392nd Bomb Group


Many of the photographs on the links were compiled from the 392nd Memorial Association archives by the late Ernie Barber, group archivist and the 392nd 2nd Generation researchers from relatives and loved ones. They are intended to be viewed for private use and not to be published without written consent from one of the 392nd BGMA researchers. You may contact them through our questions form (leaving airman form boxes empty).Click here for the form.  We continue to update this section on a weekly basis with additional information and photos.

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Additional selections can be found at the bottom of this page.
Name Rank Unit Comments Photo
Jackowski, Charles Sgt 10th SCS Trolley Passengers - p15, played on 10th's winning football team 1943. Per 2BD SO 63, 4Mar44, xferred to 326th SCS, Sta 143. Mos 261
Jackson T/Sgt 576th 576th Crew Chief #42-50650
Jackson, Claud K. Pvt 578th Cook
Jackson, Joseph J. M/Sgt 576th Flew to Bradley Field CT on 42-94912 per OO#1, 25May45, MOS 750; crew chief.
Jackson, John N.C. Sgt 10thStaCompSq  
Jackson, Karl E. Capt 403rdASG head of station utilities. His men all swear by him and rate him as the ‘best damn officer’ on this post. Coming from those who usually find themselves doing the nastiest details on this base is indeed a very fine and high rated compliment.
Jackson, LeRoy Pvt Gp Hq MOS 521 = Airman Basic, Non-Specialist   Group Headquarters Photo
Jacobs, Allen C. Pvt 579th MOS 747 = Airplane and Engine Mechanic.Awarded the Soldier's Medal for heroic actions on 5Dec43.While serving as fireguard, he saw #42-7556 catch fire and while running toward the plane, he met a man who was on fire (probably Cpl Shockley).He smothered the flames with his jacket and then took him to a nearby water hole and completely extinguished his clothing.
Jacobson, Charles H. Pvt 578th Switchboard Operator; per LFW, Radio Operator.Aug96 News said he was in the 578th communications section, arriving at Wendling 15Jan44. - 578th Sqdn Communications Section   Individual Photo
Jacobson, Harold N. Pfc 1217th QM Svc Gp 392, 21Jul44 - 1217th QM Co (AVN), May 1994 NEWS p1, original mbr of 1217th. TD to London. Per p4 1217th history, was xferred in Mar45 to 12th Replacement Depot for Infantry Training [per SO#66, 23Mar45, MOS 835]. Per GO#6, 7Sep44, awarded the Good Conduct Medal.
Jacobson, Lawrence D. Cpl Gp Hq MOS 867 = Radar Mechanic, Bombardment  RCM & H2X Radar Men
Jacobus, Charles E. Sgt 578th MOS 824 = Mess Sergeant
Jado, Joseph S. Pvt 577th MOS 050 = Carpenter (Construction)
Jaffe, Harold S/Sgt Gp Hq MOS 867 = Radar Mechanic, Bombardment  RCM & H2X Radar Men
Jaime, Pilar A. Pfc 10thStaCompSq  
Jakubik, Frank A. Cpl 10thStaCompSq  
Jakusik, Edward P. Sgt 576th Turret Section
James   579th 579th ground crew and 670
James, Benjamin A. Pvt   Per 2BD SO 138, 18May44, MOS 521, transferred to 467th BG.
James, Fairfax R. Pfc 1825th Ord S&M Co  
James, Ralph E. Sgt 576th MOS 747 = Airplane and Engine Mechanic - Individual Photo   Ralph James in front of Ski Nose
James S/Sgt   Trolley Passengers
James, William R. Sgt Gp Hq Operations Clerk
Janecek, Clarence F. Cpl 579th assigned; MOS 658.Flew to Bradley Field CT on 42-50650 per OO#1, 25May45; MOS 970.
Janeczek, John P. S/Sgt 10thStaCompSq  
Jankowski, Chester Pvt 579th MOS 747 = Airplane and Engine Mechanic - Individual Photo
Janosik, Patrick S. Pvt Gp Hq MOS 590 = Laborer
Janosik, Stephen P. Pvt 10th SCS Per SO#39, 20Feb45, transferred to 12th Reinf Depot for transfer to infantry; MOS 590.
Januszewski, Joseph J. Pvt 576th MOS 504.Per Capt Levell's roster, 576th Ordnance Section Crew Chief
Jaroscak, Richard S/Sgt 576th Trolley Passengers - MOS change from 860 to 852. Returned to Bradley Field CT aboard 42-50297 per OO#1, 25may45; MOS 852.
Jarvis M/Sgt 577th Crew Chief for #42-95040, Silver Streak - Cohn crew in front of Silver Streak
Jarvis, Otis E. Pfc 577th MOS 747 = Airplane and Engine Mechanic
Jeandron, Gilbert J. Sgt 576th Transportation - Released from SD with 1287th MPs and returned to own unit.14059669.Per SO#186, 12Sep44, MOS change from 521 to 055.
Jeffers, Robert Pvt 578th MOS 555 = Aircraft Sheet Metal Worker - Jeffers, Finch and Mehl
Jenkins, C.E. S/Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Jenkins, Harold L. Pvt 578th  
Jenkins, Kelvin O. Pfc 577th Airman Basic
Jenkins, Raymond D. Cpl 579th  
Jensen, Arthur H. Sgt 578th TD to pers equip school. 578th Parachute Rigger.Per Aug 91 News, worked in the drying room taking care of personal flying equipment and parachutes
Jensen, Grant H. Pfc 392nd MOS 747, airplane mechanic, transferred from 467BG. B5339
Jensen, Morres H. Cpl 579th Relieved as Medical Technician, reassigned as Medical Section Leader. - Medics
Jensen, William C. Pvt 579th MOS 747 = Airplane and Engine Mechanic.Later transitioned to the 390th, a B17 unit. - Individual Photo
Jensen, William J. Pfc 578th Cook
Jewell, Bob Sgt   Per Birdie Schmidt's memoirs, he provided musical accompaniment to the Aeroclub's 1st anniversary celebration, 23Dec44.
Jewett, Russell W. Pfc 10th SCS MOS change from 521 to 060.Per SO#39, 20Feb45, transferred to 12th Reinf Depot for transfer to infantry,MOS 060.
Jick, L.E. S/Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Jillapoll     576th in 1943
Jirel Jr, Dock Sgt 578th Welder, Combination - Carrying Flag at Alamogordo
Joachim, Walter F. Capt 578th 578th Sq Bomb Officer
Joandron, Gilbert J. Sgt 576th MOS 521 = Airman Basic
Jobson Jr, Walter P. 1/Lt 10thStaCompSq Watch Officer
Johandes, W.J. Pfc   Trolley Passengers
Johanson, Robert L. Cpl 403d Hq & Base Serve Sq ASG MOS changed from 932 Special Vehicle Operator to 144.Per LFW, assigned to 10thStaCompSq Per 403rd history: the chief painter (and bottle washer?) for the motor pool. He paints all the vehicles on the station and is noted for some of the fancy work he has done with a spray gun. He actually makes that gun of his talk. He keeps the vehicles well coated with paint and proper lettering.
Johns, Joseph L. Jr. Pfc Transportaion/td> MOS change from 504 to 521.Assigned per SO#50, 5Mar45, MOS P345
Johnson Capt 577th 577th Sq Engineering Officer
Johnson, Aubrey Sr. Pfc 1287th MP Co Det A  
Johnson, Arthur J. Cpl Gp Hq MOS 867 = Radar Mechanic, Bombardment  RCM & H2X Radar Men
Johnson, B.   465th Sub-Depot 465th Sub Depot photo #1
Johnson, Donald C. Pvt 576th MOS 521 = Airman Basic
Johnson, Earl J. Pvt 578th MOS = 590 (Laborer); was xferred to the 12th Reinforcement Depot for xfer to the infantry. Per SO#239, 13Nov44, released from 1287th MPs and sent back to unit. Per SO#164, 18Aug44, MOS change from 521 to 590. Had been a member of 2/Lt Waugh's crew. Injuries suffered during crash 4jan44 kept him from returning to combat status.
Johnson, Edward J. Pvt SO#17, 10Apr43 MOS 747 = Airplane and Engine Mechanic
Johnson, Hazel 1/Lt 110th Station Hospital Nurse - McBride Wedding Party
Johnson, John A. Jr. Sgt 577th  
Johnson, John M. Cpl 10thStaCompSq  
Johnson, Karl E. Capt 10thStaCompSq Sta Utilities Officer and Sta Agricultural Officer
Johnson, Karl J. Pvt 578th  
Johnson, Lorin Col   Individual photo
Johnson, Lawrence A. T/5 1825th Ord S&M Co  
Johnson, Marlin C. Pvt    
Johnson, N.B. T/4   Trolley Passengers
Johnson, Nevin J. Cpl 10thStaCompSq Stowed away on mission and was Killed In Action on 18 Sep 44.  Had just been approved for assignment to a paratroop unit and was scheduled to ship out in a few days.   Individual photo
Johnson, Norman R. Capt 577th 577th Sq Engineering Officer
Johnson, Richard V. T/Sgt 465th Sub-Depot Trolley Passengers
Johnson, Robert A. 2/Lt Gp Hq Asst Gp Statistical Officer
Johnson, Rolland C. Sgt 465th Sub-Depot 465th SubDepot Personnel
Johnson, Sit Sgt 579th MOS=137.Per SO#182, 7Sep44, TD for AML Bomb teacher school.Flew to Bradley Field CT on 42-50650 per OO#1, 25May45; MOS 137.
Johnson, William E. Pfc 1287th MP Co Det A  
Johnston, Harold W. Sgt 579th MOS 911 = Airplane Armorer
Johnston, Howard D. Cpl 10thStaCompSq  
Jones, Ames T. Cpl 577th  
Jones, Charles H. Cpl 465th Sub Depot MOS 929 = Automotive Equipment Operator - 465th Sub Depot photo #2   Cletracs Basketball Team 1944
Jones, Charles M. Cpl 10thStaCompSq  
Jones, Connell Pfc 577th MOS 501 = Admin and Tech Clerk
Jones, D. Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Jones, Dallet Civ American Red Cross 1st American Red Cross Field Director at the 392nd. Photo was taken in the library of the 392nd's American Red Cross Aeroclub during its opening, Christmas Eve 1943. - Small, Jones, Schmidt
Jones, Duard L. Pfc 10thStaCompSq 465th Sub Depot, 403rd ASG. In comments, add "MOS 932 = Special Vehicle Operator. might be the Pfc Jones on p69 of the 465th Sub Depot history who worked in the welding shop. Might be the "Pfc D. Jones who hails from spacious Texas where he picked up his grease moneky technique"; worked in the lubrication shop of the motor pool."
Jones, Evans W. Pvt 579th MOS 931 = Heavy Automotive Equipment Operator
Jones, Fred Pvt Gp Hq MOS 590 = Laborer
Jones, Futrell C. Pvt 576th MOS 756 = AAF Radio Operator and Mechanic
Jones, Gardiner B. Jr S/Sgt 74th Svc Sq; 10th SCSdn & Gp HQ Per SO#67, 1Nov43, reduced to Pvt without prejudice, then promoted to Sgt. p3, xferred to 392nd BG HQ on 25Feb44 from 10thSCS
Jones, George R. 1/Lt 403rdASG xferred to 403rd fm Old buckenham. Good account in the 403rd history of his duties
Jones, Glenn W. Pvt 578th MOS 747 = Airplane and Engine Mechanic
Jones, Gordon S. 1/Lt Gp Hq Having been assigned to 392 per Hq 2BD dtd 12 Aug, is assigned to Gp Hq. Per 25Feb44 ground roster, Asst Gp Photo Officer. Per 2BD SO 107, 17Apr44, transferred to 492nd BG   Group Headquarters Photo
Jones, Henry J. Sgt 10thStaCompSq  
Jones, LeRoy Cpl 578th 578th RUO - Baird, Vidra & Jones
Jones, Llewellyn Cpl 579th  
Jones, Louis A. Cpl 577th Radio Operator, AAF
Jones, Nixon J.E. Jr. S/Sgt 576th assigned.
Jones, P. Sgt   Football Team
Jones, Paul E. Pvt 577th MOS 931 = Heavy Automotive Equipment Operator
Jones, R.L. T/Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Jones, Roy M. Sgt 577th  
Jones, Thomas R. T/Sgt 465th Sub-Depot  
Jones, Walter C. Sgt Gp Hq and 578th  
Jones, Wilbert H. Sgt 10th SCS  
Jones, Wilton T. Sgt 10th SCS MOS 566
Jordan, Louis C. Cpl 578th assigned; MOS 853
Jordan, Ralph W. Jr. M/Sgt 465th Sub-Depot MOS = 502, Administrative Noncommissioned Officer. Was transferred from the Stock Record Section to the Shipping and Receiving Dept - 465th Sub Depot photo #1   465th SubDepot Personnel
Jordon, F. S/Sgt   Trolley Passengers
Jorgenson     Bomber 4
Jose, Dean R. Sgt 578th 578th Switchboard Operator; per LFW, Radio Mechanic - 578th Sqdn Communications Section
Journey, Don E. Cpl 578th assigned; MOS 852
Jowers, Warren L. Pfc 576th TD for drivers maint course. Assigned per SO#50, 5Mar45, MOS 345. Per SO#80, 10Apr45, MOS change from 521 to 345.
Joyce Cpl 208th Fin Sec 14Mar44. Took off on furlough. Returned from furlough; transferred to the 11th Finance Disbursing Section at AAF Sta 123 on 18Mar44.
Joyce, F.W. Cpl   Trolley Passengers
Joyce, R.R. Pvt   Trolley Passengers
Joyce, Richard T. Pvt 577th MOS changed from 478 (Flight Engineer) to 53 (Airman Basic)
Joyce, Wayne S/Sgt 10thStaCompSq Cletracs Basketball Team 1944
Juarez, Jose O. Pfc 10th SCS transferred to 12th Reinf Depot for transfer to infantry; MOS 809.Per GO#3, 30May44, awarded the Good Conduct Medal.
Jube     Trolley Passengers
Julian, William J. Cpl   MOS 620 = Parachute Rigger and Repairman
Julien, Ray A. 1/Lt 577th 577th Sq Ordnance Officer - Ordnance Officeres 14 July 44   Individual photo
Jurkas, Frederick J. Pfc 10th SCS Reduced to Pvt for inefficiency.Per SO#19, 25Jan45, transferred to 12th Reinf Depot for transfer to infantry; MOS 590.Per GO#3, 30May44, awarded the Good Conduct Medal.Per SO#152, 5Aug44, MOS change from 521 to 590.
Justice, John F. Pfc 10th SCS Txferred from Det A 317 Svc Sq to 10th SCS per SO91, 13Dec43. MOS 055. xferred to AAF Sta 115 on 3Jan44.