic
Schaul, Sigmund M/Sgt 577th  
Scheler, R.E. S/Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Schendel, Melvin L. 2/Lt Gp Hq and 579th  
Schenk, Edison Jr. Sgt 465th Sub-Depot MOS 826 = Supply Technician, AAF - 465th SubDepot Personnel
Schenske, Robert J. Sgt 578th MOS 504.Per 578th roster 5Aug44, 578th Ordnance Crew Chief - Adkins, Schenske and Mucha
Schepherd, Edward F. Pvt 577th MOS 747 = Airplane and Engine Mechanic
Scherler, Raymond E. T/3 1825th Ord S&M Co  
Schicchi, Ernest F. S/Sgt 10thStaCompSq  
Schick Sgt 576th 576th Ground Crew #4, "B" Flight - Ramp Rooster
Schiff, Lobel Cpl 2101st FF Pl  
Schildknecht, Harold E. 1/Lt 578th After finishing combat tour, became Sta Air Sea Rescue Officer - Schildknecht and Roberts
Schiller, Herman J. T/Sgt 1217th QM Svc Gp 1217th QM Co - 1217th-QM-Co-AVN-May-1994 NEWS
Schlanger, Harold S. Pfc 465th Sub-Depot p5, orig mbr. MOS 501 = Administrative & Technical Clerk.
Schlosser, Francis S. Cpl 10thStaCompSq  
Schlosser, Joseph P. Pvt 576th and 578th Per 392nd orders 3Mar44, was a 578th Decontaminating Equipment Operator
Schlumbohm, John F. M/Sgt 10thStaCompSq  
Schmeal, George W. Sgt 577th Placed on indefinite TD with 1287th MPs.
Schmidt, Birdie   American Red Cross 1st Program Director for the American Red Cross Aeroclub at the 392nd. Photo was taken in the library of the 392nd's American Red Cross Aeroclub during its opening, Christmas Eve 1943. - Small, Jones, Schmidt   Birdie Schmidt & Ground Crew   Henry W. Hoffman crew   Birdie Schmidt and SJ Elden    Personal Acct. 1    Personal Acct. 2
Schmidt, Robert L. Pvt 577th MOS 501 = Admin and Tech Clerk
Schmoor, Dennis D. Pvt 577th  
Schneider Cpl 576th 576th Ground Crew #5, "B" Flight
Schneider, Robert T/Sgt 10thStaCompSq  
Schneiders, Thomas M. S/Sgt 576th MOS 683 = Bombsight Mechanic (Sperry)
Schniper, G.     Trolley Passengers
Schoettes, Robert W. Pvt 579th Trolley Passengers - MOS 590 = Laborer. Per 2BD SO 67, 8Mar44, xferred from 492nd to 392nd. MOS 590.
Schrader, Otis Cpl 465th Sub Depot MOS 932 = Special Vehicle Operator. Was in the Transportation shack when it was hit by an RAF A-20. Was in the Crash Crew - 465th Sub Depot photo #2
Schreiber, Edwin C. M/Sgt 576th  
Schreiber, John P. Pfc 577th MOS 911 = Airplane Armorer
Schriber, George E. Sgt   MOS 931 = Truck Driver, Heavy. Was in the Crash Crew - 465th Sub Depot photo #2
Schrock, Robert E. Pfc 577th  
Schroeder, Raymond H. Pfc 578th MOS 911 = Airplane Armorer - 578th Sqdn Armament Section
Schulte, Eugene P. 2/Lt 10thSCS assigned, with duty as Station Chemical Defense O.
Schwartz, John B. Pvt 577th MOS 504
Schweers, Robert D. Pvt 577th MOS 747 = Airplane and Engine Mechanic
Schubert, Anthony F. Pfc 578th & 577th MOS 060 = Cook
Schufelt, K. S/Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Schultz     Medics
Schultz     Ground Crew Relaxing
Schulz, Vernie R. Pvt 579th MOS 521 = Airman Basic
Schumacher, A.H. S/Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Schumaker, M.C. 1/Lt   Trolley Passengers
Schutze, C.C. 1/Lt   Trolley Passengers
Schwartz, Hyman Sgt 579th Crew Chief, Killed in the Line of Duty on 30Aug1943 while ferrying a plane back from Burtonwood.
Schwartz, John B. Sgt 577th MOS changed from 511, Armorer to 505, Ammunition NCO - 577th Ordnance
Schweers, Robert D. Sgt   Football Team
Schweyer, Ralph T/Sgt 579th assigned
Scott, Bernice L. Pfc GPHQ assigned; MOS 060.Awarded Good Conduct Medal per GO#2, 27Apr45.
Scott, Clark J. Sgt 10thStaCompSq  
Scott, Robert Pfc   Asst Store room Clerk for Thanksgiving dinner 1943
Scott, Robert E. S/Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Scott, Robert J. S/Sgt 576th TD to sighting and harmonization school.39413923
Scott, Robert L. Pfc 577th  
Scroggs Pfc 576th 576th Ground Crew #7, "B" Flight
Sears, Alfred R. T/Sgt 578th and 10thStaCompSq Air Defense Unit
Seaton, Vern R. Cpl 579th MOS 824 = Mess Sergeant
Sebastian, S.R.     Trolley Passengers
Sechrest, Homer A. Pvt 1825th Ord MOS 345 = Truck Driver, Light. 34434430. detached service enroute to join from Olmsted Field, Middletown, PA.
Seckel, H. Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Sedor, Harry Cpl 465th Sub-Depot  
Segarra, Asterio Pvt 579th MOS 911 = Airplane Armorer
Seguin, Lou   576th Per 20thCC, he was the author of the 576th Sq's Dope Sheet
Seidens, Richard Pfc 577th  
Seidl, John A. Pvt 579th MOS 590 = Laborer. Per 2BD SO 67, 8Mar44, xferred from 492nd to 392nd. MOS 590.
Seigle, John E. Cpl 10thStaCompSq  
Seisser, Alfred J. Sgt 578th MOS 678 = Power Turret Gunsight (Sperry) - 578th Sqdn Armament Section   578th turret Section
Sekford, Laylo Pfc 576th Auto Mechanic
Selby, Willard A. Pfc 576th MOS 911 = Airplane Armorer
Seltzer, Harold I. (Alka) Cpl 10th SCS p3, xferred in from 18th Weather Sq on 6Apr44. Per SO#54, 5Apr44, xferred to 10thSCS. MOS 784 = Weather Observer. Per SO#86, 18Apr45, Maj Dilworth aptd to investigate facts and circumstances behind Seltzer's injuries and his LOD status.
Selvey, N.H. Pfc   Trolley Passengers
Semikoff, James J. Pvt 578th Electrician
Semmel, Sidney Sgt 579th MOS change from 750 to 747.Flew to Bradley Field CT on 42-94906 per OO#1, 25May45; MOS 747.
Semo, Peter Cpl    
Sender, Bernard T. Pvt 579th MOS 678 = Power Turret Gunsight (Sperry)    Personal Acct.
Senson, Paul E. 1/Lt 579th Bomb Sight Maintenance Officer
Sentanello Sgt 577th Cook
Seppy, Louis Jr. Pfc Det A, 317th Svc Gp MOS 345.Per SO#81, 25Nov43, sent to Maintaining Aid Stn at Kings Lynn for a week.Per SO#90, 19May44, transferred from AC to MC, 10th SCS.Per SO#78, 6May44, TD to Maintaining Aid Stn at Kings Lynn.Per SO#172, 28Aug44, transferred to GPHQ
Serritella, Carmen Sgt Det A, 317th Svc Gp MOS 652. Per SO#42, 13Mar44, xferred fm 10th to 579th. MOS 673 = Medical NCO. Per SO#90, 19May44, xferred from Air Corps to Medical Corps, S/Sgt, 579th.
Sewell, J.E. T/4 1825th Ord Per cll for 8may45 trolley mission, Sewell, J.E. T/4. Per 392 orders 7Jan45, T/5 will rpt to RTO Leicester thence to AAF STA 520 to attend bomb rcn course.
Sewell, Garfield L. T/4 1825th Ord S&M Co  
Sewell, J.E. T/4   Trolley Passengers
Sexton, Thomas T.S. Cpl 861st Avn Eng Bn Maj Land appointed to investigate facts and circumstances of his injuries and Line of Duty status.
Seymour Pfc 806th Chem Co. & 1287th MP Det xferred in Jan44 from 806th chem co to 1287th.
Sgroi, A.C. Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Shade, Charles E. Cpl   Trolley Passengers
Shafer, Louis Pfc 10th SCS MOS 256
Shalgren, E.W. Cpl   Trolley Passengers
Shankle, Julius B. Pfc 578th MOS 747 = Airplane and Engine Mechanic - >Graham,Shankle,Farrow
Shantz     Trolley Passengers
Shapley, Edward C. Sgt 577th Per Feb95 News, he was an aircraft mechanic and instrument specialist. - Individual Photo   Ground Crew #118
Sharkus, George J. T/Sgt 576th MOS 501 = Admin and Tech Clerk
Sharp Cpl 576th 576th Ground Crew #1, "B" Flight
Sharrett, Doyle V.   806th Cml Co Det A  
Shavell, Max Cpl 576th Munitions Worker
Shaw, C.S. Pvt   Trolley Passengers
Shaw, Irving R. S/Sgt 10thStaCompSq  
Shaw, Leonard S. Pvt 577th  
Shaw, Louis A. Pfc 1825th Ord transferred to 12th Reinf Depot for transfer to infantry; MOS 901
Shaw, Robert T. Cpl 10thStaCompSq  
Shea, Charles E. M/Sgt 576th Per SO3150, 2Aug44, indefinite TD with 10th SCS for duty with Station Technical Inspector.Per SO#83, 14Apr45, TD to Sta 144 to inspect replacement aircraft.
Shealy, Aaron R. Pvt 577th MOS 747 = Airplane and Engine Mechanic
Sheely, I.A. S/Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Sheets, LeRoy Cpl 1287th MP Co Det A  
Shelley, Robert W. Pvt 579th MOS 747 = Airplane and Engine Mechanic - Bomber 13; Bomber 9; Bomber 4
Shelton, Cade Jr. Pvt 1217th QM Svc Gp 1217th QM Co - 1217th-QM-Co-AVN-May-1994 NEWS
Shelton, O.R. Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Shelton, Pete S. S/Sgt 577th assigned
Shenske     Trolley Passengers
Shepherd, Edward F. Cpl 577th  
Shepardson, Lee Pfc 10thStaCompSq  
Sheppard, Frank L. Pfc 576th MOS change from 745 to 521.Assigned per SO#57, 13Mar45, MOS P911.
Shepphard, E.P. Pvt   Trolley Passengers
Sherman M/Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Sherman, James D. Pvt 578th Airplane Mechanic
Sherman, Robert R. Sgt 577th  
Sherrard, Melton E. Pfc 577th Teletype Operator
Sherry, Donald J. Pvt 579th and 577th MOS 747 = Airplane and Engine Mechanic
Shine, Robert C. Cpl 10thStaCompSq  
Shinn, Lewis S. Pvt 577th, 578th, and 579th MOS 747 = Airplane and Engine Mechanic - 579th ground crew Sep 1980 2ADA Journal
Shirley Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Shockley, Robert O. Cpl 579th MOS 911 = Aiplane Armorer.According to the Report of Aircraft Accident, he received severe burns during the aircraft fire on 5Dec43.
Shoemake, William H. Pvt Gp Hq MOS 501 = Admin and Tech Clerk   Group Headquarters Photo
Shoemaker, William H. Cpl 10thStaCompSq  
Shooman, William Sgt 576th  
Shriber, David S/Sgt 578th assigned; MOS 938, AAF Gunnery Instructor, but not on any clls. Per SO#76, 5Apr45, placed on duty requiring regular and frequent aerial flights.
Shrum, Claude M. Sgt 10thStaCompSq  
Shufelt, Kenneth G. Admin NCO    
Shuff, Henry E. Pvt 577th MOS change from 521 to 932. Per SO#276, 28Dec44, TD for cletrac maint course. Per SO#19, 25Jan45, xferred to 12th Reinforcement Depot for xfer to infantry. MOS 932.
Shuttleworth, Byron T. Sgt 465th Sub-Depot MOS 501 = Administrative & Technical Clerk. Worked in Shipping and Receiving. - 465th SubDepot Personnel
Sidorewich, E. S/Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Siebles, Edward A. Cpl 578th 578th Tech Supply Clerk - 578th Ground Crewmen   Siebles, Mann, Cimmarusti   578th Tech Supply
Siebert, Vance L. T/Sgt   Per Feb88 news, was lead radio operator. After finishing missions 14Oct44, stayed at Wendling as a briefing assistant.
Siegfried, Joseph P. 2/Lt 576th and Gp Hq Per LFW, was Athletic Director.Per Spring 91 2ADA Journal, he was a former assistant to the famous Alonzo Stagg of the College of the Pacific. - 392nd Staff Officers 3May45   Football Team   Group Headquarters Photo
Sieradski, Edward A. Cpl 578th 578th Tech Supply Clerk - 578th Ground Crewmen
Sieradski, Edward R. Pvt 577th  
Sifuentes, Elias Pvt 579th MOS 521 = Airman Basic
Siggins M/Sgt 208th Fin Sec xferred into 208th on 24Feb44.
Sigler, Carl L. Pfc 1287th MPs reduced to Pvt for cause.
Sigman Sgt 208th Fin Sec  
Siler, Hubert Pfc   Trolley Passengers
Silicani, Albert A. Cpl 579th  
Simeral, Dean W. Sgt 579th Assigned; MOS 852.Flew to Bradley Field CT on 42-50390 per OO#1, 25May45; MOS 852.
Simmons, James T. Sgt 10thStaCompSq  
Simmons, R.L. Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Simon, E. Pfc   Trolley Passengers
Simpson, Grover C. Sgt Gp HQ MOS change from 405 to 237.
Sindel, Walter E. Pfc 578th MOS 747 = Airplane and Engine Mechanic - Walker and ground crew
Sink, James F. Pfc 577th MOS 911 = Airplane Armorer
Sinzinger, Howard F. M/Sgt 1825th Ord S&M Co Per LFW, was winner of 1stprize in the 8th AF Victory War Bond drawing, getting a 5 minute phone call to his parents in Westlake, Ohio.
Sioradzki, Edward R. Pvt 577th assigned, MOS 345
Sirios, Peter C. Pfc 579th MOS 911 = Airplane Armorer
Sites, William T. Pfc 10th SCS MOS change from 650 to 521.Per GO#3, 30May44, awarded the Good Conduct Medal.Per SO#152, 5Aug44, MOS change from 521 to 590.
Sizemore, Julian C. Cpl 578th Communications Clerk - 578th Sqdn Communications Section
Slabodnick, Joseph C. Pvt 576th Finished TD with 1287th MPs and returned to 576th.
Slack, Forrest J. Pvt 576th MOS 931 = Heavy Automotive Equipment Operator
Slade, Robert L. Cpl Gp Hq Group Headquarters Photo
Slee Jr, James N. 2/Lt 10thStaCompSq Flying Control Officer
Sleipness, Leonard M. Cpl 10thStaCompSq  
Slider, Earl R.,Jr. Pfc 578th Radio Mechanic - 578th Sqdn Communications Section
Sloan, Richard M. Cpl 578th Airplane Mechanic
Slohldier, R.H. S/Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Slusser, William H. Pvt 1217th QM Svc Gp  
Small, Winifred   American Red Cross First director of the American Red Cross Aeroclub at the 392nd. Photo was taken in the library of the 392nd's American Red Cross Aeroclub during its opening, Christmas Eve 1943. - Small, Jones, Schmidt
Smallwood, Guy P. Sgt 579th Trolley Passengers
Smarzik, Walter P. Pvt 577th MOS 747 = Airplane and Engine Mechanic
Smathers, Oda A. T/Sgt 579 assigned per 2BD.
Smeltzer, Joseph C. S/Sgt 579th  
Smiley, Earl H. Pfc 577th MOS 060 = Cook
Smith, Boyd E. Pvt 578th Trolley Passengers - MOS 929 = Automotive Equipment Operator
Smith, C.L. S/Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Smith, Carl G. Pvt 577th MOS 552 = Control Tower Operator
Smith, Clyde D. Cpl 578th Aircraft Sheet Metal Worker
Smith, D.G. Cpl   Trolley Passengers
Smith, Clyde D. Cpl 578th  
Smith, David W. Pfc 577th  
Smith, Floyd E. Pvt 578th MOS 747 = Airplane and Engine Mechanic
Smith, Irvine G. (CWS) 1/Lt Det "A" 806 Cml Co.  
Smith, J.N. T/Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Smith, John H. T/Sgt 10thStaCompSq  
Smith, John N. T/Sgt 10th SCS; 403rdASG Probably the T/Sgt Smith in the 403rd history who does the 6,000 mile inspections. Came as a replacement, from the Tank Corps, having earned a Purple Heart. Per SO#57, 13Mar45
Smith, Leonard S/Sgt 10thStaCompSq  
Smith, Laurence S. Cpl 577th  
Smith, Newton L. Jr. Pvt 577th MOS 060 = Cook
Smith, Robert W. Cpl 10thStaCompSq and 2101st FF Pl Crash Crew 10Mar44
Smith, Samuel R. Capt 577th 577th Operations Officer
Smith, Urban H. Pvt 577th MOS 678 = Power Turret Gunsight (Sperry)
Smith, Walter Pvt 578th assigned, MOS 345.Flew back to Bradley Field CT on 44-50568 per OO#1, 26May45; MOS 345.
Smith, Walter A. Pfc   A prisoner, was returned to 392nd by Pfc Max Greenberg per these orders.Smith = 39856382
Smithback, Claude O. Pfc 10thStaCompSq  
Snedden, John Cpl 10th SCS; 74th Svc Sq p2, xferred to 74th Svc Sqdn on 3Jan44 (per SO#2, 3Jan44). MOS 501
Snell, Douglas V. Cpl Gp HQ   Group Headquarters Photo
Snoden, Arthur G. 1/Lt   Trolley Passengers
Snograss, Lacy A. T/5 586th APU  
Snow Sgt 576th Tech. Supply
Sobotka, Richard J. Cpl 10th SCS, Gp HQ; Per 10th SCS history (p2) assigned to the 10th from Det "A" 317th Svc Gp for 392nd BG orders 14 Dec43 (SO91, 13Dec43). P4, went TD on 21Apr44. Per SO#215, 14Oct44, xferred from 10th SCS to GHPQ. MOS 405. Per SO#41, 22Feb45, TD to projectionists school. Awarded Good Conduct Medal per GO#2, 27Apr45.
Socha, Joseph C. Cpl 577th Airplane Electrical Mechanic, Specialist
Sokolowski, Charles Pfc 2101st FF Pl  
Soliz, Faustino Pfc 578th Munitions Worker
Soliz, Jose F. Pfc 578th Teletype Operator - 578th Sqdn Communications Section
Solonka, Stephen S/Sgt 10thStaCompSq  
Sommers, Frederick S. Sgt 10th SCS. MOS 501
Soper, Cecil R. Pfc 579th MOS 911 = Airplane Armorer
Soraka, S. Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Sorenson, Chris G. Pvt 10th SCS p2, put in confinement on 30thJan44 for misuse of govt vehicle on Christmas Eve. P3 on 2Apr44 went from confinement to duty upon completion of his sentence in the Guard House. "Pvt Sorenson was given a pass and is now happy with the world again." Per SO#73, 1May44, MOS change from 521 to 345. 39828407. Per SO#126, 5Jul44, reduced to Pvt for inefficiency. Per SO#195, 221Sep44, Maj Pennington aptd to investigate the facts and circumstances connected with his injuries and determine LOD status. Per SO#19, 25Jan45, xferred to 12th Reinf Depot for xfer to infantry; MOS 345
Sorlie, Morris E. T/5 1825th Ord S&M Co. MOS 501 = Administrative and Technical Clerk - Sorlie and Besselman
Soroka, Steve Sgt 10thStaCompSq  
Soutar, William W. S/Sgt 576th  
South, Robert P. Cpl 10thStaCompSq  
Souther, T.O. Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Spada     Trolley Passengers
Spader, Melvin R. Pfc 465th Sub-Depot p61, was transferred to the Infantry in Jan 45 [per SO#19, 25Jan45]. MOS 590
Spangler, John F. Cpl 579th Sent TD for 1wk General Hydraulics course. 33206318
Sparks, Bert S/Sgt 1287th MP Co Det A  
Spears, C.L. Cpl   Trolley Passengers
Spedden, Maynard E. Pfc 576th, Gp HQ assigned; MOS 055 = Clerk, General.Per SO#202, 30Sep44, transferred to GpHQ.Also released from assignment to AC and assigned to Med Dept.Per SO#14, 17Jan45, TD to Kings Lynn maintaining aid station.
Speerri, Felix T/Sgt 578th assigned.
Speilman, Otto F. Jr. Cpl 576th assigned, MOS 511
Spencer   576th 576th in 1943
Spencer, John R. Pvt 1217th QM Svc Gp Per May94 News, was a rail transportation specialist. - 1217th-QM-Co-AVN-May-1994 NEWS
Spencer, Orson Pvt 577th MOS 929 = Automotive Equipment Operator
Spencer, Richard E. 1/Lt 579th 579th Sq Communications Officer
Spengler, John J. Pvt 579th MOS 747 = Airplane and Engine Mechanic - 579th ground crew and El Lobo
Speral, D. Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Spiegel, Hyman Cpl 10thStaCompSq  
Spielman, Otto F. Jr. Cpl 576th assigned, MOS 511
Spilski, Joseph F. Pfc 1287th MP Co Det A Per Report of Aircraft Accident, on 24Aug44, he was aboard Niederriter's plane (41-29608) on an airspeed calibration mission when it had a taxiing accident.MP.
Spinelli, Gaetano Pfc 578th Flying Control Officer -   578th Sqdn Armament Section   Timmerman and Spinelli   Timmerman, Spinelli and Distefano    Personal Acct.
Spirt, John Pvt 576th MOS 911 = Airplane Armorer
Spitzer, Norman B. Pvt 576th MOS 747 = Airplane and Engine Mechanic.Per Capt Levell's roster, 576th Engineering Clerk.
Spivey, John R. Sgt 577th Per SO#90, 19May44, transferred from Air Corps to Medical Corps.
Spray, Asael C. Pfc 10th SCS MOS 521 = Airman Basic.Per GO#3, 30May44, awarded the Good Conduct Medal.
Sproviero, A.J. Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Squibb, William D. Cpl 10th SCS Per 10th SCS history (p2) assigned to the 10th from Det "A" 317th Svc Gp per 392nd BG orders 14 Dec 43 (SO91, 13Dec43). xferred to AAF Sta 115 on 3Jan44.
Squires, Edward L. (CWS) 1/Lt 806th Cml Co Det A Sta Chemical Officer
Staggs, Herman F. Sgt  th  
Stanford, Wilbur S. Jr. Sgt 10thStaCompSq Per Nov98 News, was a control tower clerk.He joined the 10SC in June 1943 at Shipdham and was transferred to Wendling soon after.    Sgts Stanford, Blum, Horton, Enlow   Individual photo   Individual photo   Individual photo  
Stanley, Warren T. Sgt   Per Report of A/C Accident, was crew chief for one of the planes involved in the kaspervik-Lembright collision.
Stanul, Anton J. Pvt 578th Drying Room
Starr, E. Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Starr, Harry G. Cpl 577th assigned, MOS 852
Stauder Jr, James B. Capt   trfd fm 578th to Gp Hq, aptd Asst Group Operations Ofcs (took Capt McFadden's place
Stauffer, Clyde Pfc 577th Transportation
Stchouwer, D.J. Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Steele, Benjamin P. Pfc 578th Airplane Armorer
Steele, Lealon W. Pfc 579th MOS change from 521 to 901
Steele, Raymond L. Pvt 579th MOS 060 = Cook
Steffen, Norman W. Sgt 578th MOS change from 807 to 805
Steimke, Thomas F. Cpl 577th In 577th Transportation - Individual photo
Steinbrenner, Otto G. 1/Lt Gp HQ attached
Steinhaus, Francis L. S/Sgt 10thStaCompSq  
Stensland, Ervin L. Sgt 10thStaCompSq and 2974th Fin Det Per LFW, Finance Clerk
Stepanovic, Michael Pfc 577th MOS 911 = Airplane Armorer.Per Aug97 News, was a bombsight mechanic.
Stephan, Charles R. Cpl 578th Radio Mechanic - 578th Sqdn Communications Section
Stephens, Oren C. Cpl 577th Chief Truckmaster - Individual photo
Stephenson, Evan S/Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Steponitis, Anthony J. Pvt 579th MOS 929 = Automotive Equipment Operator
Stevens, Emerson G. Cpl 465th Sub-Depot  
Stevens, Frederick D. 2/Lt 579th Per LFW, 579th Sq Supply Officer - Individual Photo
Stevens, Gerald Cpl 576th assigned, MOS 345
Stevens, Harry R. Pfc 10th SCS MOS change from 521 to 590.Per SO#39, 20Feb45, transferred to 12th Reinf Depot for transfer to infantry; MOS 590.
Stevenson, Thomas H. 2/Lt Gp Hq  
Stewart, Dale F. 2/Lt 577th Bombsight Maintenance Officer
Stewart, Thomas N. Pfc 578th MOS 060 = Cook
Stief, W.F. Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Stiens, Donald C. S/Sgt 577th MOS change from 854 to 866.Per SO#177, 2Sep44, placed on duty requiring regular and frequent aerial flights.
Stikeleather, William H. Pfc 10thStaCompSq  
Stiltier, F. Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Stoecker, David Pvt Det "A" 806th Cml Co. MOS changed from 345 (Truck Driver, Light) to 786 (Toxic Gas Handler)
Stockman, Harry S. Pvt 578th MOS 911 = Airplane Armorer - 578th Sqdn Armament Section   578th Armament   Stockman and Gyllenskog
Stockton, Myron R. Pvt 465th Sub-Depot; 10th SCS p5, orig mbr. MOS 932 = Special Vehicle Operator. Per SO#87, 7Dec43, xferred from 465th to 10th Station Complement Squadron. Per SO#11, 13Jan45, Maj Dilworth aptd to investigate facts and circumstances connected with his injuries and LOD status. Per SO#18, 23Jan45, so much of the unexecuted portion of the sentence adjudged against Stockton by SCM sentence promulated by SCM No. 99, this Hq, as pertains to restriction to the limits of this station, is rescinded. Per SO#19, 25Jan45, xferred to 12th Reinf Depot for xfer to infantry; MOS 932. Per GO#3, 30May44, awarded the Good Conduct Medal.
Stone Capt   Trolley Passengers
Stone, Clyde H. S/Sgt 576th  
Stone, Hal W. Cpl 579th  
Stone, M.E. Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Stone, Thomas B. Capt 576th 576th Flight Surgeon per Feb93 News - 576th Operations Officers
Stotts, L.H. S/Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Story, Wilton G. Pvt 577th MOS change from 521 to 590
Stover, Walter Sgt 465th Sub-Depot Attended a Packing and Crating school as that work would fall to them if the 465th was redeployed. - 465th Sub Depot photo #1
Stradford, Floyd C. Pfc 576th MOS 747 = Airplane and Engine Mechanic.Per Capt Levell's roster, 576th Ground Crew #4, "C" Flight.
Strahler, Paul J. Pfc 577th MOS 911 = Airplane Armorer
Stranc, Edward Pfc 1825th Ord S&M Per SO#39, 20Feb45, transferred to 12th Reinf Depot for transfer to infantry; MOS 050.Awarded Good Conduct Medal per GO#3, 30May44.
Stratton, John C. Pvt 806th Chem Co. transferred to 12th Reinf Depot for transfer to infantry; MOS 590
Strawa, John F. Pfc 576th MOS 754 = Radio Mechanic, AAF.Per SO#266, 17Dec44, TD for SCS-51 Equipment School.
Strayer, Leo G. Pfc 576th and 579th MOS = Airplane Armorer
Strigh, Kenneth E. Sgt 578th Indefinite TD with 10th SCS; released per SO#81, 11Apr45.
Strobie, William A. 1/Lt Gp HQ appointed Asst Gp S-3.
Stroheim, Walter E. S/Sgt 577th Per LFW, 577th Food Buyer.Store Room Clerk for Thanksgiving Dinner 1943
Strohmeyer, John E. Cpl 577th  
Stroyer, Leo G. Cpl    
Strueer, E.G.     Trolley Passengers
Strutton, John C. Pvt Det A, 806th Chem Co TD to Sta 153 for an indefinite period to operate the Sutton Walk Bombing Range.
Strzalka, Stanley J. Sgt 577th  
Strzok, Frank C. Pfc 577th in 577th transportation. ASN 36278294. Per SO#135, 18Jul44, MOS change from 521 to 345; TD to Drivers Maint School. Per SO#66, 23Mar45, xferred to 12th Reinf Depot for xfer to infantry; MOS 345.
Stuck, W.F. S/Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Sub, John Pvt 577th MOS 521 = Airman Basic.Per SO#96, 26May44, transferred to TDC No. 4 per SCMO No. 28 dtd 5/21/44
Sudia, Andrew Pfc 1825th Ord S&M Co  
Suedmeyer, William L. 1/Lt 586th APU ground officer roster 25Feb44 - Station Postal Officer; relieved by Eckerle on 14Mar44
Sulhra, M. Cpl   Trolley Passengers
Sulick, Chester   577th  
Sullivan 1/Lt   Trolley Passengers
Sumislawski, Michael A. Cpl 576th Munitions Worker
Summerford, Clarence J. Cpl 578th assigned; MOS 854
Summers, George J. Pvt 577th MOS 345 = Truck Driver, Light
Sunray, Bernard Pvt 578th Airplane Armorer
Supko, Edward A.   Gp Hq Awarded the good Conduct Medal per SO#99, 28Dec43. Flew to Bradley Field CT per OO#1, 25May45; MOS 405.   Group Headquarters Photo
Supple W.F. Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Surdacki, T.D. Cpl   Trolley Passengers
Susen, Felix W.   Gp Hq Officers
Svihra, Martin Cpl 578th T/S Clerk
Swan Sgt 403rdASG per 403rd history, a ready man in the Control Tower
Swan, L.E.     Trolley Passengers
Swangren, Roy Capt 579th Squadron Navigator; killed in action on 22Mar45
Swasey, Edward C. Pfc 10th SCS Per 2BD SO 63, 4Mar44, xferred to 326th SCS, Sta 143. Mos 405
Sweeney, Marion L. Pfc 579th MOS 911 = Airplane Armorer
Sweet, Sidney Cpl 10th, 579th transferred from 10th to 579th.MOS 409 = Medical technician.Per SO#90, 19May44, transferred from Air Corps to Medical Corps, 579th.Per SO#172, 28Aug44, MOS 666.
Swensgard, Allan C. Pvt 1287th MP Det Per SO#3, 5Jan44, transferred to the Disciplinary Training Center per General Court Martial Order No. 98, HQ VIII Bomber Cmd. 39178204. Repeated in SO#21, 2Feb44.
Swenson, Paul E. 2/Lt 579th Bombsight Maintenance Officer
Swick, Wayne C. Pvt 578th MOS 521 = Airman Basic
Swift, Jack W. 1/Lt Gp Hq Assistant Flying Control Officer
Switzer, James W. Pvt 579th and Gp Ord MOS 504, ordnance worker.Awarded the Soldier's Medal for heroic actions 5Dec43
Sydleman, Theodore B. Sgt 10th SCS. MOS 747
Sylvester, Noble A. T/5 1826th Ord S&M Co. Automotive Equipment Mechanic
Szenegeto, Joseph 1/Lt 578th TTD to A/S rescue school; replaced Schildknecht as ASR Officer.
Sziga, Arthur Pfc 465th Sub Depot Placed on SD with 1287th MPs.
Szyjewski, Chester W. Cpl 806th Chem Co. TD for rocket launcher and grenadelauncher course.Awarded Good Conduct Medal per GO#2, 27Apr45.
Szymkowicz, Walter Pvt Gp Hq and 1287th MP Co Det A MOS 590 = Laborer
Szyskwski, C.W. Cpl   Trolley Passengers